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Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
What I loved most
about her
was that
she lived by the sun;
but loved by the moon;
so deep,
so real,
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
What infatuated
about him
was the ability
he was blessed with
of touching her
in such a
unique and genuine
that no other living creature
had ever done.
How he could
touch her
and nothing else
ever mattered anymore;
a connection
so beautiful that neither both
could ever explain
in mere words.
How he could touch
without him ever
her at all.
That's what
the most about him.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Family is the embodiment
of love;
which therefore,
fills me with the sufficient
strength and courage
to conquer
everything in life,
life itself.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Her tears yelled
"Please don't go! Stay with me! Please!"
As tough as it was to let him go,
she somehow found
the strength and did.
Although his heart was full of pain,
he just had to leave.
Their last goodbye was at the pier.
She promised him
that no matter what she would wait for him
to come back.
It didn't matter how long.
Days, months, years.
And she did.
Many full moons had pass
and she still waited and waited
in the same pier where her love
once said goodbye.
Many would move on,
but in her heart,
she promised she'd stand by.
Hoping that her love will come back
and start the family
they once dreamed of starting together
until rumors spread that the ship
that her love aboard had sunk,
that her love died tragically.
But she didn't accept that,
she couldn't accept that.
Years and years passed by,
and yet every Sunday at 3 pm
she would go to the same pier
and waited for him.
She would wear
the same heels,
the same dress,
the same hope
that the ship would return.
But it never did.
The locals knew her as
'Crazy Peggy',
nobody knew her story.
All they knew was that she would
wait and wait at the pier
ever since the 40's.
No one knew exactly for who,
but that was all they truly knew.
The shore became her home,
the ocean was filled with her tears.
All she would do was mourn.
Mourn for a love she couldn't finish.
Just waiting for the love
of her life to return.
The locals thought she was crazy,
so they all grew concerned.
They tried sending her to a crazy home,
but she refused to go.
Her body grew weaker and weaker
by the years,
yet her hope was still strong
as if the love of her life
had just left an hour ago.
But then she died.
Her body could be
eaten by worms
and rot in the ground,
but her spirit couldn't.
Her spirit wouldn't decay.
She stood by throughout
all the years and waited for him-
The love of her life.
Although they weren't married,
in her heart,
she was always his wife.
True love exists.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
At first,
I felt that being
in this class was
a waste of time,
but as I kept attending,
I realized that
education is education.
That knowledge
is knowledge.
And who knows,
maybe this knowledge
could save my life
one day.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
As children,
we are told
that the world
is one particular way.
And as we're
we, ourselves,
believe that it is
because we've been
believing it so
our entire life.
But then,
if we're bright enough,
just bright enough,
something stumbles
upon our ways,
and that's where our
comes in play;
if we're bright enough
to see what stumbles
upon us,
we grab it and see
what value can bring to us.
An idea,
a concept-
a vision that will forever
change of how
we view the world
we were taught to view
in another different angle.
And if we're bright enough,
something that not all are,
we will become
and have something
that not many have
and that is vision.
Vision to see something,
and be able to see more
than it really is.
To see ahead of what
it could be.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
It is only at night
that all in me
that I despise
come alive.
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