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Since we met in this life we’ve been so together
The trees and the sky will tell you, just ask them
Since, frankly and completely as one
Searching our souls, discovering each other and ourselves
Loving, living and learning with no effort at all
Moulding our life to divine goals, elements exploring
Each day we grow, smoothing our rituals and tasks
Simple, small, understated and beautiful
Yet enormous, devastating and wonderful
I’ve never been clearer in mind nor more ordered
Serious or intended, structured yet mesmerised and dreamy
Child-like pleasures our little hearts

Honestly, knowing you has given an exclusive season of patience
A crown of peace with measures of muted resonance
My emotion and behaviour  jangle with excitement
Gaining speed and velocity as our developing love fertilises everything we do
If any part of me was withheld or absent it was without cognisance or most importantly intent
I was always here totally,  loving you with an undivided heart
Building our future and having the truest most delightful life
Such destiny within two earthly beings, such kismet
But is not  from where we sprung
No logic or contract by human standards but from cosmos and celestial forces
Stardust, moonbeams, sunlight and energy

Our future is viridian, cobalt, alizarin, ultramarine, carmine...
Colours drawn from a bow of happiness with arrows of true love
Thudding into our hearts every single moment
Rainbows of kindly sparkly crystals reflecting each tiny emotion
Willow tree flexibility, cool streams of pure clear water whisper in our ears
Look to your soul and to the memories of our short time together
Begin to believe that life is so very good ,so treasured like us
Darling Jan my complete lover
The wife I’ve always had, true soul provider, custodian of my heart
Clearer in the transformation from Jan and Max to a ‘whole’ inseparable
By anyone or anything for all time and eternity..
Even better knowing that as always
Now even more.....I’m all yours
Couples holding hands and talking
New love so divine
Looking into each other’s eyes, laughing
Feeling stupid excited, yes in love
My darling and my precious
Can’t restrain this passion for you
The closer I am the better
Keeping you in my heart is simple….
I don’t have to, you are my heart
Soul and everything I am

Suddenly I’m awakened by your fresh perfume
Grazes my nostrils and my pulse races
I hold you in my vision as I pace the floor
I need to have my arms around you
It’s impossible not to touch you
My only salvation is skin on skin
Electric and dreamy taking me high
First time I did it I died
Died to have you near me for ever

Clearly my being is affected constantly
I’ve lost control but I keep calm
Looking into the sun my squinting eyes will never
See anything as bright and beautiful
Images of you perform dances in front of my mind
The streaming sound of your voice
Caresses me and keeps my body enwrapped
No more feelings of despair
Only deep satisfaction and contentment

Failing light is no barrier to your bright eyes
Then, moonlight fingers over the wall
You hold my hand and gently keep me near
The warmth of you stirs me tenderly
Your eyelashes flicker as you look toward me
As a smile moves across your lips, I melt.
Stretching, I keep my left hand on your shoulder
The smoothness of your body excites me
My eyes catch yours as we hold so tightly

Mondays and every day is amazing
Just as I am in you, you are in me
Dewy eyes send tears to meet our upturned lips
Keeping our love within us safe and sound.
Asking you to be with me forever was no decision
I wanted to say the words for ages
The more I knew you, the more I wanted you
Giving you a ring was a statement of love
Nothing more than my love wrapped around your finger
Wrapped around your heart the other end was on mine.
A circle of never ending love continuous and everlasting
Love you, love you, love you was my way of saying
‘Be mine forever as I will be yours’
A year on how much that means
Feelings so very deep and yet so tender
I will remember forever your eyes and your face
The day you said ‘yes’
Cornwall, Cornwall every day
Bright sun and fresh feelings
Simple pleasures by just being here
Forward thinking into old age dotage
All our lives waiting, hoping, wishing

Never believing it could be
Out of mind with secret longing
Filling up with atmospheric  air
Sensing that emotional rush
Deep breaths swallowing cliffs and sea

Wild flowers and cows here
Hedgerows and windblown trees
Lopsided branches pointing inland
As cool salt air combs their twigs
The winding tracks disappear

Love is here all around, so strong
Heart wrenching and stomach churning
Soul and body filling up with Cornish…
Cornish, as long as it’s Cornish
It’s good!

Give us a chance to stay
Give us the chance to live
Ever on the hard granite pathways
Sounds of mewing gulls and thunder of surf
Beating on the windswept rocks and beaches

Cornish light familiar and so bright
Invading our eyes and warming our hearts
Gently massaging our faces with soothing fingers
Lifting our spirits as breaking through the clouds
It charges us with love

Fulfilled and whole
Our lives and minds gratefully feasting
The armfuls of wonder as we carry our hearts
Together,  through eternity, watching
As the sun sets in a blaze of Cornish light
In our house we have a lovely life
Small it may be in size but enormous in what it holds
Floor space is at a premium especially but..
It doesn’t matter because we live within each other
Our spirits locked together in a warm embrace
Physically we are close too, always
Our garden and our house mean much to us
It’s our first home together
When we buy anything we struggle to place it
Moving something else as we shuffle things around
Grateful for the chance to be us, we survive
Every day a wonderful experience
Our little house holds lots of love
Keeping us safe from the world outside
The little spaces and tiny places
Make this house just what it is…
Our  lovely home
Such delight as a txt arrives
Tinkling phne and bzzing
Unable 2 wait 2 press the buttons
Simply lovely 2 hear from u

Miss u whilst u are @ wrk
……Hoping 4 a txt soon :-)
No 1 knows how much it means
Tht lttle mssge of love

A link 2 r hearts
Nice 2 knw ur thinking of me
As we go thru the day
Thse few words, so spcial & tndr
Thank u babe, love u 2, 4 ever :-)
See me sitting looking into space
My emulations are not purposeful
Thinking of your joyous image and recalling the last words
Wings of birds beat out the rhythm of my heart
Waiting for the next time we meet
Umbilically connected as two so close
Maintaining nourishment for our souls
Generous hearts retain such energy
Battery-like running down as time moves on
Charging my mind with your thoughts
Feeding me, keeping me alive
Whomsoever will see me will believe
No change is apparent
Yet inside my longing for you is prominent
Especially on slow days
Keep safe my love, come home soon
Carefully each day
Fostering each other's hearts
As we commence routines and tasks
Familiar situations are nothing
Except feelings of assurance through cognisant repetition
Taking a coffee to the table, eating a cake or sandwich
But the simplest things lift us
Your mouth makes signs to me
Beckoning me to touch you
In a moment it's changed and we laugh
Your eyes sparkle and smiling I sigh
Raising me to the highest once more
Even a moving finger or the tilt of your head
Keeps it soulful  and interesting
Distractions are few
As soon we sit as one
Joined at the hip exchanging body heat
Looking forward, feeding our souls
Crazy in love and so simply OK!
Not mundane to enjoy the nice little things
Gaining insight as our life entwines
Morphing into each other as we sleep
Do we care for others, yes
Our Pagan hearts are true and full
Revelling in each minute together
As humans should when love takes first place
Give  me your hand darling
Rest it lightly near me
Place your cool fingers on my cheek
Say gentle words as we lie together
Let me hold you close and feel
Your body relaxing muscle by muscle

Close your eyes and pretend
Pretend that sleep has overcome you
Breathe deeply and rhythmically
I know you have had a busy day
Don’t worry my love I know how much
You have felt this peace and wanted it to consume you

You are beautiful in your stillness
The arc of your mouth describes the way
Oh how much I can feel those lips and want them
Your eyelids quiver as the remnants of the day leave you
Then as your cheek calms and rests so do they
Lashes still, as you drift into rest

Delightful baby you are mine so completely
I picture you and see my love reassured
A tumble of dark hair framing your face on the pillow
Enjoying the magical senses that caress and protect you
Whilst the darkness engulfs us
Peacefully and with tender soothing

In the half light I hear your little sleepy noises
The darkness seems to magnify each sound
A bird outside in the distance calls it’s mate
It is met with silence
I place my hand on your midriff yet cannot feel your breath
Then, the mantle of the night caresses our faces
Our bodies give in as it keeps us in love as we sleep
Desperate light eases through the curtain
Gentle moon gives way to dazzling sun
Gorgeous baby sleeping with streams highlighting her hair
Lashes tight and dark, windows shuttered and mind forlorn
Somehow sleep seems impossible as the wings of birds beat outside
Suddenly the night has gone, it's over and passed
Everytime I glance, my eyes scan the face of her
Peaceful with regular breathing, slowly rising and falling
Breezy and cool so very typically morning
It feels good but the warmth of her body is intoxicating
More comforting, relaxing and serene

I dare not look at the clock
For even in this short period it will have moved inexplicably
As the gesture of the sun traces a path across the wall
Filling the room with a lilac presence
The tinging of the wind chime reminds me of gentle cows
Moving to and fro on the Tyrolean mountainside
Their bells swinging on leather bands
Closing my eyes again I imagine green fields
The aroma of the air coming through the open window
Describes a distant place of calmness and peace.

Jan is still sleeping and I gently touch her hand to find it cold
Having been outside the covers for some hours
She does not stir
Above me the crystal at the window is sending tiny rainbow spectrum
Dancing in mad little circles, alive on this wonderful day
I feel so at rest, so in love and fortunate to have and to be
Mornings are fresh starts and gifts for us to savour
How lucky we are to have them
Copyright Max Hale
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