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Jake McPherson Nov 2012
I should have taken all the warnings,
I should have foreseen this mourning,
I thought i could have trusted you,
But now I'm lusting for you.
Your just causing me to be blue.
I thought you were different from the rest,
I thought you had shown some interest.
I guess i was wrong and now your gone.
I don't know what i had done,
I don't understand this green monster I've become.
I don't want to live life like this,
I would just like to be bliss.
Be genuinely happy for once,
Instead I'm making myself the dunce.
Complaining over what never was,
Thinking that i am always the cause.
Wandering if it was me, i wish i could see,
Could see the monster I've turned into.
I wish you could see what I've been through,
All the mountains and valleys I've overcome.
If only you had added it up, taken the sum,
Looked deep into the real me,
Saw what i was trying to do, what i want to be.
I wanted one meager chance,
You had me hypnotized, in a trance,
You had me from our first glance.
The way i had made you smile,
The way you had seen past my vile,
The way i could make you laugh,
But now all i see now is a wrath.
Anger engulfing every square inch,
I feel as though I'm in a pinch.
Time is not on my side for long,
I only wish i could stay strong,
These feeling are probably false,
They are probably all in my mind, a lost clause,
A darkness inside of me grows,
It is filled with my sorrow and woes.
If only the light would shine through,
If only i could stop being blue,
I want my angel to shine bright,
I dont want the darkness in flight.
All i ask is to find some blissness,
To complete the pursuit of happiness.
Is that really so much to ask,
All i want if to complete my endless task
Jake McPherson Oct 2012
If I die before I awake,
my soul shall run for no one to take,
Neither heaven nor hell,
My soul shall simple dwell.
Completing the unfinished tasks of life,
Wandering the world in search of a wife.,
Still in search of a true soul,
Endlessly searching for that heart of gold,
Trying to find my other half,
The burning Phoenix to  my empty heart,
My soul would search for that missing part.
Facing down demons and fears,
Never showing the shed of tears,
Filled with hatred and resentment,
But also happiness and contentment.
Searching for the Phoenix to be her cure,
I would save her before the flames would pour,
The joy inside would keep me alive,
And my will would allow me to strive.
I would search day and night,
Fighting away every last fright.
Finding my matching heart,
What I've been in search of from the start.
I'd capture the Phoenix with my love,
And then together, our hearts would rise above,
To find my second half will is always my goal,
For my body, my heart, and especially my soul
Jake McPherson Sep 2012
As I walk through the valley I'm the shadow of death,
I keep myself together with every waking breath,
I make it unknown to everyone who I truely am,
no one will every know the emotions I cram.
Some say i don't understand,
That I dont get it,
That I dont understand you,
Well I do, I see you, I know you, I get you,
I've been where you are,
I've walked through the valley and back up again,
I've slept alone with my thoughts in a den,
I thought it would never end.
Day after day,
Year after year,
never shedding one tear,
I stayed strong through the worst,
picked myself up when i was about to burst,
I've let love go when my lust thurst,
I am the shadow in the valley of death,
I look like im the angel of life,
no one needs to see the black cloke i wear,
they just see my smile and short cut hair.
Well groomed, teeth clean, smelling good,
no one relizes there is something below,
a second skin, lying within,
waiting to be let out to show my real self,
but until then the angel of life is here to stay,
to tell you your beautiful and great,
even the shadow inside me knows its not to late,
to show you what I see in you,
to rewire your battered heart,
to give you a new start,
to tell you that your not stupid,
that your funny and cute and deserve cupid,
I'm hear to listen and help,
even though you think I can't
I'm going to try my best,
not as the shadow of death,
but the angel of life,
to give you happiness in every breath.

— The End —