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 Jul 2013 janel schroth
there is really something horrible
about being understood by someone.
having another soul that just - "gets it"
having another living being that relates.

because it means that they have felt your hurt
they've cried your tears, thought your thoughts
they have lived the terrors in your head and
endured the anguish  that lives in your heart.

that is why it is terrible to be understood.
my heart breaks anew when someone tells me
"i get it"
 Jul 2013 janel schroth
like cream in coffee
so did the light within your
irises swirl 'round
I have a favor I must ask
of you, and only you:
I need your body back,
your flesh, your warmth.
Your arms wrapped around me,
holding me tight, pulling me in-
silently speaking the words
"you're mine,
I'm your's. We are safe."
because baby, I have
a confession to make
I wrote poems in your
skin that you don't know
I left there.
You see my dear,
I tucked my quiet rhymes
behind your ears for
times I knew you'd
need to hear my words
so soft and sweet,
My words: I love you
My words: I am here
My words: I am not going anywhere.
(Little did I know you would.)
I hid similies and metaphors
in the nooks and crooks
of your elbows and knees
because poetry must be just as
good an oil as any for a
twenty-eight year old tin man right?
****, I don't know
but that's where they fit,
where they were meant to go.
The first time our bodies connected,
our forces colliding just like
The Milky Way and Andromeda
will in four billion years-
my universe aligning with yours
as we lay in the grass
you and I both whispered:
"This is wrong."
For the first time on
that summer night I wrote
my words secretly into your skin.
My words: "How can something
wrong feel so right?"
Baby, I'm looking for home and
I know you're looking for a heart
so here's mine-
written in words on your flesh
that you don't know are there.
Here's mine-
to fill your dark cavern
because no heart should be dark,
no heart a cavern.
Here's mine-
my throbbing, beating mess of a heart
filled with everyone I've ever loved
and there you are on top.
Then came the days
without "I love you."
On those days,
with my fingertips frostbitten
and trying to text,
I wrote my words on scraps
of paper, turned them into airplanes,
and aimed in your direction
hoping that maybe,
just maybe,
their tips would pierce your skin
injecting the warmth I once received.
To the man I used to love,
You can keep your body
and all the words I wrote in
places I wanted you to look
and hoped you wouldn't miss.
I started writing this poem almost a year ago when I was in love and finished it when I was not. It's a story I didn't want to end but I'm okay even though it did.
i hate that horrible feeling              
when you catch something
but not quite                              
and you know          
its just going to slip              
through your fingers                  

hit the ground

and there's nothing                                        
you can do                                
to catch it properly                                            
as it clunks
and hits the floor
there's no changing
how it happened          

you just didn't                                    
grasp it                                                        
good enough                                  
      a beautiful thing to have
when you can find it
                   or it finds you

          do people care
       if it is between
               two people
who love each other so much
          yet they're of the same ***
its still *love

                             maybe even stronger

how many homosexuals
           do you see getting a divorce?
      because they've "fallen out of love"

          do people care
  if they're in love

            love is hard enough to find
   without governments
              and religions
               and fighting
                            about their love

its love
        people need to get over it
it's no different
      to "normal couples"
                               if anything
its only normal
     to be in a relationship
  with someone
          who you actually love

~love~ made for the real thing
I like you, so much
So much, you don't know
Don't know, if thats just wonderful
Just wonderful, people all around and I'm not
I'm not, just another one who could end up leaving
End up leaving? Never!
Never, will hurt you
You, should already know that
That, you are so amazing
So amazing, I would do anything for you
For you, I would give everything
Everything, you say makes me smile
Smile, happy looks good on you
You, are so cool
Cool, blue eyes
Eyes, I let myself gaze into
Gaze into, a crystal ball to see the future
The future, that I hope your in
In, my thoughts always
Always, just be yourself
Yourself, that i like

— The End —