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Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
So as I was sitting down
in class,
a very old man came in
and sat down next to me.
And as I was doing my work,
from the corner of my eye,
I could feel him staring at me.
And with discretion,
I tilted my head
to see what was he looking at.
But yes,
he was indeed staring at me.
And so I asked,
"Do you need something, sir?"
and he replied,
"Sonny, I just look at you
and I think to myself,
'****. How I wish when
I was his age, I took my education
as serious as this young man is..'".
And as he said that,
a rush of warmth rushed through
my entire heart.
I smiled and said,
"Sir, it's never to late to educate

Education is knowledge,
and knowledge is survival, folks.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Even when I'm walking
next to her,
I am not whole
if I'm not holding her hand.
How beautifully
and perfectly molded
for my hand
to feel at home.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As Autumn's wind
erase all the leaves
from that
Oak tree outside,
all those memories
that Summer
brought with her.
All those laughters,
all those tears,
all those whispers,
Not forever,
but gone.
Now every morning
that I awake,
Autumn will embrace
my tender skin
and cover it with its kiss
to the point that
my entire body will be covered
Yeah, Autumn
is now my present..
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
When she stares
at herself
in the mirror,
she swears up to the heavens
that she was
cursed with all those
but when I look at her,
I swear up to the heavens
that she-
that she is the most
perfect human being
I've ever met
in my ******' life!

In my eyes,
she's flawless.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
And even
when I have absolutey
to offer her,
she still stays with me..
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
They say that
I need to
work on expression,
but what they do not know
is that they're
with a man that
writes all of his demons
in a journal;
into solitude.
And yet,
they say that I need to work

Those Demons
are there for a reason,
so I cannot
any emotions whatsoever.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
is your capacity
to be of
Service to love,
to peace,
to the beauty of simplicity,
but most
service to
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