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s Feb 2014
As I sit staring at the "fasten seatbelt" light overhead
I can feel the endless possibilities of places I could go, people I could meet.
Today you asked me "you feel miserable here a lot don't you?"
You've never been more right.
And as I sit here on this **** plane in your **** sweatshirt I wonder if you know.
I wonder if you know how scared I am
of all the opportunities the fasten seatbelt light brings me.
Of all the opportunities you bring me.
I swear the way you look at me
while I'm in the passenger seat of your beat up car
on the way to the dinner that you'll buy me
and I'll pretend not to care about
is the same way I look at Columbia and blank notebooks.
The possibilities and beautiful what-ifs are spelled out
in the whites, blacks, and multiples shades of brown in your eyes.
And I am thinking to myself how beautiful this fasten your seat belt light is
but I am also thinking of how beautiful you are
and how you've never been given the chances or opportunities you deserve.
So as I sit here stirring in my just barely big enough seat
I am feeling things that not even the damien rice in my ears can suppress.
I am seeing every beautiful night I spent wishing I never had to go home.
I'm seeing all the miles you put on just wanting to talk to me a little longer.
I'm seeing the way you nod your head back and forth
and tap on your steering wheel to the beat
of your latest favorite pop punk song.
And I am seeing the tremble in my knee that you don't notice
when you say that my laugh instantly makes you smile
because in all reality every waking moment I spent frowning at you
was because I was hoping that if I convinced myself
that we were no good then you would believe it too.
I realize all these things as I sit in seat 20E
on a delayed flight to Orlando
and all I want to do is parachute down to whatever tiny
secluded unknown cafe you're spending your evening jamming
to a local set of bands drinking something fruity you've never tried before.
And just like that drink I want to run down your throat
to the deepest parts of your gut
and permeate through your blood stream.
I want to run like oxygen infused flames through your system.
I'm still sitting in this cramped seat on damien song number five
staring at this fasten seatbelt light and all the possibilities
and I just have one thing to say: fasten your seatbelt with me.
Fasten your seatbelt and see all the possibilities that I see.
Fasten your seat belt and move three states closer to that dream
you've been dreaming since we were neighbors on that worn down block
where we learned to hate our parents.
Fasten your seatbelt and run away with me.
s Feb 2014
My heart beats roughly 100 times per minute.
Three years ago I would have said that roughly
99 of those were for

“There’s just something about you,”
you said.

My heart beats roughly 100 times per minute.
Two years ago I would have said that roughly
99 of those were for

“If you mean it, then I love you too,”
you said.

My heart beats roughly 100 times per minute.
One year ago I would have said that roughly
99 of those were for

“She’s just a friend,”
you said.

My heart beats roughly 100 times per minute.
Today I would have to say that exactly
98 of those are for

Unless you ask for one more.

“I’m sorry,”
you say.
s Feb 2014
I loved you because you were the first boy to show me attention.
You were relentless and I guess I liked being liked.
Dizzy with the idea of loving you that I forgot to show you I did.

I loved you because you were the first boy to touch me.
Miss moral highground fell victim to her first taste of lust.

I loved you because you loved me.
Always providing me with the reassurance I needed,
until some other girl needed reassurance too.

I love you because what better time is there than the present?
For the fourth year in a row I crumble under your apology.
Empty words never sounded better.
s Feb 2014
Home is an interesting concept to me.
I always swore I’d never make a person my home
Because when that house catches fire
You’ll have lost things no insurance company can replace.

When your favorite pictures and records have all melted
You’ll find that you never made copies of any of them.
Now what’s left are the memories that too are faded by
The smoke and ashes, product of a flame burned too bright.

Well this home caught flames quicker than flash paper
And I can’t seem to find my favorite mixtapes.
I guess the sparks were more than we could handle
And suddenly this home was just a house turned wildfire.

— The End —