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Maveric Prowles
Had Rumbling Bowles
That thundered in the night.
It shook the bedrooms all around
And gave the folks a fright.
The doctor called;
He was appalled
When through his stethoscope
He heard the sound of a baying hound,
And the acrid smell of smoke.
Was there a cure?
'The higher the fewer'
The learned doctor said,
Then turned poor Maveric inside out
And stood him on his head.
'Just as I though
You've been and caught
An Asiatic flu -
You musn't go near dogs I fear
Unless they come near you.'
Poor Maveric cried.
He went cross-eyed,
His legs went green and blue.
The doctor hit him with a club
And charged him one and two.
And so my friend
This is the end,
A warning to the few:
Stay clear of doctors to the end
Or they'll get rid of you.
Your name comes up
like that bill you forgot to pay
the idea of forgotten plans
the ones you didn't make
the want to stay in anyway

2 am and I demand myself
a clean demeanor
a thousand miles per hour
Dim lit room, raggedy people

stepping on set I pretend more
I pretend to not notice
white tee shirt, tan skin
I pretend to not feel your heartbeat, a hug delivered
a reconnaissance of memory, bitter water
I pretend that I am well, I am wearing white
I pretend I don't think about you often
I pretend to not regret
I'm stepping on a line between two skyscrapers
Close death at far range mistake simply made
Breathe is deranged at any second I could slip
Stomach sinking faster than me
Before I reach the other building centimeters away
I turn back, a tightrope much harder
and wish I could have been pushed instead
 May 2015 Jake Griffith

*I became a poet the day I wrote your name
I. can’t. wait.
Birthdays inviting ecstacy
The inevitable hardships and
The kisses that breach my space
The ones unwanted
Over the shoulder the back
Turned on you my headaches
That conquer imperialist land
Make you fall less in love with me
more loud bass and trembling
fright on a rollercoaster
our wedding
violet purple combining of our
favorite colors blue and red
absolute opposites but I wear blue
more you wear red
spiral of your conscious I
know it surely fails because so
does rain and rain doesn’t stop
for just anybody
For funerals that we hate going to
The churches and god we don’t believe in
Houses or homes that hold
My hand a little more tightly loosely
Push pull me a little closer farther
Lets have a cup of coffee for me tea for
Two and four and six and eight
The ages of our kid(s) and we
I can’t
Right now my the time is going hours down
The wrong pipe the wrong turn
That frown upside down and smile
For now, we have you and I and the unraveling
Paper towel that you cant seem to catch up with
Time is not linear neither is the truth
Hard to hear? I love to hear your mindful
Insight I love to hear your midnight mumbling
Hmghrmghr speak up love I love
I can’t wait
When is now?
say this quickly
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