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Jan 2014 · 503
Why can't it be simple...
James Plummer Jan 2014
The aching pain of your absence
still lingers in my near empty heart,
Feelings unchanged by time
people telling me i should forget and move on
and that it will fade but it doesn't,
all it does is tear me apart bit by bit,
they don't fade,
not because i don't want them to
but how they stuck so tight they are part of me.
Part of the best thing
that has happened to me in forever.
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
I fucked up
James Plummer Jan 2014
What more need i say...
Dec 2013 · 558
Finally Broke
James Plummer Dec 2013
I have forever been the one
that catches people when they fall
or tries to keep spirits high
when things look darkest,
I snapped,
I broke,
5 years of strength,
5 years of blocking pain
behind my walls I thought impenetrable.
I feel the need to brag
about how hard it was,
How well I kept my secrets hidden
behind the smile I can no longer keep,
No-one is to blame but I,
I have always been the one
that wants to comfort but now,
I fear it is my turn to be comforted.
Dec 2013 · 601
Pathetic me
James Plummer Dec 2013
I couldn't help it,
the need was too great,
far mightier than I,
I just couldn't ignore its whispers.
I lay on my bed in agony,
writhing at the thought,
that I would take my life
and ignore the cries
of pain it would cause.
I panicked.
How did I know
the night would end with this,
The first was blunt and upsetting,
The second was Sharp
and worked like a charm.
It felt better than I thought it would
far better,
I feared it would hurt too much,
but it was comforting,
I dont regret it
and maybe will sleep tonight,
I have yet to try.
Dec 2013 · 514
For the one i hold dearest
James Plummer Dec 2013
We may be apart,
don't think i will treat you different,
I will forever try to make you smile
even on your darkest days,
I will always call you beautiful
when your mind is clouded with doubt
I still will pray that god will help you
and see you though your troubles
in case you lose all hope.
None of these things i have to do
and most days you wonder why i bother
and yet no matter what i always try.
I feel the need to try,
I want to try
I will forever be here to catch you
whenever you start to fall,
i want you to rise high and shine bright
because above all
you deserve it.
Dec 2013 · 612
Better left unspoken
James Plummer Dec 2013
Yet again i find myself,
pacing back and forth my path,
Fighting back tears of
frustration, how i feel
the need to ask questions
better left unspoken,
for the answer is sure
to bring pain and sadness,
I want them...
But i will not risk the cost
for i would rather them be
left unspoken and silent
than be whispers of torment
in ones mind.
I don't know if i could do it.
Dec 2013 · 785
Numb to my pain
James Plummer Dec 2013
I have no feeling
I have boxed it up
and have locked it away
far in my mind.
I am numb to all feeling
and have been ever since.
My kindness,
My generosity,
is it taken for granted,
am i too kind
or too forgiving.
am i too much,
or was i never enough.
I have always been numb,
no matter how hard i try
the pain is never there,
even when i need it the most,
why is it so hard
and for how long will it last...
Dec 2013 · 353
Midnight Walks
James Plummer Dec 2013
I go out for walks,
Sometimes till dawn,
I do not choose where i go
i just walk
and let my feet take me,
More often than not,
I find myself walking
the same path to your door,
Almost three miles each night,
But then i remember
i have no place there
and am faced with turning back
and heading home,
Sad and lonely.
Yet again
Dec 2013 · 799
My Light
James Plummer Dec 2013
My mind full of shrapnel,
From thoughts and feelings
i will not mend them
in fear of what i might find.
My body is unshaven wood,
Don't touch,
For you will catch my splinters.
I try to run
but my feet are scarred,
From the shattered dreams
and shattered hopes
of where i tread,
It seems all i leave is darkness,
and i hope i can find my light
Dec 2013 · 450
Life and some of its beauty
James Plummer Dec 2013
As i walk outside
and close the door,
I slowly pace
up and down my path,
I flick my ash
from my cigarette and
it gently falls like snow.
Its where i go to ponder,
life and some of its beauty
and by some i mean not much
and by not much i mean there is none.
For me atleast,
There was but it has passed.
Should i recover
i will not be the same,
but i will have seen through
this darkness.
Dec 2013 · 343
Why is it i care so much...
James Plummer Dec 2013
I wish i could do it,
Take that one step more,
My attempt to fly
it seems so simple.
But yet i can't,
I couldn't,
I dont think i ever will,
For i fear the heartbreak
and the heartache.
How could i let go
knowing the pain
it will cause.
Why is it i would rather
live the pain
than be the cause.
Why is it i care so much...
Dec 2013 · 416
Can't and Won't
James Plummer Dec 2013
You say your poison will taint me
and that you will drag me down,
that you will drown me,
I'm stronger than i look and
stronger than i may seem,
Past relationships of fear,
that i will fade away
and sink with them,
without any knowledge or thought
of my strength,
You may think you can drown me,
but i am already gone,
the only thing left is your fear.

— The End —