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2.2k · Jul 2010
From the waves of Poseidon,
To the strikes of Zeus,
Upholds the Philoshophers dream
That dream is a myth
But true in many ways,
To think immortal is given  
To live like Athena
Is to have wisdom
- From Philosophy
1.6k · May 2010
my pen
my pen
i write things with care
my pen has many things to share
many ideas describing my intentions
writing my wholesome conclusions
my words flow as the grass grows
my feelings put down makes my imagination become sound
words fall as my mind spins through a crystal ball
all free writing for me
going way a bove the trees
my words are everlasting.............
Banker 2010
1.2k · Apr 2010
simplicity of water
water drizzles,
               eyesight changed,
          intuiton foreshadowed,
                                                   ­       as
   is opened by the plesant sound of water.
Banker 2010- From Philosophy
989 · Jun 2010
questionable man
abled body worker,
with nothing to show for,
dreams are there but never acted upon,
thoughts break,
with no initiative to act,
scared and confused,
life stays blunt without direction..
Banker 2010
you wake up everyday for something better to come your way,
but it never does;
you hold a grudge,
all around seems to make sence,
everyone else doesn't seem to think it does.....
you hold a grudge
your life is in perfect order as you intend it ought to be,
you open your eyes and see the light shining upon you;
it shows your path as you lead the way to live day after day...
the others don't understand your works,your life, your dreams,your fortitude,your smile,and your character but you..
striving to make your dreams come true...........
945 · Jun 2010
unknown soilder
humble man with traits one cannot fatham,
he walks with his head high,
his legs and back stright and strong,
body with muscles as meak as a millionares pocket,
mind is open but controlled,
assigned with a number as his brothers,
the extent he will go is an infinaite plethera,
for his country without even really wanting to.....
Banker 2010
871 · Jun 2010
the hardest word to say
day turns into night,
the lights go out as a candle is lit,
temptaition is breaking on me,
dripping sweat,
caressing her every curve,
heart pounding,
hands shaking,
lips moving,
her hair with the sweet scent of,
mind wandering,
room spinning with the thought of,
our bodys move in sync with a symphany orctestra,
high then low,
intertwind like a treble cleff,
left then right,  
the music plays louder and louder,
what is this to become of,
and what is the word im thinking of.........
Banker, 2010
850 · Feb 2011
not a title but wow
this one is for me and you,
when are thoughts are blue.
and soul is untrue,
only you can start new-
and go along,
simple and strong...  
like a bird in a tree,
singing about being free,
but, what about you, and me
what happens to we...
do we go on,
hang on,
not for very long,
do we wake up day to day,
with a smile on your pretty face,
we live our lives until death-
hoping we are buried in satin and lace,
hoping to find are place...
well it doesn't matter where we are
near or far...................
as long as we yes you and me are happy
Banker 2011
822 · May 2010
trance in a dream
absolute dream
werabouts is obsolete
conversing to an elder
as my mind is spinning through
helter skelter
to bring myself back
staying away from my mind attack
sleeping into the night
trying to breach the perfect limelight
as i spin down into a tunnel
of frequency
spriling down like a funnel
to find me
i map my next place ahead
feeling as my face is turning red
casting a new element almost need an antidote
or supplement
i hear
an awnswer
a sense of free...
i awake the day bright and blue
so maybe i'll find something new.............
the most amazing dream i ever had
782 · Oct 2010
he who says he knows
doesnt actually know
he who talks the talk cannot
walk the walk
he who stands silent
he who learns knows
but never speaks
he who understands
figures out there is no other than Buddha
Banker 2010- From Philosophy
a woman with a face so pretty,
with the way she moves makes me feel witty,
hair is brown legs are long,
mind is guard,
with body strong,
always smiling,
in the right timing,
every action she has is a sentic melody,
her sound speaks her soul,
which is true in harmony..
Banker 2010
776 · Jun 2010
magentic scene
moving slow,
no movements,
striking upon me
thought faded,
forseeking destiny,
slowly my shadow moves as my body stands still,
bold but blunt
just me myself and I
as my life passes me by....
Banker 2010
773 · Jun 2010
not knowing what to do,
the path to pursue,
your boundries have an infinate plethera,
with no guide to come over ya,
ideas flow your head,
as you lay in bed,
with questionalbe authority,
with the life in the city...
Banker 2010
742 · Apr 2010
Peaceful Paradise
not a way to worry
not a place to be
looking for a place with sunshine
is allright with me
the bubbles of distruction
in my mind
just a man
with calm feelings
is all you'll find
as a tranquil time
brings me to a rhyme
and a peacful sight
keeps me sublime
cause i'm blasting high way in the sky
going to my peacful paradise
Banker 2010- From words from the soul
717 · Aug 2010
money its only paper
money worries
always having them
makes your day astray
always on your mind at the wrong time
everyone who is rich
your creating jelousness
wishing that would be you
you try
and you try
but never suceed
so you have money worries that control your life
inspite of what u are
your true self
your life
your happiness
everywere you go
your body moves slow
when will this happen
will it be
will you see
that its only paper
or object that is there
but it is everywhere
i am here
not scared
not confused
not struggling without a dollar in my pocket....
716 · Oct 2010
Letter to God
this is my letter to God,
simple not fraud,
why is this the way it should be,
why can't this be easy for me...

I stare at the sunset-
why can't my binds be free...

stepping into the forest
there is a path withered, and torn
i no in my heart-
that is the one i shall take-
this is where you find the beauty
not the common way
where everyone strays
its the hard way, to build-
the strength for brighter days.....
671 · Aug 2010
good poem
why does every poem
have to be sad i look for ones
that are uplifting and make me glad
poets write deep depressing thoughts
never any skys of blue or
of words of dreams coming true
poems of good people like me and you......
the conifdence of death and destruction is all i hear
even though the words are crystal clear so here
is to all the emo kids.....
grow a ****
not short but tall
stop letting your ***** *** tears fall
wear your pants loose not tight
maybe you will not get beat up at night
listen to music that makes sence
with words that make a strong fist
instead of blacking a your eyes and slitting your wrist
we have one life short not long
so come along
the ride is happy not bad
so get glad
661 · Jun 2010
the Secret
words flow like a river,
a current carries the melody,
that thought is greater than alexander,
stronger than an Ottoman warrior,
more simplistic than a blank picture,
and more tranquill than a baby walking for his first time,
what could it be the works of Leo,
the acts of God,
its frequency stays perfect Geometrical order,
you cannot see but like the wind the sound and feeling caresses you.....
what is it........
Banker 2010- From Philosophy
612 · Sep 2010
all is one
one is all
to have something
you must have one
and to create one
you must start self mastery
one is the entrance to reason
one creates plethera
one endures all
one stands on muddy water till still
one who teaches cant teach
one who listens is the teacher
one who talks doesnt know
one who knows doesnt talk
all is one one is all
one will know
what one is tought
Banker 2010- From Philosophy
578 · Oct 2010
still water is clear,
clear mind clear thoughts,
rippling water,
is cloudy mind,
cloudy heart,
cloudy soul,
to have no movements in your puddle,
is to take and remove your drops
Banker 2010- From Philosophy
518 · Sep 2010
the rock sits
as the stream flows over
never moves unless a great force
nudges it
the tree grows
but never moves
unless the wind blows it
the sun shines
unless the clouds block it
so we always walk on our path
nevermind the bends curves or hills
tomorrow there is still a path to walk on
Banker 2010- From Philosophy
493 · Sep 2010
im am me but what am i,   am i nothing or  am i something  or am i something for nothing, what can nothing be, if im striving for something but its nothing, if something is something, and nothing is nothing, what is everything???? is it something or is it nothing?????
Banker 2010- From Philosophy

— The End —