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Mar 2015 · 423
The Hurting Jewel
Janyla Wright Mar 2015
Hush now child
and rest your head on my lap
TEll me all your deepest feeling
express to me why you feel trapped
Hush now child
and you can cry in my arms
Tell me how the past cause you hurt
how you feel cold all the time with no loving warmth
Hush now child
and let me hold you tight
tell me all the wrong they did
how you think you're too weak to fight
Hush now child
and let me hold your hand
you don't feel like yourself
on your own you don't think you can stand
Hush now child
and let me comfort you
you've released and confessed all hurt
just know you still a precious jewel
Mar 2015 · 372
Janyla Wright Mar 2015
With his crew since morning , but now it's dark
He suggests they leave, then hears a scream from Mark
"Forget him!" he yells. He willing to go home
Keeps walking but unlike Jane he ignores the gnome
He gets in the car then curses Jane to get in
Something runs past Jane, and it's not the wind
Scared and shocked he locks the door
Out of nowhere Jane is lifted and ripped out her spinal chord
He tries to drive away, but the body is thrown at the car
All he can think is to go somewhere far
Sadly for him, the car didn't start
HE uses the hot wires, oh how smart
All alone but he knows they're all there
Drives off and hear his partner's cries, he knows that's not fair
Driving and remembering which way he came
Too bad all the signs lead him the wrong way.
Mar 2015 · 320
My Story
Janyla Wright Mar 2015
If only you knew the "wonderful truth"
only your thoughts and emotions will change
Even though your light might be brighter
my past isn't the same

What you see isn't the real me
You only see the physical sides
You think of how much I got it good
sorry, I'm not the perfect bride

Like everyone else I had my falls
Isn't it easy to get back up?
I tried until I kept getting pushed back down
Now I"m hurt badly, so there goes my luck

I look around and see lots of smiles
I wish that can always be me
It's really hard when you think of the past
My scars will still be there even if you can't see

If you would really like to hear the story let me know
I won't leave out any detail at all
THe story is easy to tell
Telling them reveals my emotions, then I want to cry in ball
Mar 2015 · 431
Heart </3 Confession
Janyla Wright Mar 2015
Say it , you know it's true
I'm not going to say it, I don't care if I'm ride

It will feel good when you let it out
You will never hear me say, not even a shout

You have to say it it's the rules
I won't say it, even if it was cool

The words are very easy
I'm scared if I say it, I might sound cheesy

Just three little words, they're not hard to say
how do I know when I say them, you will stay

Admit to what you know
How do I know if it's true though

Speak what's in your heart
I never wanted to from the start

Why is this so hard for you
I'm just scared to say "I Love You"
Mar 2015 · 310
My Days
Janyla Wright Mar 2015
I smilw
the day is okay
I laugh
everything is funny today
I wave
you participated in my life this week
I'm quiet
my thoughts are bad and sky is grey
My head is down
don't want to speak because I'm confused
I roll my eyes
irritated with the flies
Fast Pace
Don't want to see the enemy's face
I cry
Look into the mirror and see my worst enemy

— The End —