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Dread in the frame of the crowd
Bliss in the chest of the self-endowed
Fondness in the make of the riff
Gloom in the fall of the just slipped
Shock in the wake of the swift
Fury in the stamp of the disallowed
They say it aloud!
(Say it's allowed...)
Jacob Wolfgang Duffin 2010
737 · Jan 2011
The Feared Engulfment
Old hands grasp,
no hands extend.
Old eyes plead,
no eyes listen.
Old eyes close,
no eyes cry.
... to die without one that cares.
616 · Jan 2011
Perfect Scribble
I caught a falling leaf today.
I took it to another place far from where it should have landed.
Was it hoping for me to catch it?
I left it next to an intersection.
Jacob Wolfgang Duffin 2010
570 · Jan 2011
My smile
Innocent youth mixed with a rush
of excitement, darkness, and a crush;
soft skin
(my smile)
the touch.

A moment that is realized,
when pride has been improvised.
"What just happened!?":
(my smile)

A lap substitutes a chair.
Oxygen replaced with air:
literal sweetness!
(my smile)
your hair.

A heavy head not knowing it's lent
it's mind to cause; tired; spent:
lie back, close eyes:
(my smile)

A smile directed like an attack
on a heart that's hurt, with love in lack:
Caught by surprise.
My smile
right back.

Things I like to think I have thought
upon, as some things are never taught:
The life you lead was a battle fought,
not merely something ancestry bought.
Like the sound of an apple being caught,
Learn to seek that which should be sought!
*I wrote thinking about things that happen/have happened and the moments in which smiles aren't necessarily shown, but felt, and how easy it is to not remember/appreciate those times.

**More than seriously though: go get an apple, throw it up in the air and catch in one hand. Listen to the sound it makes! It's friggin awesome!
543 · Jan 2011
My name
provokes rest and restlessness,
but I am heard by none.
My name
is said to be deafeningly peaceful,
but I am heard by none.
My name
is feared yet craved,
but I am unknown.
My name
does no justice to my being.
I am not.
Jacob Wolfgang Duffin 2010

— The End —