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Jul 2010 · 2.6k
LOVE Acrostics....
Jack Varnell Jul 2010
Life lessons - left unlearned
Our compulsion to stare at the sun - leaves eyes burned
Victory through union and acceptance - easily gained.
Escaping loneliness and its crimson stain

( entered in Acrostic competition---Jan 2010 WINNER)


( entered in Acrostic competition--)

Lessons learned,
Our unblind hearts reveal our most
Valued visions are

Life Lessons learned,
Our unchained hearts reveal
Victorious vision

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works

3.0 United States License.

Based on a work at
Apr 2010 · 1.0k
Jack Varnell Apr 2010
in the dark forest
she is far above the ground.
she feels the lift and fall of walking
but feels comfortably paralyzed.

beneath her, the shoulders of a man
one who would carry her for miles and years.
when she is weightless,
or heavy with doubt.

he is as unsteady
as a leaf in the wind.
she, like a feather floating,
or on the crest of a round ****** river.

she knows he will fall.
because she is above him,
she will fall further.
it makes no difference.

because the night holds up
all around them.
like great fields of poppies,
or fluffy teddy bears worn from time.
The Emotional Orphan by JN Varnell / Psychoholik

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Original work at
Dec 2009 · 1.6k
Have You Seen This Girl ?
Jack Varnell Dec 2009
(Authors note: I realize this is more short story than poem. I hope you find it poetic as well. Apologies in advance if this is not an appropriate forum.)

Have You Seen This Girl ?

I sat sleepy eyed one morning enduring yet another cardboard and treebark bran flavored bowl of breakfast with milk, 2 percent of course, and I stared at the carton.

First I reviewed the measures of various fat content, and nutritional values listed as a matter of law. And as usual, I thought of you. This time by way of pondering the plight of the American Dairy Farmer and remembering it was the “corporatizing” of the independent dairy farms which led your family to other uses for the land they had raised dairy cows on for over a century. And I missed you terribly.

To quickly shake the associated feelings of loneliness, and your face from my mind, I was drawn to the deep dark eyes of the child who was missing and apparently exploited on the other side of the carton. She had innocent, kind eyes that indicated she wouldn't even harm an insect. Curious eyes that would watch an insect for hours as it munched on grasses and leaves she fed it.

She would be two years grown and two years older since last seen in blue jeans and a t-shirt in Amarillo, Texas, in the company of her biological father who was possibly armed, dangerous, and driving a pickup truck towards Mexico. Or Canada.

And it struck me. You needed to be on the side of a milk carton. 2 percent of course. At some point in our life together, you had been kidnapped. Whoever was responsible had gone to a lot of trouble to replace you, to carefully drop you right back into my life. It was a great attempt but finally my belief that the real you would never do the things you did to me were validated. You had the misfortune of actually having an “evil twin” and corporatized or not, it seemed only the Dairy Council could help, since there is no Center For Missing and Exploited Adults.

Big red letters screaming “Have You Seen This Girl ? ” were what we needed now. God knows I had recent photos, and could describe all of your features-distinguishing or not.

I think tomorrow, I'll have French Toast.

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Based on my work at
Dec 2009 · 1.2k
The Mysterious Distance
Jack Varnell Dec 2009
No need for panic.
The heat of the moment is gone.
No, everything is not alright.
But the honey sweetness of Love,
dancing on the tongue like a memory
lasts forever.
Only true love is truly innocent.
Love and life are a chance,
when there is a risk - self made.
Give up Life for death?
Love for friendship alone or romance?
Not a chance.
He is firmly entrenched on the one side.
She stays feet planted in her land.
The floating distance that’s between them
is something neither understands.
One may be able to run from true Love,
but once it’s found them, it will always track them down.
Sever an Achilles heel to stop the running.
Yet they created the pain.
Against Love they can be numbed.
Then the only real pain is to feel nothing at all.
How can lovers hurt when they have bridged
the distance and are holding on to each other?
Their souls need Love, and the soul needs a mate.
And for what the soul wants it will patiently wait.
Sure there is faith, hope, ***, but it’s mostly fear.
A million things that might keep them here.
Floating in the distance between them.

Told as fiction it is mysterious and engaging.
Like a nighttime fairy tale story.
Trust the author and the view changes.
And in the morning you will see.
We cannot continue to hurt this way
When I am holding you,
And you are holding me.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at >
Oct 2009 · 1.4k
As Seen On TV
Jack Varnell Oct 2009
It’s thought provoking
and emotion evoking
I feel like I’m choking, {Heimlich}
Truer words have never been spoken
by a dancing mime with only one leg.

Minds have reeled
Fates have been sealed
Unknowns become real
It’s a negotiated deal  made by some lawyer with a soul.

Tragic, Comedy- Tragicomedy
Shipping-handling. As seen on TV.
What’s the cost of free ?
Nothing comes really, with a money back guarantee.

Wash, rinse,  repeat.
Operators standing by- keep your seat.
Stay out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat.
And know your victory isn’t over defeat.

Miller time- the best time of year
But I’ll never need another beer,
My life’s so complete when using Tampax.
The latest miracle cure is as safe as anthrax.

Who has time these days for voting, when I feel the blight of bloating ?
There are no important politics or elections.
When I have four plus hour erections
but I bet my doctor won’t be the one I decide to consult.

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at

— The End —