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695 · Apr 2016
James Rider Apr 2016
Altruism doesn't exist.
If you disagree, you are simply
Lying to yourself.
If you examine honestly
The things you've done,
Why you did them and
What you expected to achieve by doing them,
You may, perhaps, notice that all of them
Were self serving.
By: James Rider, copyright 2016
547 · Mar 2016
James Rider Mar 2016
Happenstance dictates your habits,
Even as they are killing you.
Understanding this makes no difference
Like a hairbrush to an Auschwitz Jew.

Knowledge is usually power, but,
in the face of a chaotic rhyme,
It cannot be deciphered with
All clues intact in time.

And so it goes throughout the journey,
As swift we travel to our ends,
Understanding and reality pass untouched
While our dreams are left undefended.
482 · May 2016
James Rider May 2016
Dust and bits and pieces of metal, water and heat that a soul in there as well?
does this morass perceive me at all, or do I see it only?
A robot only in the sense that it isn't emoting or intuiting or showing empathy.
443 · Mar 2016
James Rider Mar 2016
Heresy and faith walk hand in hand
As do life, death and understanding.
Circumference is the path of our being
From one end to the other, finish to start.

Light the fire with a match of curiosity,
Send the signal to the master of destinies.
Fill to the brim a hungry belly
With all the questions that are posed.

Then, and only then, may you listen,
And listen close you must,
'Ere you miss all of the solutions
Present at the ends of extended fingertips.
425 · Feb 2016
James Rider Feb 2016
375 · Mar 2016
James Rider Mar 2016
Wretched, twisted, hacking and heaving
Swirling in lumens where darkness is left behind.
Unbidden cometh the sun and a new day to my door, even though they are both beautiful.
Wiping spittle from my lips and lifting myself away from the porcelain god that held me in such thrall, I go to greet said day.
But first, I reckon I'll go back to the origins of my ill-fated adventures, and make a different choice.
332 · Feb 2016
James Rider Feb 2016
Homily in dueces, wrecked beyond comprehension.
Half starved, swelling throngs of disbelievers,
Half true eulogies eulogizing the still-living, undulating ghosts that whip to and fro between one righteous thought and one sin.
Undaunted in fear do I stand before thee.  
Unheard do I scream a name that can never answer me, as the human attached to it has nothing more to give.
Haunted by my own self.
317 · Mar 2016
James Rider Mar 2016 this thing on?
Is it in yet?
How did I accomplish the fantastical?
Within the wearer is where the were-bats wear down the wary conventions wearily widening the pass. this thing on?
How do I get it out now?
Can my deeds become undone within the boundaries of all that is known?
Are there really boundaries? this thing on?
Not if the circuit is cut.
276 · Mar 2016
James Rider Mar 2016
Sometime never around around the corner, with Bukowski's eyes and satin skin,
She waits.
She ruminates the fierceness she will make someone endure while waiting.
Fierceness that only shows it's true nature after safety has been suggested.
Suggestions that come freely, not when asked.
Questions that lie when posed before the wrong ears.
Illumination is only the first letter of a word used falsely to spread truth.
Honesty comes at the bottom of the whiskey bottle, lonely and hurt.
Soon, the nature of her honesty will no longer wait for any other to acknowledge it, but instead, adopt a life of it's own.
252 · Jan 2016
James Rider Jan 2016
Flashing hot in anger mounting,
Last words not making any sense
To me, you or anyone, present or absent.

Slowly ebbing as the heart beats mellower, more slowly than before.

What happened?
224 · Jan 2016
James Rider Jan 2016
In the night, I see moistness.
Heavy dew smells clean,
The aftermath of morning.

— The End —