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669 · Sep 2013
We loved each other.
I was to shy to make my move.
You moved on,
Thinking I had done the same.
But I hadn't.
The absence of you in my life
Ravaged my mind.
I sunk into the bottomless pits,
The pits of depression.
And now I am here,
Writing this in grievance.
The grievance over you.
I have lost myself.
I have lost you.
474 · Sep 2013
The Treasure Within
I found a treasure
The best of them all
Before I opened this treasure,
I thought,
Does the treasure want this?
Am I just another man,
Trying to unlock your secrets?
I decided to leave you be
For your treasure might not have been ready
Later I spot you,
Being searched by another seeker.
I was crushed
I was devastated
I fell away
Into your traps.
I learned my lesson-
To never leave your side.
The man who found you rotted away-
Your enchantment on him wore off,
While the one on me grew stronger.
Your riches were restored
I tried to get to the island you occupied,
But was swept away by the endless,
Ever-changing current.
To this day,
I try and try and try
But still,
I am trying to get the treasure within.
275 · Sep 2013
A Chance
I love you.
You might love me.
I need to KNOW your love.
Not just assume.
Because when I falsify love,
I lose friends.
Friends that were very, very close to me.
I would love to love,
But if I try,
And don't succeed,
I would lose even more.
If I don't ask,
Then I lose the biggest thing I have ever had with you-
A chance.

— The End —