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Nov 2014 · 367
Love hurts.
I miss your hugs,
the way you hold me,
How you kissed my cheek,
How you always made me laugh or smile.
I miss everything about you.
Why did you give up on me?
I never gave up on you.
I promised I would never give up on you.
You promised the same thing.
But guess what?
You gave up on me.
But yet, I still miss you.
I don't know.
I'm scared of being left behind.
Wait, It's already happened.
you say you miss me,
Well, guess what?
I miss you too.
i wish I didn't miss you, but I do.
What am I gonna do?
I don't know.
I don't like you,
I love you.
I don't like when you cuddle me.
I love when you cuddle me.
It's the most enjoyable thing on earth.
You make me feel safe when I can't keep myself safe.
That's the one thing I worry about the most.
Just breaking down and getting hurt.
It's happened many times, and this is the last time I'm letting it happen to me.
I'll keep you safe if you keep me safe.
I promise.
I love that I met you.
You're not like the others.
I love how I get butterflies whenever I'm around you.
I go speechless when you smile at me.
My heart races when you're next to me.
Sometimes, I feel like I can't breathe because you're so beautiful.
I actually have something to live for now.
You're beautiful in every single way<3
Nov 2014 · 481
Poem to my Girlfriend<3
Every time i think about you, the world stops.
It pauses for a couple minutes.
I can't get you out of my head.
I wonder why.
i look back at all the possibilities that we could have had together.
Why is life so hard?
I wanna forget about you, but I can't.
Your touch takes my breath away,
Your kisses move me.
Every time you're away,
I feel like nothing is possible.
but when you're next to me,
I feel like everything is possible.
Your eyes sparkle when you're excited.
Everything about you amazes me.
I wonder if you ever think about me
I always think about you.
I would walk across a causeway just to see you
When you're upset,
I'll bring you Dunkin Donuts, and cuddle you.
I'll kiss your forehead,
I'll do anything to make you happy.
I love you<3

— The End —