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3.2k · Feb 2010
Jara Jones Feb 2010
Stayed up all night by candle light
To make sure it didn't burn down the house.
1.8k · Jun 2010
So...Fuck me then?
Jara Jones Jun 2010
So... I guess I'll just walk away
We obviously aren't going to see eye to eye
So...I guess I'll just smile and say
"Well, **** me then."
Nods all around and that just goes to show
I guess I really don't know
So...******* then?
I think you're ideas are silly
And I could have done everything you've every done much better
I laugh when I think about the time I wasted for you
So...**** who then?
It's my fault but I have to make a living
Even though I'll be written off right away
I'll go and try anyway to make something of my day
I think I always knew I wasn't cut out for this
So...**** this then
It's just too easy to get into a groove
Just scraping by, and by the time it's over I'm way too tired
And that's why we'll rarely progress to anything better
So... **** us then
I don't think you respect yourself
I don't respect myself
I don't respect anything much
Respect is for the sunrising and setting and that's it
So...For God sake
1.6k · Sep 2010
Disillusionment sucks big.
Jara Jones Sep 2010
I had something special
Once upon a time
I held her dear
Once upon a time
I made us one
Once upon a time
And then the fight begun

Rough roads
Rocky tumbles
The split began with a tear
and one by one
The inches divided
Inches, to miles, to years

Now we pretend to be tender
We treat each other with care
But in the back of my mind
The sirens still blare
They scream away the warnings
I should have heeded long ago
No, I know more
Now then before
And I use my knowledge so clear

You're all filled up with God knows what
You wanna dump it out, just to pick it back up
A pack rat of emotion
A dealer of brokens
Be it hearts
Be it promises
Be it *****
You don't care
As long as you get to be heard

All to make it one way
So you can yearn for the alternative
Promising to make it come
But you know it's not true
Change the world
The one in your head
And demand the rest to do the same
When reality strikes
And you know you're not right

A fictional vision
Of the world you live in
What you thought it would be
Disillusionment ***** big.
1.2k · Sep 2010
Panic Attack
Jara Jones Sep 2010
I'm drowning
I'm scared
I'm desperate
Need air
Getting dizzy
Getting numb
Loosing sight
Crying for no one
Clenching teeth
Broken lips
Eyes of panic
Shaking out of control
Going crazy
Losing my grip
Taste the frozen
Take it slow
1.0k · Feb 2010
I'm a paradox
Jara Jones Feb 2010
I'm sleepy
But not sleeping
But not cheating
But not lost
But not the cost
But not glad
But not sad
But not far
But not a liar
But not hopeful
But not soulful
But not mad
But not bad
With you
But still so alone
In my room
But so far from home

I'm a paradox
Wrapped in straight talk
851 · Feb 2010
Drug War: The Battle
Jara Jones Feb 2010
Shooting for that line
Between skin and bone
That'll get the gears turning like new

But the fuels running shy
Before the finish line
I swore we had enough at high noon

Now the suns going down
The shops are closed
I hope we find our way back soon

But what we don't know just might **** us
We've been stopped by the Devils smooth moves

Some eyes are sharp
Some heads are dropping back
And I'm caught in between the two

With the rig pulling out
I start my count
And keep walkin cause there's nothing left to do

The feelings mystic
But I think I'm getting sick
The grounds spinning round my boots

So hold me down while I'm taking off
Lend a friend a helping hand
Keep me up over the next few bumps
Feels like I'm walking in sand

If you swallow that, friend
It just might **** ya
Don't go mixing up the reds and the blues

The time will come
When the land will rise
And the sky will fall down to your shoes

If I'm here that day when the fighting ends
I still think peace will hard to find

Cause they don't know what they're fighting for
So the real wars all in the mind
823 · Feb 2010
2/12/10 1:50AM
Jara Jones Feb 2010
Translating life threw an empty wine bottle
Putting it all into words that collide and fall out
And spill all over the page

Ground-out cigarette buts and a newly lite one
The 'click click' of the type writer
It's sounding more like a loaded gun
Only one more 'Bing' until the triggers set off

Because I can't keep up this craft much longer
A useless pilot, slept threw class
But passed with honors
I'll be crashing now, ditching out
I suggest you all follow

I hear them yell 'no!'
I know this waters cold
Can't find the plug
To break this frigged flow

Better off tomorrow when the sun shines
To dive down deep and gather dimes
Slip them in the slot to give us more time
Until the clock runs out
The curtains draw across of my eyes

Shut, you're drowning out the violence
From the stick up kids, who used to play the violins
Traded in for prescriptions, please
Make me normal Saint MD

Or at least give me something I could use
To make a little cash on those streets
The ones I kick it on at night
But I think I hit it to hard
I think I blew out the light
815 · Feb 2010
Peering Through Teeth
Jara Jones Feb 2010
You're peering through your teeth at me
I can feel your hostility
And it makes me want to wait and see
Just what this has got to mean
Because I know just how sharp your tongue can be
But you're so busy glaring don't know if you can speak
And I'll walk by a time or three
Give plenty a-opportunity
To make me wanna slink away and drink
Until you go away or sink
Under my inebriation
And I'm loosing patience
Oh it makes me wanna
Just makes me wanna
Catch a glance out of the corner of my eye
Blurred and slurred, tonight we're not shy
March right up, the stumbling guy
Who says what's what and tells no lie
Thou in the morning he'll puke and cry
Not to recall a single line
Of the enlightenment turned apology
Awkwardly suggesting to the possibly offended
A bridge carelessly burnt, now work to be mended
But no matter the time spent or handy-work used
It will always hold a tired look, abused
If not one thing the another
If not speaking clearly then a stutter
And shaking with little tremmers
Caused by lifes over anxious cues
To speak up a little louder, perhaps with out the *****
But we all know that can't be
So I sit in a corner
In my hostility I stew
Peering through my teeth at you
770 · Feb 2010
Shameless Dilutions of Self
Jara Jones Feb 2010
Shamelessly self-promoting
Only makes me
That much more
To all the people
I don't know

Delusion of grandeur
Help me out
When they don't
Illusions of my life
Just might

Senseless self-entrapment
Entitles me
To one call
On the phone
To hear a voice
That's not my own
720 · Sep 2010
Dark cloud on the horizon
Jara Jones Sep 2010
You're a dark cloud on the horizon
The rain drops on my head
You brighten my day in the darkest way
But the sun will come again

You left before things beginning
And now your gone again

You can say what you'd like
But we both know where it stands
You told me what you wanted
I gave you what I had

Can you tell me with honesty
You lost your faith in man

I don't know why you're doing this
I guess its just got to be done
Now it's time to hit the road
Now that you've had your fun

It was a day like any other
But that quickly changed
You brighten my day in the darkest way
I guess it's all the same

Another day is on the way
The light will come again
Jara Jones Apr 2010
She thought she thinks she knew me
what a joke.
I guess that's
the worst of the worst
of the best.
That's the Best part.
Because it's a game really
always has been, make no mistake.

I know you want to,
but what you got to understand
is I was never like you.
Not in that way. Not the way
You thought, wished
and wanted to believe.

I was I were I am
I felt bad, or so I made you think
For what?
Well God I don't know.
It will be you who feels it too
when we get to the end of the show.

To be honest,
I kind of like this.
Sitting on the bus trying to get home.

The drama burns
like a shot of alcohol,
but just sit back
wait for the soothing
And blurring of the
walls in the halls where you're bound to pass out for now.
If you can't keep up
then keep your eyes closed.
It will all be over soon enough
or so you tell yourself.

In reality we both know how it'll go
Now listen up at the start
or you'll never hear
the part everyone needs
to perceive the theme in full

You say you don't care
I've heard that line before
Knowledge is your stain
a lie to the truth is a lie all the same
So why don't you cave?
Do you got something to prove?
And why do you cry
when you sit alone
with no one to talk to?
Haven't you heard, silence is golden?

The pawn shop doesn't take metaphors
So tonight we both walk home on an empty belly
And an empty bottle
Let me tell you,

I've met so many people
just like us.
Star crossed and lost
that's where you get
when you try to use astronomy to navigate

You circumvent to lose the fact
you can't tell east
from west
from north
from hell

So sit quiet and keep your mouth still
If you can't comply I think we got a pill
544 · Feb 2010
Down Three Floors
Jara Jones Feb 2010
I would take
From you
All I could
Carry out the door

If what you had
Was worth carrying
Down three floors
541 · Feb 2010
Stay Human
Jara Jones Feb 2010
So can you blame me?
I'm weak, I'm lost
I know these things

But you never will find me staring so blankly
Into red and blue lines all telling me where to go and where to be
I've burnt down every house that has offered me warmth
I have burnt up everyone who has ever offered me love

And now, here I am
Less then I was before
Drawing circles in the dirt
Dripping with worry
Dying to say one last thing to you

I know it will never be said
I know it will never be heard
But the trials of a man, of a child
Must continue on

I am sorry
I am scared
I have tried so hard
I tried, and I lost

Sick and brutal juvenile contempt
I love you
But that's nothing
I know

Nothing but a matter of life and death

So to anyone out there that still gives a ****
And to you
The only one
For finding what little there was left and draining it

Thank you.

Stay Human.
Jara Jones Sep 2010
If you wanna lose weight, go ahead
You can eat your problems
If you wanna tempt fate, go ahead
You can eat your lies
As bitter as they are
As poison as they come
Whatever it takes to survive.
514 · Jun 2010
Keep me above water
Jara Jones Jun 2010
Tell me what you see
When the lights are out
And it was only you and me
Tell me what did you see
When you looked into my eyes

Keeping above water
But I don't know how to float
Now my worlds flooding
And I don't have a boat

Tell me the truth like you used to
Tell me what's changed since I last knew you
Whats happened to my memories?
They're not mine
I must be someone else
I don't recognize that man
When I face my reflected self

Keep me above water
If you got an extra hand
My worlds freezing
And I don't have a coat

What's happened to my life
It's caught up in these lies
Believe what you want to
What am I gonna say?
We can still have our own lives
Intersecting everyday

Keeping above water
Is the only way around
My worlds growing darker
I'll just take my time to drown
511 · Dec 2015
Melt Ramblings
Jara Jones Dec 2015
Well everybody's thinking
They're the ones that know
And everybody's knowing
They're the ones to show

Well I can see
So don't try to tell me
You got some kind of line
To the other side
Where it's too green
To be good
And so free
The prisons are in ruins

I heard all the people
Talking to the preacher
I followed where they're going
Until I met a teacher
He told me many thing
He taught me very few
I asked, "Which road shall I travel?"
He said "That's only for you."

I've paid in my dues
And I've returned my keys
To the resting places of my fathers
Now the wind on my face
The dust at my feet
To choose the direction to follow

I'll ask now again
As I think the timings fair
Please, won't you tell me?
When the map was lost back with the compass
To escape this broke down place
The direction I travel...
Which way may I find grace?

The times are getting heavy
And the rains are coming steady
So I'll pick my hole to crawl in
Moving on with the weather
For worse or for better
Just as long as my health allows
474 · Aug 2012
Jara Jones Aug 2012
I haven't been asleep in two God ****** days
In every dream I have
I die in too many God ****** ways
And it never is enough to stay in one place
So I get out to kick the ground at least once a day

Nothings come to me in the night
At least nothing I care to explain
With everyone I've loved, I still fight
I can't help but bring the rain
Told time to stop cause it's only bringing pain

And, now I'm caught
Up, in this society
Of, people looking out for me
Still, I can't seem to break away
Leaving some dust clouds in my place

The ground is moving, must still be in this race
I wanna call it off,
I'll throw the white flag just to slow the pace
And empty a glass at the end of the day
Cross my fingers to pass out in the bay

Gods got a grave already dug for me
So let me live large
To fill all that negative space
I'd rather be in charge
Just too call off the rest of the day
450 · Feb 2016
Jara Jones Feb 2016
Good luck to all and everyone here
Because reaching for the stars was never quite clear
No title or description, just a three word mission

More like a word of advice
"Don't get hurt" and watch yourself slide
Everything I got show over your head
Going to look for it may render you dead

So just keep right there sitting
With that blank look on your face
Like someone somewhere will help
You finish the race

And all I can say is God speed
And God bless and watch out for that hallow design
When you tread with heavy feet,
Mind the signs

"Watch your step" "thin ice" "There's a bump in the road"
All put up to help you get where you need to go

But those thoughts weigh more
Then you were expecting to believe
And you'll never make up the ground
You don't even have a place to stand

No little place to call your own
No place to warm your feet
Or lift you off of the street
Or give you a pause to call it home

Just a "Do me one better" and a
"forgive her or forget her"
Or a cross over the heart and
A promise from the blind
That you'll get your wits back in due time
And keep the things the way they aught to be

This status quo **** so quickly taught to me,
Talking too fast to have time to disagree
So I'll just stay here with the ink left in my pen
Let it bleed out with the stories that it wants to send

I'll open up- Read the lines behind the black, poured out like that.
Because I'm manic in a moment
A loose cannon you might say
One brick shy and two minutes too late

Tastelessly obsessed with a new kind of mess
Tangled up, twisted and lost in total direst
Blank minded thoughts and directionless flaunts
Point me the way back to the west

New aged grooves are the next big thing
Too poor-a boy to buy my baby a diamond ring
So I'll just sit here to pass the time
Write my stories to explain the rhyme

The situation to fill up my gut with complication
A matter of patience, prefaced with-
I do not possess
A position of authority dealt to me with a weighted deck

The house rules say I'm no winner today
Let me know my place
When they empty my pockets with gestures of graciousness

Leave me empty handed, empty headed
Empty belly and empty soul
Urging to come back for the next roll

A heart filled with a new world consciousness
Sinking my drinks for a two minute connection
Lucky as a new star in the sky
I'll keep my distance as I watch you shine

From so far away it only seems OK
When I couldn't make out the blood stain
In the corner of your eye

That for so long you stumbled upon a new kind of credit
Relax and you'll forget it
So you keep it tense,
And full of drama

Backing it up and keep it caught
Loosen your grip and it will slip
From the corner it is barred in

Trapped, Backed to the point, inverted totalerian
Sub terrain, below the grid where we once played the game
There are a thousand little things
All mixed together
One on top of one on top of one on top of the other

Belief in God
Hate for your father
Knowledge of love
Talking to your brother
Failed business plans
Failed to your mother
Finishes gone aerie
And deprivation of air

Going belly up
Digging threw the junk
That made your life something,
Or more then a nameless lump
446 · Sep 2010
Some things, time will heal
Jara Jones Sep 2010
Some things time will heal
A slow but needed process
Until then I'm scared
439 · Sep 2010
Happiness is Home
Jara Jones Sep 2010
Sometimes it's better when things don't make sense
Sometimes there's brilliance in broken parts
Sometimes it's better then you thought it ever could be again

And when the times turn to sometimes
And when that smile appears

You know

Sometimes happiness can find its own way home.
406 · Jan 2016
Bloody Bullet Pt.1
Jara Jones Jan 2016
I lost track of everything I wasn't going to write
Upon my decision not to
So without a clue and with a severe lack of consensual thought
Between my brain and my mouth
I begin to spill my heart to you

On your shoulder I slosh my vows and beg of you
Believe darling, believe me too

If I try I can count the tears in your eyes
Watching them fall makes me want to scream
but shutting my eyes hurts even more
so I can only watch them stream and begin to tell you my lore.

I told you I feel like the ****** bullet in your side
The wound hurts and the blood stains
But you are to embarrassed to call the surgeon
And your nervous fingers won't let it heal.

You told me I was crazy without a doubt
The one thing you could know for sure

And that whatever I know is wrong
and who I found inside myself was only there to fill the space.

I said to you that 'empty hurt' was filled
When I saw you smile at me from across the street
It's and you're gone, now too
But I still love you.

After that you swore you were fine
But your heart was screaming it was a lie
I heard it loud and clear, I can't fight.

I'm sobbing
Not here, not on the outside
But I'm filling up with tears
I tried to tell you that
But every time I opened my mouth
The tears would threaten to come out
so I swallowed hard and turned my head.

I wanted nothing more then to fall back on your bed
With your head next to mine on a pillow
I almost did.

I was tracing the stars with my eyes out the window
Just to keep out of the conversation
I knew we were about to start
I lost track of what was happening after about 20 seconds.

I nearly was asleep
But the silent scream between the two of us
Was too much to bare on a sleeping self.

Mixed up, I finally lied myself down
Utterly confused beyond comprehension
I looked up at your eyes still starry and smiled
I couldn't resist.
When I forget why I'm crying
I just can't help but laugh.
Jara Jones Dec 2015
Calm, smoke rises vertically
Smoke drift indicates wind direction, still wind vanes
Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes begin to move
Leaves and small twigs constantly moving, light flags extended

Dust, leaves, and loose paper lifted, small tree branches move
Small trees in leaf begin to sway
Larger tree branches moving, whistling in wires
Whole trees moving, resistance felt walking against wind

Twigs breaking off trees, generally impedes progress
Slight structural damage occurs, slate blows off roofs
Seldom experienced on land, trees broken or uprooted,
"Considerable structural damage"

Devastation Occurs
384 · May 2013
Please leave; Don't go.
Jara Jones May 2013
If I had the energy to write down all these memories
And craft them into delicate little lines
I could whisper in your ear
To remind you of the times
That ain't so far away from here
Maybe even dull the pain
As you loose yourself in the rhythm of what I'm sayin'
The experiences drawn upon
To make this line
Drawn out, ended with a period
That recall to my eye the tears that I shed
But if you follow that wet line
Up to my eye
Look deep inside
Ask yourself
"Do I really wanna take this ride?"
Because I know the questions fair
Life never seems to be
So watch out for the fallacies
You see in me
Cause they stand a lot taller then I could ever be
And I'm not one to take a knee
This solitary life
I thought I was ready for it
I've been threw it before
Never saw the struggle like I couldn't bare it
That life styles for me
I'd be the first to declare it
But sitting here now
With you only blocks away
Can't pick up the phone
Can't call out your name
The rains beating down
Weather seems to mirror me in every way
Guess that's why there's been such a lack of those sunny days
Maybe I should just get up; pick up this place
Nah forget it
What's the point of moving when you know you'll end up in the same ******* place.

(I don't know maybe I'll write more, someday, sometime. Probably not.)
361 · Sep 2012
6:19am 9/12/12 haiku
Jara Jones Sep 2012
So now these will be
The last pills I ever take
Let it be enough
358 · Jan 2016
Talk to you soon
Jara Jones Jan 2016
Talk to you soon
When the medicine fades
No point in trying now
When you can't remember your name
And even if you could
It's too hard to keep straight
While I'm weaving through your lies

So call me in the morning
When you can use the phone again
If nobody answers
Then there's no one home and when
I get your message
Then I'll run right back out again
To look into your eyes

Cause I'd never leave you alone
Hanging on the phone
On a line to home
Left with out a bite

I wake up in the morning
To the same old sound
Alarm clock by my bed
And the street out under the clouds
But today's a little different
Cause I can hear the sounds
Of the rain out on my roof

So I walk out on the street
Where the crowd has been
Find an empty seat
At the bus station
Sit down to take my place
Among the swirling shouts
On a map with a color code
To find my way out

And the water remains
As I rinse out my stains
That clog the drain
I'll fix it I swear

I have no place to go
But that hasn't stopped me yet
Hiding out in the cars
Of a railroad heading out west
I wouldn't say it's the worst
And it sure ain't the best
But I can still feel my feet
And my heart in my chest

I never had much
I was never endowed
But I have a piece of mind
And a life to be proud
I would say it quietly
But life's just too loud
At least I can still hear myself think

If my thoughts did cease
In a horrible place
Please cover me up
With a blanket of love
I still have a heart beat.
Jara Jones Nov 2016
maybe youre in the sky
or maybe youre in the dust
but wherever youll be
you always have my love

I saw you shaking laying there
I put my head on you and whisper in your ear
But at this point I just hope
You know Im there

in a flash I have you
With your head in my hands
on a doctor office bench
shaking, confused, dizzy, scared, tense
not knowing where you are
and i cant comprehend

then i felt your neck relax
i knew what it meant
no turning back
what should have been relief
was a panic attack

and the stethoscope said
i will never get you back

i love you; im so sorry
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck if this is for the best do it to me too
322 · Dec 2015
Waste It, But Stay True
Jara Jones Dec 2015
When you read this think of me,
And know I'm thinking of you
Goodbye to my friends
Goodbye to my enemies
Most of all good bye to you.

It's true it was good
It's true it was bad
But all I can ask to do
Make believe that time is cheap
Waste it, but stay true.
Jara Jones Nov 2015
Impossible to be looking down from the bottom
So we're staring at the top
Drop of water, just a drop
Might fall from the leaking roofs, catch it before it's lost
Or from a broken gutter, still better than what we got
Down here just something to moisten the lips
Maybe wet the tongue
Enough to shout out whats wrong

The smog in the atmosphere
If I had three wishes I'd give up two
For one breath of fresh air

Sit in the mud
Wallowing til it drys
The drops coming from my eyes
Ought to call them the sky
But it's not rain
That turns the dirt back to mud
To wallow in
Re-***** up my duds
When I fall again
The days drag on
And the cycle repeats to no end
Like near every other thing I've ever done, this may not be complete.
289 · May 2016
5/13/16 12:25am
Jara Jones May 2016
I have no one to play too
So I'll sing to the moon  
She comes out slowly  
But has a smile
When the clock shows opposite noon  

I know she can't stay
It's like a cruelty
Fades away slow  
Almost like she's mocking me  

Before time to think  
Got sun in my eyes  
Know this feeling well  
Time to close the blinds  

Look up numbers on a list I keep  
All disconnected,  busy or " answer after the beep "  

With nothing to say
Can't get to sleep
And a need to speak  
Let's see what I can get in
Before the second beep  

Half way between silence and cacophony  
Empty my mind into a machine  
Set for automatic delete
And that's the last they would've heard from me  

Cause I have no one to play too
So I'll sing to the moon
I better start now  
She'll be gone again soon
285 · Dec 2015
Poem To My Mom
Jara Jones Dec 2015
Let me say it this way
But please don't take it like that
I know I lost a lot of respect there
And I want to make it back

Now I know you have your reasons
You know I got mine, too
But reasons don't mean a thing
If no one's willing to take a new view

It's a skill I have yet to master
But I'm trying still
I can't help but notice
You don't got it down yet yourself

So as the theory goes
Next generations will improve
Still upon what I was taught to do
Well I want to prove that to you

I may not seem like much now
I can't promise that's not true
Respect my need to find truth in practice
And give me a while to see it through

Let me fall when I loose my balance
You know failing is one of my talents
I'm not saying go, because I want you to stay
But just lend a hand instead of throwing my balance

I'm not saying it's you, I'm the one who's wandering
I don't know exactly what I'm doing
But I wouldn't say I'm confused
And change doesn't come easy, especially if it's refused
277 · Jan 2016
Bloody Bullet Pt.2
Jara Jones Jan 2016
I only wonder if you remembered why you were
And I quickly got an answer back.

Mildly cautious you returned my grin with a wisp of your own
Now I can see me cheeky smile in the reflection of your eyes
And one more staring right back at me.

We both felt bad about smiling
And did our darndest to suppress it
But that made it obviously worse.

I heard your brain say **** it
Mine chuckled and invited you down
to the reserved bedside next to me
Your name was written all over it.

Without a second thought you were there
And the smiles jumped between us
As we blinked the rest of that hour away.

Even with my eyes closed I could still see you in all clarity
The faint line of concern
sliding across your forehead from time to time
As I stop breathing.

Ah ha! We think it together
At least we both recalled…

I'm truly sorry, I didn't want to be right
I could just tell from the beginning
I could die tonight.

But it will be OK
I love you dearly and all I can say
Is the last words on my lips
Will be printed upon me for all to read
I'm glad my love for you is now there to see.
276 · Dec 2015
Resolutions To Happiness
Jara Jones Dec 2015
Everyday I'm still here
Everyday my path seems a little more clear
Thanks to my past resistance
I still feel so beat
Resolutions to happiness
Lay at my feet

Every night I'm still laying
Here weary but awake
Thinking about the good times
We had between the sheets
Resolutions to happiness
Lay a before my feet

This morning when I got up
Out of my half-hearted daze
I lite up a cigarette
And then went on way
Resolutions to happiness
Lay a path at my feet

And when I get there
To the end of the day
I wonder what I'm still missing
Wondering why thoughts of yesterday stay
Resolutions to happiness
Lay at your feet
Just out of reach
261 · Dec 2015
Jara Jones Dec 2015
I’m fallin’ over laughing, hear all those things that you say
Like you got a leg to stand on, like you got a place to stay
And every word slithers like a snake from your lips
From the death of your heart comes a brand new kind of hate

It’s hard to see you from so far away
But you pushed me here, so here’s where I’ll stay
It’s hard to take, hearing all of your lies
That’s what you give, your soul withered and died.

You can stand your ground
Just remember you don’t own the land
255 · Mar 2014
3/11/14 4:33am
Jara Jones Mar 2014
If I never slept again the world would dream on with out me.

And upon their waking I will ask, "what have I missed?"

I will not understand.

And I will close my eyes forever, but never see beyond the black.

Then I will ask, "what have I missed?"

And I will not understand.
137 · Feb 2021
Poison ink
Jara Jones Feb 2021
Kid grows up tricky
Drinking poison ink from the nib
But don’t blame the pen blame the kid
Never had anyone to break **** with
Anger worn on his sleeves bunched and twirled
“I H8 U” and “**** The World”
So he found a way to show his need for it
Changed his mind about loneliness
Anything he can do to fit in
Goes from sharpie sXe on his hand
To wanting to smoke **** with the band in the back of the van
Never quite made it out of his head
Always felt like it got out of hand
117 · Feb 2021
Soul soil
Jara Jones Feb 2021
I collected flowers in the sun when I was a kid
Just to watch ‘em die like a grinch
Now I find my way around in the dark
Run into childhood plants that have grown thorned bark
Wilting petals turn to shredded fingers
That pain lingers

Try to keep it out of a vase to stay alive
From fresh water
To no GMOs or pesticides
I feed my roots like the package suggests
Stem to leaves and **** the rest
Keep it natural regarding pest control
The best soul soil sold, owned
Moisture in the fold
Sun and shade
The fruits are gold
112 · Apr 2021
Go Outside
Jara Jones Apr 2021
Sit at home and grow slime
Wash my hands just to **** time
When the space invaders come
Don’t think I’m out of line
I don’t answer my phone
I don’t have a spine

You don’t gotta tell me
It’s the same old rap
Go outside
I’d rather take a nap

Yeah yeah yeah
It’s the same old thing
Hang with them?
I’d rather do my own thing

I got a secret
Just ask
(I’m not crazy)
I (just) cast spells with seashells and spirits
(Don’t think I’m out of touch)
One day that **** will hit
And I won’t hear it

You don’t gotta tell me twice
I’ve heard it before
Read the signs
Leave packages at the door

Ok ok ok
I’ll see what I can do
But I’m not coming out
If I’m not in the mood
103 · Mar 2021
Arcade kid
Jara Jones Mar 2021
Got a great view out dollar store glasses,
2 bottles in the jacket front pocket,
one filled with water from the creek,
the other half full of fresh saffron dandelion tea,

keeping the stash box neat and clean,
right under the nose
dollar bill to quarters,
feel at home with a castle and a queen
surrounded by brick hoarders,

made of arcade architecture
built from the outside in,
eyes of aged plexiglass,
A and B buttons
mashed and cracked
melted and molded back
to skin, around Mario’s I-beams
turned to an animated skeleton,

heartbeats like ‘beep beeps’,
brain like a 256 Pac-Man **** screen,
sick with the down-left-back combo spin kick,
used a neat rubber band trick,
high score, top out the leaderboard,
then dipped,

1up for the two dead creps,
holes through the soles
and nothing up the sleeves
but ******* up to the fashion police,
three letters on top
followed numbers that cause shock,

got a great view out dollar store glasses,
and always have quarters when the arcade kid passes
101 · Feb 2021
Bottom of the hill
Jara Jones Feb 2021
Hey now baby
I’ve got nothing to say
And even if I did
Would it ever make you stay

I’ve been running on empty
You’ve been hanging on luck
Waiting for the bottom to fall out
Just to get unstuck

You’ve climbed up
To the top of the hill
But I’m parked at the bottom
Snorting blood and pills

No matter how much you try
You’ll never drag me up
So let me lay in the dirt
While you play in the sky

Seeing that hope
Makes me so mad
I know it’s sick
That’s why it hurts so bad

Let me explore the dirt
Because I can’t take
Exploring your eyes
100 · Feb 2021
Tag along ghost
Jara Jones Feb 2021
I’m alone but not
By myself
The ghosts followed me home
To the wind I thought
Were whispering trees
Truly whispered to me
So the ghosts stay
Usually in the corners
Out of the lights
So I keep the lights low
Usually with scarves
Covering the lampshade
I don’t want them to feel unwelcome
In their own home
88 · Feb 2021
It’s not a cult
Jara Jones Feb 2021
When the toxins took a stand
Leaving no man
Making plans
To make plans
Infiltrate morning when I wipe my eye
See the flowers clearly
On their blurred out ****** cry
Infection in the air
Wait, let me make a plan
Bandolier of alcohol sanitizer, masks and soup in a can
No no no
We can do better
Let’s make a plan
That stomach ache anxiety can’t disband
Pick everything that grows from the sand
Let’s make a plan
To bring food, a tent and artificial light
Tie the fire to a rope to a stick to a protection circle torchlight
Makeshift night spirit bout
When the sand runs out
We got a lot more salt
Keep it on the lowdown
Let’s make a plan
No it’s not a cult

— The End —