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Jan 2019 · 119
Stoplight on Peachtree
Jane Jan 2019
I was looking for the street
for a chance to meet.
Of what will we speak?
The light turned green.

In this concrete maze
I’ll try other ways.
Am I alone in the haze?
The light turned yellow.

On the way to the top
I should stop.
Will the hand drop?
The light turned red.

I’ll be ight
There’s no blue on the right
How do I end this plight?
Oh, I just ran the light.
Jan 2019 · 119
A Lonely Hornet
Jane Jan 2019
There is a hornet in my bedroom and I don’t think of hurting it
Instead, I notice its confusion and loneliness
I want to help it but curiosity consumes me
Covered in flowers, the hornet does not understand
My bed is a painful heaven
I look to the dead flowers on my shelf,
wondering if new ones would please the hornet

Stuck at the window, wanting out, but kept in
Stuck in this room with daunting choices
Stuck between sight and mind
The door is open, waiting for a reason to close
The window is open, I am free.
Jane Jan 2019
It happened so suddenly
you had been waiting
you had been plotting
when was the right time?
where was the right place?

My garden had an intruder
where did this bud come from?
it wasn't supposed to be there

It could become beautiful
but it could just be a ****
Jan 2019 · 79
Jane Jan 2019
Your touch,
will I ever feel it again
Your scent,
how quickly will I forget it
Your taste,
will I ever savor it again
Your voice,
I yearn for it to say my name once more
Your presence,
will I ever be enveloped by it again

Forgive me,
forgive me.
Jan 2019 · 74
The moment
Jane Jan 2019
The first drop of a roller coaster
the wind that hits you so fast you can't breathe
when you wake up and see you've missed the time
What does it take to shock you to your core?


The thought of losing you.

It makes my heart drop
It takes my breathe away
It stops me in my tracks.
Jan 2019 · 84
Down it
Jane Jan 2019
Your name pops back up
silence it.
I know I shouldn't act up
ignore it.
Nostalgia from the last hook up
stop it.
You say you just want to catch up
delete it.
It ends and I'm hung up
regret it.
I need to tighten up
control it.
Got my feelings all stirred up
end it.
I don't want to ***** up
push it.
Now we're both fed up.
Jan 2019 · 104
Jane Jan 2019
I never thought I’d weep
about who was in my sheets.
We changed our thoughts
as I put back on my socks.
The rest came soon,
with the setting of the moon.

I felt your reach
for my juicy peach.
But it wasn’t ripe
And not to your delight.

The seasons changed,
to break the chains

— The End —