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Jun 2014 · 289
who is me?
jasmine griffin Jun 2014
Ask me who I am
But I dont know,
"Who is me?"
Am I, the girl
My mother praises
Me to be-
Or am I the girl
The boy in my
Math class sees?
Am I the girl
I am with
My best friend-
Or am I the girl
I become at
3 am?
Am I the girl
With the
Pretty smile
Or am I the girl
With the
Obnoxious grin?
Am I the nice,
Quiet girl in
My sixth hour
Or the girl
On my team
That just hates
Not to win?
Am I the
**** girl
I saw in the
Dressing stall-
Or the awkward,
Lanky girl
From the
Mirror at
The mall?
Its been hard
To find out
"Who is me?"
Because it feels
like through
Every different
Eye, is another
Girl I'd see

— The End —