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May 2014 · 589
I love you mum
Jade fryett May 2014
Mum, it's hard to find the words to say,
How much you mean to me,
But if it wasn't for your love and care,
I don't know where I'd be,

How did you do it all, mum,
Be a chauffeur ,cook and friend,
Yet find the time to be a playmate,
I just can't comprehend,

"Mother" such a simple word,
But to me there's meaning seldom heard,
for everything I am today,
My mothers love showed me the way,

Nobody's equal to you, mum
With you in my life, I'm blessed,
I love you so, and I want you to know,
I think you're the very best,

Words cannot say how I love you, mum,
And just how much I owe,
Please know that I'll always be there for you too,
In the high times and the low,
May 2014 · 1.2k
Jenny my whippet
Jade fryett May 2014
Through her eyes I see her soul,
And the sadness when they roll,
Her nose as black as coal,
Though sweet as a baby foal,

She has teeth like broken china,
And a tongue like a pink recliner,
Her face like a piece of art,
That was crafted from the heart,

She has ears like paper origami,
That could hear a foreign tsunami,
Her neck forms an arch,
Like a piece of twisted larch,

Her brisket is as deep as the sea,
And holds the lock to my key,
Her legs like a vintage chair,
That walks with grace and care,

She has a body built for speed,
When running she takes the lead,
Her heart races like a lambaguini,
Although It might seem quite teeny,

Her muscles tense like a fierce stallion,
Like an athlete ready to win a medallion,
Her body is so aerodynamic,
When she runs she makes the wind panic,

Her tail swooshes from side to side,
As she holds her head in great pride,
Her coat as black as leather,
And as soft as a ducks feather,

It shimmers like a stream,
When the sun makes it gleam,
Her little dashes of white,
Are oh so pure and bright,

Never will I feel of despair,
Cause I know my best friend is there!!!
Written by me
Aged 14
Written in an hour

— The End —