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He took her heart and soul
And clasped her to him nightly.
He stroked her curly long hair
And said, "I love you, I kiss you,
I hold you and send you 51 Red Roses."

He sent her her favourite poem
With a message from Matthew Arnold.
He taught her about time and direction and
Most of all about love, the perfect love
The love of 51 Red Roses.

Then came the day he went blind
And could not see
The 51 Red Roses, nor her
Nor their dreams, nor their love
Nor their kisses.

Blind he remained
In a chain of oppression
Blind as a mole.
Blind. Cruel. Unkind.
The lake is cold
It belonged to the Emperor.
It has turned into ice
Ducks walk on it.
People on the bridge above
Throw food down for them.
Skaters skate in circles
On the huge huge lake.

The sun sets
The lake glows
Like thousands of stars
All gold.
The long summer nights are cold, my love,
The long summer nights are cold.
The yellow sun dips behind the tall trees, my love,
It dips and sinks low beyond the horizon.

Where are you my love?
Where are you?

You lost your chance of freedom, my love,
Yes, my love, you lost your chance to live free.

I know where you are, my love,
I know where.
I can't come there, my love,
I can't come there.

Your courage failed, my love,
You failed and failed me.

Yet, now that you are lost to me, my love,
I am free, free to be me.

Free to travel
The worldwide sea.

Ah, it could have been you and me, past love,
But now it is just me
Utterly, perfectly free.

— The End —