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Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
when we feel
we have
absolutely nothing,
need to stop
we don't have
start appreciating
and what
we still have.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Women's insecurities
can lead women
to do many
dramatic changes,
wether being good
bad changes,
but it always lead
to dramatic

it's always the feeling
of depression,
of wanting
self-body modifications
that lead women
to go
under the needle.

And sure,
there's absolutely nothing
wrong with doing
in one-self,
but that could also lead
an addiction;
no different than
smoking or drinking.

But there's always that void
that women
just want to fix
in order for them
to finally be pleased
a man is not
beautiful imperfections.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
3,000 years may pass,
you could kiss other lips,
but I will never forget you..

I could die tomorrow,
my soul could dry up,
but I will never forget you..
I will never forget you..

They could erase my memory,
they could take away our story,
but I will never forget you..
I will never forget you.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Some are good
and some are bad.


There's no such thing
as good or bad poetry.

Poetry is the heart's
only voice.
Are you going to tell me
that the heart
doesn't have the right
to speak freely
without being judged?

If you don't understand
than you, sir,
have not lived life.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I am a man.
I lust for many women,
my heart
craves for just one.
I don't know
what she looks like,
what her name is,
where she's from?
All I know
is that
my heart craves for her.
My words
dreams of her body,
my lips
lusts for her presence,
but my body
yearns for her voice.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I think of myself
as a selfish person
at this moment.

I wish I still had
what I had,
but then I know for a fact
that it would not be
what I would want to keep.

You can say that
I'm still stuck
in the past,
but at the same time
I want to be
living in the future.

Living in the present
is something
I just find
so difficult.
Seeing an ex being happy with someone else.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I guess that in the end
you start thinking about the beginning.
Of everything
that you took for granted,
of all the people you once hurt
or non-intentionally.
Of how good
you had things,
but were too blind to notice.
In the end,
you reflect every action
you acted upon
that every night
your mind-
your conscious,
tried to make you see
but you refused
to drown it
with chemicals.
I guess that in the end,
you constructed
your own demise.
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