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Sep 2014 · 439
beautiful, she was.
beautiful, she was
with a light that
shined throughout her
captivating even the
slightest of souls
beautiful, she was
with a light that
shined throughout her
captivating even the
slightest of souls

this light was
something that many
only saw a glimpse of

(and) those few who
shattered the wall of glass
saw a part of her that
could not be described

but, just like any light
one day
it must come to an end;
dim, dull, and burnt out

and that day -for her-
came earlier than most
but, God, for those
moments that her light
shined the brightest
she was beautiful
Jul 2014 · 372
The 22nd of July.
she has a smile that can
even the slightest of

she is one who posses
the kindest of hearts
which overflows with
love and compassion.

her friendship is worth more
than an abundance of
diamonds and jewels,
and can stretch farther
than the width of the sea.

what a pleasure it has been,
but also continue to be,
to love and be loved
by her.
Jul 2014 · 359
not okay..
"I'm fine." she said.
as her soul was drowning.
slowly sinking
and deeper
till the point of return
was no longer in sight.

she laughed at the
slightest ease
attempting to muffle the
screams of hell
that were escaping
inside her.

showcasing her
fake smile so often
that you wouldn't
be able to tell
the difference
between them.

forcing her way into
false realities
trying to tame
the insanity
of the world around her;
the world inside her.

"I'm fine." she said
wishing that in
some way,
some day,
that one person
would acknowledge
that she is certainly
not okay..
Jul 2014 · 987
the stories untold.
shackled away
are the true emotions
all the sad,
drunken realities
of the stories untold.
Jul 2014 · 603
I should have known.
I should have known
that every smile,
every laugh,
and every joke
was just some false representation.

I should have known
that when you looked at me
it was just a simple, and brief

I should have known
that I was not someone
who could experience lust
in the way that those
other girls did.  

I should have known
I was only temporary
that even though for those
few moments
when we were inseparable
in the end, for you,
it was like it never happened.  

I should have known
that as soon as
someone better,
someone prettier,
someone more worthwhile
came along,
I would be forgotten.

now I know..

— The End —