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James Riddle Aug 2014
Every night I lay my head down
the thought of you with him
branded into my brain
driving me insane
after several long agonizing hours
I finally pass into the void
Though my time there is short
I dream of all the times we had
both the good and the bad
and when I awake the next morning
I beg and I pray
that the brand on my brain
was only a horrible dream
James Riddle Aug 2014
I used to be your rock
You were my everything
We had it all
From the front seat
I was kicked out of the car
Hitting the ground at 100/MPH
Now left for dead
I scrounge for my own
Gasping for air
A s I hold on to life
I used to be your man
Now I am somebody you used to know
James Riddle Aug 2014
I am the nameless
No one knows me
No one cares
They walk all over me
As if I am dirt
From hero to zero
Now just a memory
James Riddle Feb 2014
You are the judge
you are the jury
you are the prosecuter
I am the defendant
my crime is loving you
my sentance is life confinement
I have no bond set
the evidence is stacked against me
the only witness is me
I plead guilty on all charges
I have nothing to hide
I am not ashamed of my crime
but now the trial has come to an end
the only thing left is the verdict
you as the jury
how do you find me?
James Riddle Feb 2014
The words, they leave my lips
and fall upon your ear
meant for good intention
yet they are misconstrued
never have i meant
to do you any wrong
only to help you understand
the pain that conquers me
but in turn the damage is done to you
all these thoughts inside my head
i cannot get them out
no words can describe them
locked behind closed doors
my mind at war with my heart
misconseption mixed with logic
scratches at my soul
leaving scars and bleeding wounds
some will never heal
James Riddle Feb 2014
Sitting on the widows peek
she waits for me week after week
not know when or if I'm coming home
wondering if she is alone

Out at see I sail the waves
searching for my soul, I save
never in my life I feared
the fear I felt right here

The seas, they thrash
as the skys turn grey
into the eye we sail with craze
a storm is coming our way

Fighting the storm from bow to sturn
suddenly the winds, they turned
tossing us to and fro
into a malstrom we now go

Now the seas, they are calm
as the tide washes in
the sad widow now sees
the seas, they run red.
James Riddle Feb 2014
Long lonely nights
followed by a lonelier day
I sit there in silence
waiting for the end
pain itching at my heart
killing all my dreams
devouring all happiness
only to bestow upon me
a shroud of sorrow
the beast grows
the animal screaming
destroying who I was
and creating the demon
of which I am to become
all hope for me has died
I am the darkness
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