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 Jun 2013 jade
Fish The Pig
 Jun 2013 jade
Fish The Pig
I’ve lost all respect,
Yet at the ****** of admiration
I am despised
But adored
I am anorexic
And unhealthy
I am calm but quick to break
I hold my head steady
As I stumble down the street
I am solid,
But dripping;
Dripping with desire
And all your worst fears.
Like a skeleton,
I drag along,
Hearing my muscles moan and bones snap
With an irregular heartbeat.
I am in your nightmares,
Lurking in your fantasies.
You deny it.
You plead to be different.
You are no better,
You are not special,
I’ll envelope you in toxins
And leave you in guilt
With a frenzied need for more.

— The End —