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Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
I admit,
I am very
physical and passionate.
Maybe not on the outside,
but I am.
Deep inside,
I truly do yearn for
I believe in fidelity.
But underneath
the secretive and mysterious
that I am,
resides a romantic streak
with an incredibly
All I ask for is patience.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
What attracted me the most
about her was that she was
attracted to simple
that most people
A flower.
A kiss.
A hug.
Just simple things.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
Time and again,
as love deserted me,
leaving this terrible emptiness,
not just in my heart,
but also
in my soul,
the one thing that always
kept me company was
Hope that everything:
all the heartaches
and betrayals
were going to be
worth it
when I find her.
The one.
My soulmate.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
As she looked down
and blushed
to my comment,
she shyly looked up to me
and said,
"My friends did warn me
that you were a
silver tongued devil."
And as our eyes met,
for an instant,
I believed it.
But something
I fell for her.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
While most people were
even terrified,
by storms, I smiled.
I realized
that even the grand
majestic sky needed
to scream
at times.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
She came out of nowhere
and not until I met her
for the very first time
did I ever realize that
I had this emptiness in me,
and that only she
could fill that void.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
As a young Latino male,
I am looked down
as a gang member,
even when I have no
gang colors on me-
but wait, to them,
my skin is the only
color they need
to categorize me
as an illegal immigrant
that just had crossed
the border, and is affiliated
in a gang.
And if sticking up
for my people,
for my blood
categorizes me
as a "gang member"
then I do not know
what to tell you.
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