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Jun 2012 · 652
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
It's 3:30 in the morning and once again I can't sleep 
I keep seeing your face flash in my mind 
It's only for a brief second but for that second, everything felt right 
You were here again, your eyes were as full of life as I remember
Softness lingered in the room 
Joy electrified my heart 
Life raced through my veins 
Tears welled in my eyes 
I didn't want the feelings to leave 
But just like you, they were gone before I could say goodbye.
Jun 2012 · 751
Yes, Jesus Loves Me
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
"Jesus loves me this I know,
For the Bible tells me so"
I know this song and so do you,
But do you really think its true? 
Do you think a glorious Lord
Sent His Son down to this world 
A world of evil, corruption, and sin
To die and then be raised again? 
Do you believe that He was nailed 
Against a cross, our sins now veiled 
To not only forgive us, but wipe from His mind,
The things that we've done, my God is so kind 
Isn't it amazing?! You just have to believe 
In a Savior so holy, makes you fall to your knees 
Makes you fall to the ground to worship a King
Who died for our sins, let us praise Him and sing 
"yes, Jesus loves me...
yes, Jesus loves me...
yes, Jesus loves me...
the Bible tells me so."

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 544
Everyone Knows
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
I don't care what you say,
I'll speak my mind anyway 
I'll write a book about out fights 
I'll scream my thoughts from massive heights 
I'll tell the world 'bout what you've done 
I'll tell them all, one by one. 
I won't stop until I'm through 
I'll change their opinions about you. 
They'll cry for you because now they know 
Who you pretend to be is just a show 
They'll curse you for the things you've done
They'll remember too, you have not won. 
I don't care how this makes you feel 
What you did still seems unreal 
I can't believe what you've put me through 
All those times, I wish I knew. 
Well, now I know, and so do they 
You'll get what's given, I heard them say 
And now it's time to strike the match, 
I'm burning the bridge, I'm locking the latch. 
The latch to my heart, you once held the key...
Silly girl, how stupid of me. 

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 543
Burned Memories
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
Rushing falling crashing down 
Burning embers hit the ground 
The things we had now dust and ash
All the memories left in the past
The good, the bad, the ugly too
All are burned, now all is new. 

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 804
Thanks To HIM
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
Happy ever after can be found
I'll pick myself up off the ground.
I'll look to God, thanks abound 
I know he smiles, but hear no sound 
Faith knows He's there, when can't be seen. 
My future bright, my slate is clean. 
Thanks to Him, the King of Kings 
My eyes light up, my spirit sings 
I collect my things, dust off my heart 
Stand again, it's my brand new start.

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 782
Next To Me
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
Next to me, it's where you belong
Holding my hand, singing a song. 
Kissing me gently from my head to my toes 
You know the things that nobody knows 
My secrets, desires, fears, and more 
You make my heart an open door 
There's no need to hide it, because it's you I can trust 
Kissing my lips and tasting my lust. Why I trust you, nobody knows 
But I let you take over when my eyes are closed. 
Holding my hand, singing a song
Next to me is where you belong. 

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 1.0k
Racing Thoughts
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
Too many thoughts race through my mind,
Too many thoughts, all at one time.
Thoughts of our past and the things that we did,
I need all these thoughts to be covered and hid.
Hid in a place they will never be found,
In a box or a tomb deep underground.
A place I wont find them and dwell on again
A place I can leave to let my new life begin.

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 536
I'll Listen
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
I'll sit here in silence, I wont say a word.
I'll listen to you and you will be heard.
You can say what you need to as long as its true,
You can tell me you've missed me, just like I have missed you.
You can tell me the things that I wont want to hear,
You can tell me your struggles, your pains, and your fears.
I'll be here to listen, right by your side,
I'll be your salvation, your safe place to hide.
When no one is there to hear your thoughts out
Just know that I'm waiting without a doubt.

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 4.0k
So Glad You're Mine
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
Your eyes are like lullabies
Just waiting to be read
Your kiss so gentle and so sweet
It sends me off to bed
Your warm embrace alone
Sends shivers down my spine
Just one single simple touch
Makes me so glad you're mine.
It's strange to me that just a text
Puts a smile on my face
You always make me happy
No matter what the case
Your hands are always there for me
Our fingers intertwined.
Just one single simple touch
Makes me so glad you're mine.
A glance my way is all it takes
- my heart begins to pound
I think I know what this all means
- my true love has been found
A kiss, a hug, it just a look
And the stars are all aligned.
And just one single simple touch
Makes me so glad you're mine.

Jun 2012 · 728
First Steps
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
The fear inside screams out my name
Tells me to run, take cover from rain
But what do I do? Listen and hide?
No, grab my umbrella, prepare for the ride.
I put on my rain boots, and although they are soaked,
I step out to an ocean, my fears soon take float.
Drifting away to the abyss that's unseen...
It's time to continue... Grab hold of my dream.

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 496
They Don't Know You
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
They say that I am lucky, but I'm not sure that's true
They say that I have found the one when they refer to you
I almost laugh at the thought of finding Mr. Right
If only they knew you, and how you love to fight
I guess that's what makes you "special", unique in your own way
I need to remind myself that almost every day.
Why would I pick someone that constantly was fake
I know you and I'm not sure how much more that I can take
I guess that they'll find out eventually who you really are
By then you'll be a memory, just another scar.
I'll add it to the collection, another off my list...
Now it's time to find my love...yet another great first kiss.
Again this makes me laugh, because I know that it won't last
He too will be another memory to add to my troubled past.
I don't think there really is a perfect mr. Right
For afterall, don't we know, guys only like to fight.

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 514
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
I'm all alone
But you're here too
This room is cold
And so are you
My mind it races
My heart it breaks
Just one look
That's all it takes
You're eyes they pierce
Mine quickly close
My mind goes faster
But time has froze
You said it once
I'll say it again
I know my fate
I'll never win
The day grows darker
My heart does too
Thoughts of the past
Of me and you
Now I'm done
Eyes close once more
I see the light
An open door

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 508
Each and Every Day
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
You're everything I want and everything I need
sometimes I lay awake just to hear you breath
alone you are amazing but together when we're one,
- the passion that's between us is of a thousand suns.
You're heartbeat is the music that runs throughout my veins
You're presence is enough to take away my pains.
My love for you is endless, perfect in everyway
And this I hope to prove to you each and every day.

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 820
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
Today I sat there quietly, didn't make a sound.
I let you tell me off, and I let you put me down.
You told me I was nothing but a worthless empty tomb.
But mom, don't you remember? I once was in your womb.
You're the one who smiled, holding your brand new baby girl
Kissed her on the forehead, said you couldn't love her anymore.
You held her tiny hands, and you touched her little feet...
This is who you waited for for nine long months to meet.
You would stand there in the doorway, you didn't want to leave.
Watched your tiny babys chest move up and down to breath.
She always looked so perfect sleeping in her tiny crib,
And she always looked so **** cute with food dripping down her bib.
You watched her learn to crawl, to walk, and even how to run.
You watched her skip and hop and play under the shining sun.
You held her hand as you crossed the street, protecting her little life
For after all, she was the one you thanked god for every night.
You sent her off to school, but it sure did break your heart
This would be the first time the two "buddies" were apart.
You packed inside her lunchbox a little note that read
"I love you more than anything", and that is all it said.
She knew how much you loved her, and she loved you just as much.
You were the one who soothed her, from just one simple touch.
Remember when she fell off her bike and scraped her little knee?
You bandaged it and kissed it and it was as good as it could be.
You teased her when her tooth would wiggle and eventually fell out,
You left her money that night that you could do without.
You made cookies for Santa, when it was Christmas time.
You read her her favorite Christmas stories, the ones that always rhymed.
You and your little girl, the best that friends could be.
So please tell me mommy, what has happened to you and me.
Now the days are always cold and the sun is never out.
You now have anger in your eyes and you always have to shout.
There is no more happy days where you and I would talk
No more days holding hands while we'd go on a walk.
Now I am older, and you have turned me down
You don't want any part of me, not a single sound.
You want me to be silent, not to say a word.
But mommy, that isn't what I want, I know that you have heard.
I know you hear my muffled pleas as I'm talking through my tears.
I hope you want as badly as me for these grim dark days to clear.
I want to be your friend again, your buddy, and your pal.
I want to talk to my mom, but for now...I don't know how.

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 556
A Brand New Start
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
I packed my bags and headed straight to the nearest town,
My fate was held by merely my swift feet and the ground.
I knew I had to get away and now was my only chance
I walked down the path not looking back, not a single glance.
My mind raced with thoughts of what you'd do when you found out
I knew that you'd be angry, I knew that without a doubt.
But still I kept on walking,
Straight to that little town.
I didn't dare begin to think about turning around.
I arrived there faster that I thought, and what joy did fill my heart
I was that much closer to my dream, a dream of a brand new start.
I scurried to the station and held firmly to my pass
I thought about all those times, the times that were now my past
I would no longer have to hear the anger in your voice
No longer have to face the days where I didn't have a choice
I wouldn't have to hide behind sun glasses and long sleeves
And I wouldn't have to hurt inside while crying on my knees
And then I saw my future, so bright and full of life
I saw happiness and joy, no more bitterness or strife.
I grabbed my bags beside me and boarded my escape
Who knew a train could help you leave a very scary fate.

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 848
For my Uncle Raymond
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
I'll let my tears blend in with these puddles on the ground.  
Sorrow in my heart as this rain is pouring down.
Giving it all up to You, the one who holds the plan.
The Lord of heaven and of earth, of animal and man.
I'll trust in you because I know that You will do what's best
I'll just keep praying for Your will and let You do the rest.

- Jamie
Jun 2012 · 503
I Will Love You Always
Jamie Kelch Jun 2012
My eyes are closed as I talk to you cuz I can't stand to bear
The look behind those hazel eyes, I can feel you stare.
Although the words are hard to say as they trickle off my lips
I open my eyes and say them, I could no longer resist.
The words they flowed so smoothly, like a sweet scent in the breeze
Those three words were all I had, my heart fell to my knees.
I caught my breath before I let my eyes fall upon yours,
- it's harsh just like the ocean crashing on the shores.
I peak at you with hesitance, unsure of what you'd say.
Your voice it shakes as you begin to say you feel that same way.
Although they are just words, the meaning is so strong,
I will love you always...for all of my life long.

- Jamie

— The End —