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Aug 2014 · 369
Jaclyn Ciriello Aug 2014
I will not say sorry anymore
Not this time, not I
Nor shall I become the first to say goodbye
I will not admit to falsifications you have found within
A layer of your own ego, an insecure whim

Those words cannot pierce me
I wore impenetrable armor today
Slayed a dragon to my feet,
Took no time to delay
Which brings me forth declaring
To your dismay,
I am no longer sorry
Not yesterday, or today

There is someone I was in debt to though
Nonetheless to her, I couldn't let these apologies show
Or at least climb to the surface,
A peering hole
Two eyes, one heart
A mirrored reflection glows
A smile forms suddenly
Did he ever know?

The person it took years to see
Is now staring, wholeheartedly back at me
This time, I shall not say sorry to her either
A broken grin sheds a freeing compulsion
For an ultimate forgiveness, a feeling of stealth
All the while, you, my friend, should apologize to yourself.
Aug 2014 · 301
Creatures Within
Jaclyn Ciriello Aug 2014
These demons,
These tyrants,
These creatures within
Please, please let go
I mustn't let you in
Don't you see I am my own best friend?
Dare you try to follow or make amends!
...But what if just this time?
    But wouldn't it be fun?
    To feel all the pleasures
    To bathe in my sun
    To frolic in arousal
    Take pleasure in sin
    You know you love to hate me
    Said the creatures within
    Now please, please let me in!
OK, i scream!
This time you win

A sharp, piercing roar
An intolerable grin
A desperate surrender to these creatures within
Why oh why did I let you in?
But then you grab my hand and shucks, that smile
I suppose I'll stay for a little while
The clock hand stops as you pull me in
Ecstasy now invading my veins within
A sudden fulfillment of original sin
Now left a subject of yet heavier chagrin
OK, this time you win!
...But tomorrow, it can't happen again
Aug 2014 · 367
Shattered Consciousness
Jaclyn Ciriello Aug 2014
Spiraling through memories
A painful time in which my face can't show
Intensity ranging from love to anger
A labyrinth of turmoil
A temporary blissful high
And a raging isolated low
I wonder when you let go

You held on real tight
As the night grew piercing cold
Two hearts set on fire
Shedding light unto our souls
Remnants of ash still linger upon weary roads
Days travel past...
I wonder when you let go

Racing up from the fire
Amidst a vibrant glow
Alas, feelings of relief are suddenly bestowed
They pick at my mourning
They tolerate my woes
They motivate me when I stand on my own
But even so...
I wonder when you let go

Maybe in a latent sigh
An inexplicable blink of the eye
Or a howling, youthful cry
Did we let our feelings show
For all we wanted, we didn't truly know
And in yearning for a love that couldn't grow
I wonder when I let go

— The End —