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Jack Savage Apr 2017
You want to see Passion?

Passion is the lust I feel
watching a dew's refraction
on a petal so vibrant,
and so placed,
that it could not be placidity I feel,
But Excitement.

Passion is when you tell me
to *******,
and pull your hair
I slow down
I Mean It

Passion is that flooding spark,
the moment a match
becomes gas,
when I feel
collapsed into
An Epiphany

You don't know passion.
Because if you did
You'd know it's not just a glory
I entice,
but equally
A Gore

Passion is having your heart broken,
and looking to the floor
a devastation
Wailing as you feed
your intestines back
inside of yourself
Craving forgiveness
and receiving

Passion is hearing a song
that rips you to a moment
so far away
and so irrelevant
you feel breathless,
a coward,
and that one moment
that once kept you lit
becomes something
You Can't Control


Passion is a curse,
a bias,
a crutch

As equal,
a gift
Jack Savage Apr 2017
Ought once,..
Nine times,
wasting nine lives
in the process of falling
through satin space
to feel a wimb
of womb in you,
you said.
I erred, quite more than thrice,
to vice,
one being my vice round you.
Now, pulled apart,
I lay, plastic gripping sea foam,
rocking in waiting for this vice I have on you
to end so galely.
Alcohol depraved,
sweating nights,
are the only lethal comparison I feel I have
having to,
of you.
I know I can be
a tide,
a quake,
a storm,
a snake,
but that doesn't mean that I don't cherish you. Love you...
(I) Dream of a future,
one where we could nurture
more dreams that would ensue.
I know you're not perfect,
and everytime I ****** up,
you gave me arms I craved,
and gave me the clarity you knew I deserved because you showed me
that we were worth it...
You don't deserve someone's best,
by getting their worst.
Their worst
should be monuments above the worst
of the worse,
and what's worse
is I get that know now..
not then,
and only now
do I wish
now, then,
and then, now.
Jack Savage Apr 2017
Echoes in ash
Sit here silent as masks
Staring right back
Through my hyperbole past

The fire, did warm me
The whiskey, did sew me
Thread, falls from my collapse
As whispers of mourning

Portraits of you, next
What you've become
One's strokes, so vivid
The other, rotund

Ashes to echos
I wonder if he knows
What, all,
He left behind

A fog of limbs
Eyes in mist
Is there,
After, life

Rocks; crack, stumble
In glass: of tumble
As red leather,
Made company

Ashes, the echoes
Of what was
Once, but
No more
For Nanu.

My grandfather was cremated last year. I imagine myself in the one red leather chair I always saw him seated in, reflecting on him now, up there, on the mantle.
Jack Savage Apr 2017
It's so hard
In context
to be there for you.
I paint a canvas
for you
black but full.
Why can't you come here
come near
I've forgotten
who you are.
Sing the songs,
follow the lyrics,
become a pleb,
and drink as if it were pretend.
Jack Savage Mar 2017
From the first time
I watched you
Walk away from me.

To the last time
I could feel you
Next to me.

You had love
For leaving things

Like a fire,
In the summer sun,
You took the best of me.

I wish I knew
What I know today
You can't give hope
To a runaway.
It's further, honey,
Not closer,
You're getting further
Every day.

On the side
Of the road
You made a getaway.

The devil slows down,
To let you in,
Met with a devil's grin.

Chin held high,
Sweet lies, disguised
To make it
Easier for you,
To do what
You feel you
Have to do
Jack Savage Mar 2017
Please, don't speak
I've heard too much
I can't go back
To the way I thought

You lied to me
Told me boy  
You have infinity
Hold onto dreams
You'll always be

You now tell me,
That I grow Old?
And I die Weak?
In a Bed?
Where I can't Speak?

I will never see
The man I'll be
Before I'm free

Naught die alone
I 'll be alive
Beneath the stone

And you'll have me,
Wherever you go.
Jack Savage Mar 2017
I want to breathe in
I want to speak
To your body
Like nobody else

I want to feel
I want to feed
Your Fire
Like nobody else

I saw the silhouette you left
Cast through my cigarette
As I said nothing
I felt all of it
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