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1.7k · Sep 2011
James Earl Sep 2011
If I had a dime, for every time I've been down.
I'd trade these beggar's rags, for a solid silver crown.
Cursed by loneliness,  but blessed by freedom to roam.
To wander these back alleys, where I call my home.
All I have to my name, is an old glass pipe and my shoes.
Sold my soul to fill a hole, not filled with women or *****.
Please don't pity me old glory, not you old fools on the hill.
Just give me your spare change, I'm only in it for the thrill.
Ignorant drink their lattes, and the pious drink their wine.
You know every ****** like a setting sun does shine.
956 · Sep 2011
James Earl Sep 2011
What can I say for the enamored self?
But a sad saga of faded glory...
Who are we to love at all?
There are no ghosts watching through your walls....
808 · Sep 2011
James Earl Sep 2011
Oh Muse I call thee! Sing me the song of the human soul!
May thy words sound as thunder so that all man may hear your message!
I call thee! Oh manifestation of inspiration move me brightly!  
Oh adoration of faith, reward of virtue’s gentle embrace.
Oh sweet Nuit your gentle kiss shall fill my heart with a trembling breath.
Your figure is slender as a ghost of kindness long since passed,
your eyes in silence echo the muse’s disregarded tune at last.
Oh revelation of the face, take up your sandy wings.
Rise up over the Earth just as you emerge from Nun,
that primordial darkness of insecurity that rough sea of regret.
Behold the last great voice has spoken! The third pillar lost, the tabernacle is broken.
Divine Truth, nothing-earthly gives or can destroy, the soul’s calm sunshine of spiritual joy.
Oh stone rejected by the builders, ascend to become the keystone of the living Arch.
May your rays forever illuminate the Earth!
Long live the Brothers who exhort this beauty… for they are the Sons of the East.
764 · Sep 2011
James Earl Sep 2011
He wandered amongst the midday twilight peak;
In his window glared a formative feline,
I was once lost in it,
But then recommended a fine smile to my deliberated agenda,
Oh how the world inquires beyond thee,
Like a nimble breeze amongst a flame,
Upon a strained vigil sanity keep,
Upon my own reflection revelation came.
650 · Sep 2011
0 The Fool
James Earl Sep 2011
Oh how the joy of carefree love,
Is light upon my silky brow,
A Rose of Venus in my palm,
To all the Earth I disavow.

Oh Sacred Union in my hand,
Bestow on me a young man's heart,
Instinct and senses guide me not,
From my ego I must depart.

Beast of burden fore shadow not,
The Edge of this material realm,
Blindly I venture with four winds,
The light of Logos at my helm.

The working tools of life within,
A purse atop my ******* rod,
I stand as all humanity,
As I bow to a nameless God.

Oh how the cold and distant snow,
Of ignorance does many rule,
But in the glory of the Sun,
In eternal truth stands the Fool.

A Fool, to many thoughts is lost,
like distant cobwebs from a dream,
Revelations scattered beyond,
Like grains of sand beneath a stream.
First of a series of poems concerning the A.E. Waite Tarot Card Deck.
631 · Mar 2013
Ode to Rodney
James Earl Mar 2013
I can see you tired and trapped,
Once wide eyed now layered with degradation,
Regret is found deep in a stream of lies,
A lord amongst insects must only survive.
630 · Mar 2013
Call of Judgement
James Earl Mar 2013
Oh you heavens in which dwell the angels of vexation and horror,
execute thy judgment, the will of the Highest!
Behold the face of your God the beginning of being,
whose eyes are the brightness of faith and glory.
Lost are you to thee who do not dispose all things according to the providence of Him,
that sits on the Holy Throne, that nature has not formed.
For I know the confounding of the Earth,
It repents me that I made Man.
May the labor of their deceit be stricken and defaced, for it is the work of heretics.
May desolation consume the earth because she is the bed of a Harlot,
and the dwelling place of Him that is Fallen.  
Mighty is my word for it is which reigns over the Nations of Judgment.
For it is I which delivers you from the darkness of fear,
and it is I which condemn you to the final abyss.
Greater is my brilliance then the flames of Hades, and look yee all to the final judgment.
613 · Sep 2011
Ode to Death
James Earl Sep 2011
Oh Grand Architect of the Universe hear your children’s call!
We reverently invoke thy blessing at this the face of the deep.
Invoke in me divine powers of thee!
Let all wickedness and evil invisible be banished from your servants keep.
The hangman equals death! The Devil Equals death! Death equals death!

Here Death his sacred seal hath upon his icy brow set,
Given into sorrows of bright and by-gone hours;
Oh children, see the dead we mourn, are with us yet,
And more than ever ours.

Ours, a long forgotten glory by the pledge of love and faith;
By to lay upon your breast in the hopes of heaven on high;
By trust, and faith we shall triumphant over death,
In immortality, is all found within a child's eye !
595 · Sep 2011
Liber Ab Aeditumus
James Earl Sep 2011
Be fearful who you judge, take no man’s dignity in vain. For all is connected, holy, and beautiful in thy name. For he who strikes another will strike himself the same.
Someday we will meet in fortune's fate, let our union of energies be complete. Every man and woman is infinite in the stars of aether. But the awakening is lost waiting to confer.

Unravel your brow and embrace the light, for you yourself are but a thought in a dream of delight.  As is in my mind, it shall so be in yours, the temple of the hear it all that endures.
Respect the Mother and honor my Name. Embrace me or be cast to the flame.

As we lose our faith and trust, guide us, though sin and lust. Through the shadows of wailing souls in search of grace and love, embrace nothing and there will be no plight among you. Look to the infinite space between us and understand the splendorous glory of I.

Was it the beast along beside me who crawled out of the sea? Who is the prophet sleeping in the shadow of the tree? Who is that beside her? Is it who it seems to be? Do not disturb their slumber, oh, true love, let them be.

Poetic day dreams and peaceful, not cold and deep ease the crease upon their brows and smile upon their sleep. While the lovers rest their heads and merge their hearts beneath the clouds on the western coast. They offer hymns to the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost.

Although the stars have faded, we are not lost. The sandy rolling breeze decides our course. Seems such a long time since we last sighted land. But a dove brought this olive branch and dropped it in my hand.

This was sung before and shall be sung again. Forgotten songs reclaim their tunes when leaving the voice of men. The stars sparkle overhead but to the sides misplaced. Visions rescued from the dead speak from a child’s face.

We look through the darkness to the starlight of the moon. Crickets make the rhythm and cicadas play the tune. May all life be in rhythm and all in tune with One. Yah Heh Vav Heh rules the heavens seated in the sun, and the Mother in the harvest moon, in my heart is the Son.

When the white birds escape to the heavens, and the watchmen of the towers abandon their vigil, lost hopes and memories hang like cobwebs from a dream. Echoes fade where music rang and candles lose their gleam.

The Prophet has no choice soon you will not hear his voice. For his job is to shed light, not to bask in it. Breathe the lost truth of words and when all love fails. The Prophet shuts his holy book and leaves the Land of Tales.
503 · Mar 2013
The Call of Truth
James Earl Mar 2013
Behold and tremble at the face of thy inequity.
Hide thy eyes from the sight of the most Holy.
For I know the house of blasphemy and filth.
I know the dwellers in the abyss of sorrow,
and I know your guilt and shame.
Arise and reveal your transgressions,
for my voice is as thunder and reigns over the Nations of Truth.
For it is I, that deliver you with the sword of knowledge,
and govern over the Holy Ones in the halls of Glory.
Stronger are thy feet than barren stones
and mighty is thou back to bear the burden of humanity.
475 · Mar 2013
Call of Justice
James Earl Mar 2013
Can the depths of knowledge partake with you,
who bow to the Laws of Death?
Weak are thee from the clay of the profane.
Bite thy tongue from pronouncing, that which is sacred.
For I know whom govern the Holy Throne,
I know the foundation upon which the 12 kingdoms stand,
for my hand is as the shadow of righteousness and wrath which reigns over the Nations of Justice.
For it is I, that deliver you by the balance of understanding.
Greater is thy breath then the manifold winds and mighty is the wings of the Cherubim that arise in the breath of thy creation.
441 · Mar 2013
Call of Mercy
James Earl Mar 2013
Adore and praise the glory of the sacred chamber,
for it is the brilliance of the heavens that has clothed you in robes of splendor.
For I know the strength in where man rejoices,
I know the Tabernacle of comfort, where is the beginning of glory.
I know where rings the beauty of the ****** voice that echoes in the winds,
Arise and sing forth thy acclaim, for my cup is that which brings forth a kingdom of joy not to be measured.
It is I that decorate thee with ornaments and flowers in their fullest beauty and reign over the Nations of Mercy.
Brilliant is thy face upon the deep and mighty is thy heart above the nations

— The End —