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May 2014 · 613
Life (puppets)
Jackson fox May 2014
We're all justs Puppets for entertainment

Acting out is our greatest statement

Getting your strings is all our under Achievement

Earning your keep is how you make it
May 2014 · 581
under class murder
Jackson fox May 2014
This love this hate that no nose can escape I'm dangling with my fate surrounded by caution tape, meanest scene they ever saw blood Splattered all over the wall 2 corpses found dead this man must of gone awol, Bodies all over the scene blood red apples that used to be green why do people got to be So mean? ******* galore hordes of bodies under the floor boards head count increasing 23 to 4 score, scars all down my arms teachers seem alarmed but the ones they don't see cause the most harm, Bodies all over the scene blood red apples that used to be green why do people have to be so mean? Hope the parents see I'm sorry but at school it's one kid against a army a pack of wolves that try to harm me treated like a carny a freak even when I dont speak that's there response to me trying to be unique....
Apr 2014 · 528
Jackson fox Apr 2014
If I was a bird I'll fly far away......
Say good bye to all and go on my merry way

If I was a bird I'll fly for days.......
******* on all the people who ever got in my way.............
Mar 2014 · 448
Jackson fox Mar 2014
I'm lost, but I don't want to be found
I'm tried of walking, but I'll still stand my ground
Hurt, from the pain you caused
You said you would always love me
But I could never see through your  flaws
How could you do this to me
I thought you were the one
we were mentioned to be......
                    DON'T GO..........     DON'T GO!
Mar 2014 · 358
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Can't you see the memories
That we once shared
Doesn't matter at all
Or you never cared
I just don't know
How you could change feelings like that
Seems like you packed your bags, Slammed the door and you never looked back
Mar 2014 · 431
SOLD! (to love)
Jackson fox Mar 2014
My heart is on a auction,
Goes out to the highest bid
It was your love sold to me
That made you clearly win
Mar 2014 · 813
Jackson fox Mar 2014
They ask me, "how can you still love her?"
I replied with, "I could never see her flaws"
Mar 2014 · 452
Jackson fox Mar 2014
a promise is a promise that I would
always keep, I told you I loved you
even when I weaped, you were the only one
I will ever love I gave you a promise
that I would never give up
Mar 2014 · 282
Jackson fox Mar 2014
love is what you make it
so just be yourself....
Mar 2014 · 391
Never forget
Jackson fox Mar 2014
I can't get you out of my head
I'm stuck on all the promises you made and said
I just loved you so deeeeeeaaaaarrrrlllly
I'm sorry I ******* things
In the I got fooled like a chomp
You lied and didn't even see
How much you ment to me.......
Mar 2014 · 443
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Care for me....... care for me
Even tho your not here
I would love to feel your touch
I'm tired of shedding tears.......
Mar 2014 · 347
Jackson fox Mar 2014
My mom the greatest person in the world
She loved me so much ever since I came into this world though the ups and the downs and sometimes the thought of not having her around I could say I always tried to make her proud
Mar 2014 · 430
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Never met a father better suit to be you bin there since day one and always did what's best for me though the ups and downs and though it all you were always there to never see my fail
Mar 2014 · 929
sally and Jack (zombies)
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Run run as fast as you can thing of yourself being the gingerbread men even if the undead want to eat your head your all going to be dead so run sally go on jack to bad one of you got scratched

There coming there coming there's no escape
There coming there coming there destroying the human race
There coming there coming run for your life
There coming there coming who knew the whole world would end tonight

As you guys run to your home that's burned to the ground gun fire all around you turn to see sally laying on the ground bleeding and hot **** just got real you watch her turn now that's for real

There coming there coming there's no escape
There coming there coming there destroying the human race
There coming there coming run for your life
There coming there coming who knew the whole world would end tonight

Jack such a sweet boy had a perfect life until the zombies took his soon to be wife but jack got a little revenge that night shooting the undead in the head though the guns sights until he saw sally again
This made him gringe an grin as he lifted the gun in a gloom and he shot 2 bullets that would even there lives 1 for him and his future wife too.......
Mar 2014 · 936
I miss you
Jackson fox Mar 2014
I miss you
I miss you're touch
I miss you're feelings
I miss how you cared
I miss the late nights we snuck out
I miss the time we had alone
I miss our first date
I miss how I knew you loved me
I miss all the secrets we shared
I miss the movie we watched
I miss the person I fell in love with
I miss the person I will never fell out of love with
I miss the person I want back
I miss you please just take back
Mar 2014 · 9.5k
beautiful green eyes
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Look at those eyes
Green as can be
There so beautiful
Distracting I see
Mar 2014 · 312
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Me + you was promised forever
You broke you promise
Left me broken forever
I'll never stop loving you
I ment what I said
I hope you will remember
Before I end up dead forever
Mar 2014 · 977
Wizard of Oz (twisted)
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Click your heels 3 times but there's no escape
I got your legs tied together with that red ruby tape
And if you try to run away I got my monsters, goblins, and flying apes ready for the chase,
You should have never left Kansas
But no place like home
To bad your traded in oz
Awaiting your tombstone
And you turn to me and stare into my cold dark eyes
How I became this twisted wizard that lies
And how I snatched up toto and ate with Fries
You should of seen the blood red make up,
Running down her eyes
As she was beat, *****, and terrorized
Mar 2014 · 656
Jackson fox Mar 2014
I love you with all my heart
Your smile,  your laugh is so unreal
Cause babe I love you
That's the way I feel
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Goals are what you set and complete
Not what you score
Mar 2014 · 714
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Blood red apples that used to be green
Why do people have to be so mean
Mar 2014 · 303
Jackson fox Mar 2014
I love want I always wanted
A love that will never be forgotten
Tho the memory remains
And you will always be in my brain
My love for you will always be the same
Even tho you put though so much pain
Mar 2014 · 258
love (lost)
Jackson fox Mar 2014
I sit here in bed
And I think in my head
All the things you once said
You said you loved me
And would never go
I guessed you lied
And didn't even know
But I'll always love you
I made a promise that I intend to keep
Even if I die today.....
I hope you love me for next week
Mar 2014 · 272
Jackson fox Mar 2014
When life gets you down
**** it..... just lay on the ground
Mar 2014 · 278
Jackson fox Mar 2014
A heart is what you have inside
You can fill it with love, or let it die
Mar 2014 · 419
Jackson fox Mar 2014
Some people are worth melting for
You just have to find the right person
Mar 2014 · 1.9k
Jackson fox Mar 2014
A liar is someone who doesn't care
A scumbag, a low life, there truly unfair
That is someone I'll never be
I loved you dearly
I hope you will always see...
Mar 2014 · 961
Jackson fox Mar 2014
A circle is round and has no end
And that's how long I want to be your friend
To the moon dries up or the sun goes out
Talking to you is one thing I can't live without

— The End —