I will not say sorry anymore
Not this time, not I
Nor shall I become the first to say goodbye
I will not admit to falsifications you have found within
A layer of your own ego, an insecure whim
Those words cannot pierce me
I wore impenetrable armor today
Slayed a dragon to my feet,
Took no time to delay
Which brings me forth declaring
To your dismay,
I am no longer sorry
Not yesterday, or today
There is someone I was in debt to though
Nonetheless to her, I couldn't let these apologies show
Or at least climb to the surface,
A peering hole
Two eyes, one heart
A mirrored reflection glows
A smile forms suddenly
Did he ever know?
The person it took years to see
Is now staring, wholeheartedly back at me
This time, I shall not say sorry to her either
A broken grin sheds a freeing compulsion
For an ultimate forgiveness, a feeling of stealth
All the while, you, my friend, should apologize to yourself.