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A torn up heart
With a liar’s smile
But the darkness stretches on for miles

I love you so much
I can’t let go
Even though I am alone

Life for you would be better if I was gone
But a fear of pain
Is in my veins.

And it is that fear
That keeps me here
And you from happiness.
For once I just want someone to tell me that it’s not true.
Why can’t you comfort me instead of tell me that I’m at fault too.
When I apologize don’t tell me, “Now you know how I feel.”
Forgive me. Love me. Tell me it’s a lie.

I feel like the world will be a better place without me.
And you just proved it.

I am so sorry that I am a terrible daughter.
I didn’t realize I was so bad.
I want to be better.
I don’t want to burden you anymore.

I just don’t know how.
I don’t know how to break my personality.
I don’t know what to do to be better.
I want to be better.

You are everything to me.
You don’t deserve to suffer a fool like me.
You are my hero and my angel.
I’m sorry if my existence hurts you.
I miss you.
I wish I could talk to you.
I wish I could say to you all the things I need to.
I wish I could talk to you about boys,
About the future,
About my fears,
And I wish I could tell you I love you.

I wish I could pour my heart out to you.
Tell you about the lowest thoughts that run through my mind.
Have you tell me my worth.
Tell me that these thoughts are wrong.
Tell me that I matter,
To you, to them,
Tell me that you love me.
For you were my best friend.

But there is one thing
Above all else I wish to tell
For you were my chosen sister, my best friend.
Thank you.
Thank you for being there even though you had to leave me in the end.
I have to wonder
When moments like this
Where I feel like the worst daughter in the world.
If I were to go right now
Would you be happier?
Do I hurt you by being here?
Do you love me?
Or am I seeing a beautifully played lie.
I just want to rip my heart out
Right here
Right now
And die.
I’m not worthy of such a lie.
Have you forgotten about me?
Am I just not important?
Had it been him,
You would have done it in a heartbeat.

Is it just me?
Or do I see the truth?

You do have a favorite.
You both do.
I mean little to you.

My heart,
My feelings,
My health,
And life,
Are unimportant to you.

You treat him like a king.
You serve him like a prince.
While I am left to fend for myself.

Do you even know you are breaking my heart?
Do you even care?
As I lay here dying inside,
You are somewhere upstairs.

So I’ll ask you one more time.
And you’ll say “sorry I forgot.”
But it’s too late.
I’ve already given up.

And the worst thing is,
I don’t blame you.
I left my heart lying in a field in Kansas.
Broken, bleeding and hopeless.

I left my body in a city called Gotham.
In a lightless tomb of delirium.

I left my spirit in a Metropolis.
Where heroes are born fearless.

I left my mind running through time.
In multiple dimensions of earths and crime.

I will never be whole inside.
But all I need is you by my side.
That cross right there.
A name carved there.
A girl so young.
A girl well loved.

Seventeen and beautiful.
Full of life, full of love.
Remembered forever for dying young.

Always in our hearts,
Imprinted on our souls,
Living in our memories,
As we continue alone.

A girl so powerful a town mourned.
A girl whose death left us all torn.
A girl whose love as so warm.

Today would have been your twentieth birthday,
But you aren’t here to celebrate.
And at the end of the day I don’t regret,
The time I had and the way we met.

Your friendship was an anchor,
And without it I would have drowned.
But there are still days I feel I’m going down.

See that cross right there.
A name carved there.
She was my best friend.
And now she is gone.
Dedicated to the memory of Spencer Ford. Happy Birthday, my dear friend. I miss you.
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