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Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
Before I met you
I was a lost soul
unable to think
unable to grow

Before I met you
I wasn't me
I was blind
just couldn't see

Before I met you
I was broken
a bleeding heart
less than a token

But then i met you
your words pierced through
My soul no longer weeping
It was you it was waiting for

When I met you
My heart began to race
Every single time
I saw your lovin face

Since I met you
Encouraged me to grow
Words inspired me
brought me from feeling low

Since I met you
The dark gray skies
disappeared with that
look within your eyes

Since I met you
I knew I was me
Healing from my wounds
Was it meant to be?

After I met you
though my heart began to quake
I am still just as strong
as I was left in the wake

After I met you
my tears fell silently again
blinding me
but now my new life will begin

Because I met you
I had a love in a true form
makes me believe
my heart won't live dorm. (dormant)

Because I met you
My skies will still remain blue
I get to brag
And say I'm so glad I met you

It was you that changed me
Mostly made me better
Seek out who I was meant to be
For that I am grateful

Despite the reasons why
it wasn't meant to be
I want you to know
You helped set me free

You will always be in my heart
My friend til the end
never to part
It will never bend
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
Oh there she goes again
Another broken heart wins again
Her eyes were once beautiful and full of life
Now rimmed in red like blood from a sacrifice

See the lines from the cuts on her skin?
Any deeper and it would be a sin
What did she do to deserve this?
It all started with just one kiss

Her heart was pure gold
Now it's just stone cold
He charmed her with his words,
Singing like the birds

But in the end, it wasn't working for him
She only saw it on a whim
Still he fed her lies
While she fell for them like honey attracting flies

She refused to see the truth that everyone else saw
It was then that she made her first draw
Lines of scarlett soon appeared
She had hoped it would make the pain disappear

Now she is found walking in the dark
As if life was one big amusement park
When one person suffers another one enjoys
So again she deploys

Another heartbreak takes its claim
The poor girl will never be the same
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
The angel desended from the heavens falling hard and fast
In a blink of an eye she has landed
broken and bleeding
a world without dreaming

She is no longer dressed in the brillance of light
Nor is she donning the pitch black of darkness
The inbetween worldly color of a sullen gray
Is there still hope?

What can protect her
from this cataclysmic world?
What would cause her
to fall?

Only those that believe flock to her side
some in hopes of healing
some in hopes of believing
some in hopes of madness

People screaming, laughing, dying
tearing themselves apart
almost like a bleeding artwork
blood splattering everywhere

The angel cries
she didnt mean to fall from His grace
she only wanted to help
the human race

too late now it seems
too far gone
too long corrupted
by meaningless and wicked ways

only a small few can be saved
for they know the lesson in pain
not the pain as you may think
but as the sorrow, not knowing of tomorrow

Only hope can save them now
perhaps there still is some
children of today
forced to rebuild  for tomorrow

as it forever goes
corruption grows
as the generations continue
tomorrow we may never know

The angel gathers those close by
sings to them
kisses them goodbye
she had seen enough to know the truth

the world is what we make of it
which isnt simple but its true
we have the power to change it
to make it right

The angel's wings are healed
she waves to all
knowing she will one day
see some again
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
Lying beneath the willow tree
Watching the clouds dancing above
The feeling of the soft grass tickling my skin
The breeze blowing through my hair

The golden sun is setting
Bringing out the brillance of colors
As day turns to night in the exchange
The nightingale sings

The sky opens up
The clouds dancing away
Revealing the brightness of the diamonds
And the soft glow of the moon

The air is cool and the fragrance of flowers fill it
I wrap myself in the soft comfort of the throw
My eyes drink in the beauty of night
Basking in its faint glow

Close you eyes for just a moment
Make a wish on the first star
Your deepest desires
Begging to come true

Now is the time that I must retire
Blow kisses to my night
I will return tomorrow
Good day to my night
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
Lost and alone in a world so cold
reaching out for a hand to save me from falling
But no one is there
So now I fall, into a deep ocean
shivering from the icy cold surrounding
Feeling like shards of glass slicing me
but there is no bleeding
Schools of sharks encircling
Will someone please help me?

The sun has set on me
I'm drowning in these waters
still alone
still frozen cold
Unable to move
A hand reaches for me
the sun starts to rise
a kiss of warmth lies in those eyes
Am I dreaming?

I no longer feel alone
I no longer feel so cold
I am free once again
Taking a deep breath
freshness in the otherwise stale air
Will you always be there?
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
How is it possible to love someone you barely met?
The way they make you feel with a simple picture
or to hear the words they say
You have to keep asking/wondering, "Is this real?"
Someone pinch me so I know I'm not dreaming
Or better yet, don't - I want to keep this forever

The look in his eyes or the way he smiles
Makes my heart yearn for him
My soul is set afire
The blazing passion burning deep to be near him

The butterflies that flutter
The heat that rises to the skin's surface
With just the mention of his name
Or the smile that creeps up on you when it's his ringtone you hear

Wondering when will be the day
that you can wrap your arms around him in a loving embrace
To stare into his beautiful eyes
To feel his lips pressed against yours

This is the man that was sent from the Heavens
To make even this moment in life wonderful
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
Sitting alone in a darkened room
I close my eyes, listening to the music
of the falling rain outside my window
The air smells fresh and clean

I turn on my computer and set my music to play
Daydreaming now as a song begins
Of the man who has stolen my heart
I hit the repeat button to hold onto that thought

I am lost now as I hear the words sang
Tears silently falling, both happy and sad
Happy because he brings me such joy
Sad because he isn't there

I hear his voice penetrating my mind
Telling me he loves me
Feeling his arms around me
Bringing a smile across my lips

Slowly we move to the rhythm of the song
Am I still dreaming or is this real?
I open my eyes to see his staring back at me
My wish has come true
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
Lying here in the darkness that weeps,
the lightness that sleeps,
and the rebirth of something new.
are we ever sure its true?

wanting to grow whole,
whispers untold,
and a fever setting in.
Wishing I was me again.

Somber is the night
that kisses and holds tight
not wanting to let go
its buried within this broken soul

The rebirth of silence has awakened
the sounds of words cheapened
nothing but a shell that's left vacant
embraced by the miscreant
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
There's a knot
Welled up in my chest
It's full of emotions
That I have yet to forget

I want to be alone
but yet I don't
Waiting for the right arms
to run to

I pray to God
for the strength to understand
All this pain
All these emotions

I'm afraid, I'm confused
I'm happy, I'm in love
So many more
Where do I begin?

A loved one lost
A friend now gone
How much more can this poor heart take
before it's lost into the darkness?

Now the light breaks on through
I've found someone new
They, and they alone, are the reason for my smile
My heart swells, ready to burst

Wishing now that this moment
will never end
Sing that song to me again
my one true friend
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
A razor perhaps, maybe Pills, A Helping Hand
Which do you choose?
Which is in command?
How did it come this far?

The razor
while sharp and thin
easy enough to do
with a steady hand

Substain the pain
bleed the troubles away
whether just for a moment
or for a lifetime

The choice is yours
one of the most painful
yet nothing compared to the pain
welled up inside

so many to choose
like Russian Roulette
no telling what damage it can do

Whether a handful or a small few
lying there still
with shallowed breathes
or the violent waves of disgust

The choice is yours
this is the complicated one of many
yet still nothing compared to the pain
welled up inside

Lastly comes the helping hand
The hand of a stranger
The hand of a friend
Whichever it may be

They are your guardian angel sent for thee
To help you light your way
To set you on the right path
from this dismay

To hold you
and keep you close
To wipe your tears
And warmth when you are froze

Most people aren't lucky to have these
so count your blessings well
For if not, the question returns
Which do you choose?

The razor and its cold steel
The pills and their game
Neither should be the answer
just pray
Jaime Hamill Mar 2013
Close your eyes for just one moment
Breath in deeply, the sweetness of the ocean air
Walk hand in hand with me along its sandy shore
Let us bask in the glow of the moonlight as it dances along the waves

Sit with me and wrap your arms around me
Making me feel safe and warm
Let me feel your breath as it touches my skin
Whispering your feelings to me

Placing your soft kisses along my collarbone
Entwining your fingers with mine
I close my eyes
Allowing myself to get drunk off of your scent

I whisper softly that I love you
and in turn you say you are mine
Make a wish as you see the star fall
You tell me you can't because it already came true

I smile and lay my head to rest upon your chest
You wrap your arms around me again
and place a kiss upon my forehead
I am yours and you are mine

— The End —