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Jackshit May 2019
L’aspro e suadente sospiro cauto sussurra:
Dolce una litania intona,
Mentre la coscienza si annulla
E lo spirito ritrova la sua corona.

Cresce il ricordo di un desiderio
Sepolto da convenzioni,
Porto ultimo di un mistero,
Che ammassa e rovina costrizioni.

Crea piacere nel dolore,
E dolore nel piacere.
Icore ramato, si diffonde l’odore.
Così si rafforza un potere,

Potere d’amore,
D’amore odioso e perverso.
Utilità d’onore,
D’onore perso.
Jackshit May 2019
Oh how unfortunate
For the sane man
To carry his burden

His mind a clean slate
His insecurities a tenth of ten
Disgrateful all of a sudden

How strange the insane man
With his needs and pains
With his ink and pen

How curious the man
With a fear of peace
And love of war

Oh, how lucky the insane
For he can cry
While mending his mane
Jackshit May 2019
Joyful end to all
Was this what you found?
Didn’t you want to fall?
Gazing up at the ground

Red nectar, it pours
Crystal showers, they weep
Life, it’s yours
Death, you get to keep

Cradled by the dirt
Mother’s creatures feast
Were they what slayed the beast?

Hurt by the thorns of grief
Regretting the earlier motif
Now just as hurt.
Jackshit May 2019
P ressuring yourself
A ware of the warm truth
R aining around the lone wolf
A wake but dreaming of another youth
N ot happy nor joyful
O nly hurting in a dream
I n a state oh so dim
D ense with feelings oh so hurtful
Jackshit May 2019
A little birdie once told me a tale
Of a girl
As sweet as an ale
With a gown bent in a twirl

A little raven came and sang
Of the gifts and shame
She bestowed upon the land
of twitter and fame

She laughed in fear
while She wept in joy
She got pretty near
Being treated like a Toy

But she got ahold of the air
She grasped every breath
She got as fair
As she could ever get
Jackshit May 2019
So put the prism back in its shape
Turn over the rotten grape
Cry for the light to reunite
You with what you write

Pray Dionysus for pity
For what you avoided by being so greedy
ruined a Carnival
Of happines and arrival

Set your nature free
Just to catch It
And give It to me

Call for a blessing
Have your candles ready and Lit
Just to have It cancelled while processing
Jackshit May 2019
Are you scared,
They'll leave you for dead,
While knowing you breathe?

Are you afraid,
Of what you made in your mind
Of all the things you need?

Are you impressed,
With the way it cloaked
With the way it warped?

Are you satisfied,
With what you thought
With what you left?

Will they leave?
Of course they will.
Will they sing?
Will they feast upon your death?
Will they laugh at your demise?
Will they?
They won't.
But somewhere-
In your heart,
They already are.
Jackshit May 2019
If you were the Wind
And i were a kite
Would you lift me in the Sky
Or would you ask me why

Why oh why did the farmer weep
Why do children shriek?

If you changed into a nymph
And i shrunk and stretched into and imp
Would you care for a kiss
Or would you turn and hold your bliss

— The End —