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Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
Wasn't that the rainbows
were too far away, it was
that you were always close
and I never had a reason
to venture any further.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
It is when I tasted
her lips
for the very first time
that I knew
I did not wanted to
kiss lips
that weren't,
but hers.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
There are tears
that I will never cry.
They are the last
of yours that I hold
and feeling them
run down
my face would only mean
I'm losing
yet another part of you.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
So you say that you're
and although that is
such an amazing thing,
I must tell you that
you are absolutely lying.
And the reason why I say
that is because even though
you do not harm nobody
at all and kind to others,
at night,
and you cannot deny this,
but at night you bully yourself.
You start telling yourself
that you're no good.
That all that you touch
turns to dust.
That you're a luckless fool.
And yes.. you're kind to others,
but you're a bully to yourself.
So why beat yourself up?
Be kind to yourself.

Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
"I could kiss the Hell
out of you,"
he told her.
And all she could
think to
reply was:
"Well.. I'm not stopping you."
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
I have never been
a creature of the sun.
The moon has always
had its way with me.
For it is only at night,
when we,
heartbroken souls,
come to life.
Finding stars like us,
who've been stripped
from their light.
Giving them what little
we have left.
And in turn,
the entire sky.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
**** those who say
that love makes you fearless,
for they do not know
that you've been afraid,
if not terrified,
ever since you laid
your eyes on her.
Afraid of her,
not noticing you.
And now that you have her,
even more afraid
that she might just leave you.
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