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janel schroth Jun 2013
i remember watching you dance to a generic pop song
that was about talking *****
you executed the choreography
and you looked like you wanted to be the girl
who wanted naughty sweet nothings whispered in her ear

as i watched you
and saw the masculine sweat dripping down your forehead
i realized how dedicated you were
to doing everything right
even if you didn't want to do it initially

i watched and i secretly hoped
that you knew the choreography
to win me over

i hoped you knew all the turns and jumps
and lifts and pops and locks
that you could easily memorize

and when i looked into your eyes
you performed it
millions of times for me

that is why i love you
janel schroth Jun 2013
i want to be able to immediately list everything i can use to describe you once i see you
but you appear and i go blank
you sweep away the thoughtful dust and the rough dirt
you wash away the bacteria and the confusion
i forget everything
because you
yes, you
you are standing here in front of me
and i am silently waiting around on you
to help me see how to describe you
i wait and i want and i wait and i want
but you don't assist me
in knowing exactly who you are
i want to know you
i want so much from you
i'm sorry for similarly being an expectant parent
but i want more
more and more
from you and your mouth,
your touch and your words

— The End —