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Nov 2011 · 885
Midnight Sounds
Jacob McCurrin Nov 2011
Now there is this small cool joint called the Jokers Lounge
You can come on in and play around just dont act like a clown
Its pretty sweet ya hear and some **** fine folk
Just have a seat and get a drink some fun will soon begin
Oh groovy is this place with the smoke and bluesy sound
They have the sax and trumpet to and yes that cool *** base
But dont forget about that guitar and that smooth kat on the drums

You see we're all a bunch of characters cool as cool can be
And if you come on a friday night you might find B. B. King
Its a home away from home with our good friend Bobby Rush
We like to joke and kid around but we're all just family
They have good food and music to and the best **** company

Now put on your clean cut suits and your blue suede shoes
Get your woman lookin good in her best **** summer dress
Cause we're all be on the dance floor until night turns to day
Its a simple little place with posters of the greats hangin on the wall
John Lee ******, Memphis Minnie, and T-Bone Walker just to name a few

There be songs of *** and naughtyness and gettin on the floor
So if your shy and a little ***** I suggest you hit the door
See we're down to earth we sing of hurt and only speak the truth
So come on out its not that far your find us on the corner
Bring some friends and pack um in its that place out by the water
Just a rough draft that needs some tweaks
Nov 2011 · 593
There Was A Boy
Jacob McCurrin Nov 2011
I find these letters in my lap jumbled and a maze
But I wish to tell a story without so much a haze
Ill try my best to tell it true so all the world can hear
But some is lost a little dim but ill bring it close and near

It starts like this so perk your ears its special to my heart
way back when there was this boy who came with just a quip
He's smart you see and like's to play and doesn't know how to quit
strong and true he love's to move and never quite sits still

One sunny day he meets this girl who is so beautiful
they talk and walk and sit and stare passing by the hours
Holding hands out in the park he moves for that first kiss
He brings her close just closer more to them it was just bliss

He can't believe that she was his and her to him you see
For just a while ago he was empty as can be
Life was hard and kicked him down no where was there light
But in she came and made him sane for there's was love not pain

It was a dream with but a dream no finish and no end
They made it work both had that look two pieces of a puzzle
To come as one not be undone from the world or to each other
For there love was strong him hers its true you could see it from afar
They felt it deep within each beat so bright just like a star

You see tis true that love may find one looking just within
Just take your time and it just might come walking round that bend
Stay the course don't give it force true love's out there your see
So this is it but not the end for this is just the start
Our journey is long but we have no fear for we just follow our hearts
Oct 2011 · 532
We Miss You No More
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
There is a gnawing in my bones to be the better man
Not for the sake of me alone but for my family
It's been a long long time since we've seen you three
We meet once more and here you come adding to the tree
Why must time be lost with so much hurt and pain
When all we over wanted was for the serene
It is not to late for all to be forgiven
And for laughter and joy to be heard again
I thought to myself this can't be you I see
Only to hold back my tears so I could see more clearly
What a lovely feeling I have within my heart
To have us all together and not be far apart
These things I wish to tell you someday and not to late
That it felt good to hold you in my arms and see that smile upon you're face
You are my baby sister and I love you so so much
So come back soon and please do keep in touch
Oct 2011 · 557
Four Left Turns
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
So it looks like im lost in a dream
                        Walking this way and that it would seem
                                                            ­                                          Where did I start or is this the middle
                                                          ­                      I've been here before or is it just a riddle
                                            Look and your find that there might be some clues
              Surely it's there and you're not a baboon
                                                          ­                                                    Okay okay ill give you one more
                                                            ­              But im not all that happy for I've done this before  
                      Come in real close so you can hear it again
                                                           ­                your in what looks like never never land
       There might be some truth or I could be just mad
                                                             ­   For it could be that maybe we're in wonderland
      Yes it's true that this might be all just in theory
                                                  But **** does it make for one hell of query
           Now where was I going I've lost my mind
                                                            ­                                            It's some where im sure or just left behind
                                                          ­                                                                 ­           This place looks familiar
                                                        ­                                                        I promise tis true
                                                            ­                                                                 ­          Or maybe im just stuck in a zoo
                  This Story is over and almost the end
                                       So thanks for coming and ill see you again
Oct 2011 · 524
Love's Passing Feeling
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
Who is it for that these words are writtin for
That I might change you're life as you walk through that door
Is it for me or my self goading mind
I find it is for you and your self loathing kind
Why cant it all just be for the good
That these actions we take are always misunderstood
I try to make peace and calm these reactions
But it all hits the floor as your mood strikes the matches
Burns to the ground lost are the memories
Some like it hot but not like the movies
We set out our course for the wide open sea
Hoping and praying that these waves calm the flames
As we hold our hands tight and look for what remains
Is it my wish for a true love happy ending
Or a reminder to us that it all takes understanding
For love does but come and sometimes may go
But theres still room for you and this love to grow
Oct 2011 · 520
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
Your bitter words are poison to my ears.
Your self pitty is a load off my back.
Your hatred burns the ground you walk on.
I turn my back and leave you to bleed.
Oct 2011 · 626
So Shall It Be
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
I find myself in a sea of mystery. Lost in a haze of wondering longing, maze of anger and lust of pure evil dreams. For the sky to fall and the earth to open up and take this thing of greed straight to hell. **** this life of fun and ***. And stand like a man with my **** in my hand and tell you to ******* and go eat sand. I’m me and me and me and so shall it be.
Oct 2011 · 455
What Was
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
Continue to walk with your head held high
knowing you blinked when you should have died
 I came to you with tears in my eyes
  begging and pleading for this night to be a lie
  how can I breath when you walk my way
  when all i see is pain and dismay
 please please it cannot be
 that this day is now over and yesterday
what must I do but to love you
and scream from my heart that I miss you
 time must go by and never return
when this world is over and is no more
come to my arms and this resting place
and know that what was can now be forever
Oct 2011 · 456
Green Eyed Grin
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
My body is numb from my brian to my tongue
She looks through my soul like im sent from above
Beauty is hers and im captive she knows
But one thing I got is my wits for her curves
Spell bound the game is starting to crash
For here we are together tangled at last
We dont need no names for this skin reaction
Its just for the pleasure of our hearts compassion
Her body infused to my lusts full content
Truly this passing must be hell bent
Hot is the air moist from sweet breath
We both feel the need to call it a rest
Lay atop me she whispers my ear
To take her again and again and again
This night was passion from start to the end
And then she left with that green eyed grin
Oct 2011 · 466
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
This state of mind I find is so kind for your here by my side im alive
I lay and smile and stay a while for I cant turn my eyes away
This moment lingers for just a few hours and yet time does stand still
You by my side this light is just right for the passing of wills to obide
How can this be that my heart is set free yet my head is still lost and so dizzy
Its all just a dream lost and not seen I wake up to find reality.
Oct 2011 · 624
Heaven Bound
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
What a simple mess these words can be, are they real or just a breeze
I walk a mile and run for three but then its all over and history
Crazy is the world and crazy is me but none is so lazy as this simple plee
Hush all the noise listen and see, that my one wish is this and you to be free
Why all the fuss and rush and such, when all I want is my destiny
Cant we be still silent and ponder, what it all means to quietly wonder
Stumble we fall but soon and not far its only a quest of our serenity
Humble we are to travel this far to find its a journey for our sanity
Pleased to be back its not done just yet, for theres still that long flight in the sky
Heaven bound I sit in the clouds and find its been a hell of a ride.

— The End —