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Feb 2010 · 603
James Nealon Feb 2010
Do not wonder why I do not
I do not need to wander the plains of
Wiggling down rabbit holes like
Screaming in nightmare or far-flung
Never weeping for the loss of
My dignity intact as I never need

Never need to live.
Never need to breathe.

Feb 2010 · 696
James Nealon Feb 2010
Long sitting in fields of brilliant white.
Standing tall in pillars of clear crystal water.
Like razors and pain in the eternal wind.
Skies forever shrouded with a hood of gray.


Darkness long after the dawn, short days.
Bitter cold morning walks, wind howling.
Dazzling sunshine in the afternoon, freezing cold.
Darkness descends like a sheet, so early.

Feb 2010 · 1.4k
James Nealon Feb 2010
Let joy shall crash upon you like the waves from the
sea, heavy and full of unexpectedness.

Let love drift to you like the soft smell of hyacinth
from the gardens below your window.

Deny not the furtive scrapings of passion always
clawing and biting their way into your life.

Allow life to be lived as life, not as scripted verse, not like this.
Feb 2010 · 742
James Nealon Feb 2010
In the depths of a pool
of blue, oh so blue
water I seek her.

I seek her with eyes that
have never even seen
a single rising of
the sun.

I seek her with ears that
have never even
heard the beating
of a heart.

I seek her with fingers
that long to feel the
passion of life.

I seek her with a tongue
that has never sipped
the sweet vintage
of youth.

I seek her to know her.
I seek her to love her.

I seek her.
Jan 2010 · 623
James Nealon Jan 2010
hide me from the shadows.
hide me from the light.

keep me from the windows
keep me out of sight.

tell the lies and say i'm rich.
tell the lies and say i pray.

never tell her that i'm his *****.
never tell her that i'm gay.

tell my momma not to cry.
her baby will be back.

never say he wants to die
that all he wants is smack.
Jan 2010 · 760
James Nealon Jan 2010
You can sing to me songs of heartfelt camaraderie,
but until I feel the true pain
of your tears upon my shoulders,
I will not know anything of you.

You can hold me in your arms, strong and wonderful,
but if I do not know your
weaknesses, your sorrow,
how do I know

Weep with me, share your pain
with me and I will be
yours far past the
horizon of the
next dawn.
Jan 2010 · 623
James Nealon Jan 2010
Do not cry for me when I am gone into the dark.
Do not sing songs for me when I pass from this place.
Do not make speeches when I shuffle the mortal coil.

Weep for me, weep for me and show me that your hearts
are sad, not just your minds and your ego.

— The End —