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Apr 2018 · 109
On Fact and Feeling
jacobtheliar Apr 2018
fact and feeling
full of truth
empty chasing
ever changing chemical clinging
where are you mystery?

life finds meaning
is all lost to philosophy
inward searching journey
aimless wandering
self discovery

maddening self
nourishing source of life
inflicted misery
driven crazy
fulfill fantastical destiny
self manifest fantasy

ecstatic fruitful feeling remedy
eternal search for the maieutic accomplishing

gentleman confidant
Machiavellian tender heart
tickling tempering
whisper or proclamation of the tender or profane

sink or swim
crawl back into Esau's skin
Apr 2018 · 165
Only Future Brings
jacobtheliar Apr 2018
Lifeless entity maladapt identity
A hope-sworn newborn sings
Starstruck upstream terrace bellows infinity

Lyre sings, the liar weeps in whispers of serenity
Jealous eyes does carpet keep
New found ocean
What unknown depths do shallows speak

Crisis of Modernity
Face of faith/hole in fence
Autonomy/knot on tree

Boon or bane this strain of breath
Dread of choice what road we lead
Twisted, littered in hopes and dreams
Bound in anxiety

It is not possible today
But of life they speak
Only future brings

— The End —