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The equivalent of social ******.
Based in double standards,
Tainted by dishonesty.
Victims to this plague,
The devils advocate leads the way,
With nothing but tired contradictions to convey.
We dissuade,
Allowing our facades to fade.
Revealing our true colors,
Painted in spectrums of hate.
Masking the demons,
Hoping no one can see.
Blindly choosing defeat,
Disregarding what makes us free.
Our ubiquitous connection,
Gone without detection.
A crisis that deserves undivided attention.
The equivalent of social ******,
The ability to laugh is a privileged gift.
How someone can instantaneously find the humor in life,
Allowing their spirits to lift.
No matter the situation.
On any occasion.
Choosing to remain positive,
Despite the negative connotation.
Sweet sounds from a centered being.
Please forever lay next to me.
Never in my inspiration,
Deflecting all imagination.
Breathing through an agitation,
With every mundane conversation.
Predicting expectation,
Leaving nothing but hesitation.
The fear is overwhelming,
But so is every situation.
A choice.
Risking ourselves for no one else,
Selfless in thought,
Letting selfishness rejoice.  
Rhyme or reason,
Virtues painted in patient seasons.
In treason.
Trying to find the rhyme in reason,
Rather than being investigative,
And bandaging the lesion;
We let it flow.
Don’t let it go,
If you do,
You might know more than you know.
And we’d rather become blind,
Live in a detrimental time.
Seeing the future as our past,
And letting progress happen last.
The devil is too literal.
Advocate for less,
Become muted for something more.
Because the goals inside,
The dreams we hide,
Are the demons we choose to store.
The choice,
The existence,
Is everything within us.
Its hope and aspirations,
Admiration and indication.
A vision towards change inside,
Allowing the child to play outside.
I’ve come to the realization.
A grand opening to our situation.
Understanding of fantasized eternalization.
I design with expectation,
So I can escape being present to invitation.
Lost inside a fanciful destiny,
Driven by the constancy to let go and be free.
A mantra to breathe,
Sink with the sea.
Fearing the difference that change can release,
Bound by this leash,
Carving my flesh into a soul that’s diseased.
But the infection bleeds the cure,
Placing my journey at the helm of two doors.
Forcing the hands of the dark and the light.
Cowardice refrained by the mask in plain sight.
I trace your spine.
The sensual nature of your hips,
Caressing my soul,
Passing through your lips.
Their sweet and lustful seduction,
Trickling through my veins.
Drawing the claws,
Pleasure becoming pain.
Releasing the notion to bear guilt or shame.
I’ve come home in your touch.
Your scent,
Your embrace.
Relinquishing sin,
My teeth piercing deep.
Branding my scar.
Giving in to peace.
We speak in subtext,
Our cultural reflex.
Hesitancy with bracing context.
Consistency in anything less.
Change be the fuel to ignite this mess.
Unfortunately fear halts all energy.
Inspires complacency.
Mental adjacency.
Readily dissolving all faith in me.
Washed and recycled, We’re happily exiled.
Meticulously choosing to revel in denial.
Listening to ourselves,
The gate keepers of hell.
Selfishly selfless,
Utterly helpless.
Lying to the heart,
The stoic open cell.
Undermine the insatiable design,


Criminally calculated,

But the fragments are jaded,


Pictured in the wrong light,


Trusting deception to answer the question,

If we are what we repeatedly do,

Who’s to say there’s a misperception of the love I bear for you.
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