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JDG Dec 2013
There's nothing left for me
in this town.
Nothing to left to do
but drown
in hopelessness
and thoughts of you.

I know what I have to do.
JDG Dec 2013
Give me wings, I'll fly away
into a blood red setting sun
and wake up in a better place
beyond the horizon.
Away from all the fear and doubt
and all the things I've said and done;
far from sadness, hurt, and wars
with demons that I haven't won;
I'll find a peace I've never known,
something from which I'll never run.
Just give me wings, I'll fly into
that blood red setting sun.
JDG Dec 2013
Three days ago,
we were together.
It was the most beautiful day of my life.
We got high.
We laughed in the shower.
We made love, twice.
We watched movies.
I held you, and you held me.
But, a strange feeling in my heart
coupled with a sickness in my stomach
told me you were only there
to share one last day with me
because you'd be leaving soon.
Now, today, you're gone.
JDG Dec 2013
I see a path
of golden light in front of me;
gonna follow it
to where and who I'll be.
Deep inside of me
lies everything I'll need.
JDG Nov 2013
I'm lost where no one goes;
a place that no one knows;
the black hole of my mind,
and you will never find
JDG Nov 2013
Wishing I could
set off in flight
into the sky.
Become a streak of light,
travel so far,
and marry the stars.
Leave all the troubles I find
on this earth behind.
JDG Nov 2013
Thought I'd crawl into bed
with my bottle of whiskey,
but it just doesn't keep me
as warm as you did.
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