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Jan 2014 · 363
Jade Inman Jan 2014
Tearing at the seams, she screams.
Screaming for you, can you hear her?
She shouts and pouts, not wanting to be without.

Losing hope, she starts to cope.

Should you start to give her a part of your heart,
She won't scream anymore.
She pours her heart out every chance she gets.
Hoping that one day she doesn't regret.
Never wanting to forget.

She cries, slowly dying inside,
Wishing to just hide away.
Hoping one day you decide to stay
and say you'll never stray.
Jan 2014 · 684
Jade Inman Jan 2014
Emotionally exhausted, I'm done.
But from you, I could never run.
I'm tired of being tired, my brain's fried.
Lost on what to do, my feelings now skewed.
Tears no longer fall, replaced by a brick wall.
Can you see through it?

Mentally drained, I'm gone.
To you, I know, I'm no swan.
I've loved, I've lost,
Wanting you, but at what cost?
These eyes see light, hidden behind the pain.
Trying to be freed from my own selfish, personal gain.
Can you see through it?
Jan 2014 · 912
Jade Inman Jan 2014
As February nears, I begin to fear,
Of love never coming, never surfacing.
My heart was still healing when we met,
Hoping to never forget
the moments we shared on the night of our affair.
I was not prepared for such feelings of lust,
My senses gone at dusk.

But, now, it's so much more.

I know.

I've loved before.

Before I settled for every instinct.
The distinct feeling of being wanted,
Ending the hunt to find that person
You've spent years dreaming about.
Dreaming of his endearing smile,
Hoping he'd stick around for more than just a little while.

But he won't.

They never do.

Leaving me feeling like Frankenstein,

Now I wonder,

Will I ever get my Valentine?
Jan 2014 · 409
Cast Away
Jade Inman Jan 2014
Don't cast me away.
At least not for another day.
A day when you can say that you are sure,
That your choice is for you, not me.
That I'm wrong to be a part of your life.
That I'm the strife keeping you away from the knife
you so badly want to end your life.
Jan 2014 · 593
Fuel To My Fire.
Jade Inman Jan 2014
Not once, not twice, but three times
My heart has shattered.
But, baby, things will be different
Because I refuse to continue this pattern.

You're like the fuel to my fire.
Every touch creates a new flame,
A new desire.
But I can't keep doing this to myself.
You're so right but then so, so wrong for me.

I know you believe you're the cause
Of my constant heartache.
But you're not to blame.
This is my fault.
This is my own shame.

I create these fantasies inside my head
To pretend that I'll be happy again, one day.
You can't help that I've deluded myself
That one day you'll meet me halfway.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
I Don't Want This To End.
Jade Inman Jan 2014
I'm tired of dreaming while you are demeaning my entire existence,
And I'll go the distance to prove my insistence,
But, baby, I need some resistance.
I'm becoming more like leather, tougher than ever.
You say this can never be more
And I want to accept it, but I always neglect it.
Fighting it, I'm not wrecked yet.

Inevitable reject, I beg to forget
Of all that's yet to reflect
How much pain's been caused,
my feelings flawed.
If I were completely truthful
I'd tell you your words are hurtful,
leaving me less hopeful, more doubtful.

This dream is ending.
It's time to put our friendship to the test.
Are you going to be a member or just another guest?
Yes, I'm hurt.
But I will survive.
Now my only concern is losing you
And saying goodbye.
Jade Inman Jan 2014
Now you're in love, or so you think.
On the brink of infatuation, an obsession,
clinging on to whatever you can get.
But don't fret! It'll only end in regret.
These "feelings" are formed from your imagination,
An affectation of what you think you know.
But in the end you'll show, what you soon will begin to

Paining yourself, is it worth it?
You'll be burnt out, striving for mirth,
but only ending in hurt.
Jan 2014 · 742
What A Bitch
Jade Inman Jan 2014
Run away.
Don't face your fears,
She mocks as you come undone,
Hoping to see your tears.

Terrible to the bone,
She easily retreats,
Months at a time,
Just to repeat.

Lashing out with words
Not heard, but only seen.
A new poem to keep you down.
A new poem to demean.

She wants to see you fall
And never be freed.
Your demise is her prize,
Her victory indeed.

— The End —