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491 · Sep 2010
Mecate and ...
Jack Turner Sep 2010
I went down to the crossroads
Now we will see if I change
That's only the second time I've been
And the first time went up in flames
Just like the last trip
Things seem alright
I had a great evening
I enjoyed it to the last

I came back from the crossroads
All empty and cold deep inside
Longing for my next ride down
It might not even be anything yet
But I already feel those miles pulling
Exaggerating that figment of loss

I look at the crossroads
Wishing to go back very soon
I hope I can visit tomorrow
Though even that is a wait too long
I must go back
That's my one undying dream
A need, and urge - that urge - grabs at me

Last time I felt like this
I didn't go back to the 'roads
For some odd reason
I just let it go
Something I still regret to this day
From the time I went down the the crossroads
489 · Feb 2011
Sing And You Might Hear
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I scream, I write and yell as you sing along,
But no matter what I say, you never ever catch on,
So I have to sing my heart out as I bleed on
For you to realize how your actions treat me wrong.

My dear love, why can't you see what you do to me?
And why do you cut deeper with every word you say?
Despite all that I've told you what you've done to me,
And with how crazy you've said I've become recently.

Heart, burn.
And, Heart, break me.
But from now on,
Ihave to sing to thee
In order that you truly hear me,
And all of the poetry

That I've written for you.
Jack Turner Mar 2012
Days and days and months at a time go by and
I still feel how destroyed you left me inside.
Feeling that empty space and that missing, that lack,
It falls to reason that I see myself as all alone,
And my fears built up by you keep me from finding another.
Leaving that space open and obvious by my side
Each and every moment like this is a bad day.

But then I stop and think of everyone who is there for me.
In them I see my value and the love for me,
And though you broke nearly everything inside of me,
I am getting better, fixing my life, piece by piece,
And one day I will be whole again
In ways that you will never be.

So if I ever see you, I will be able to smile,
To know that you were the worst of me,
And that I made it past and have continued to grow -
That despite your best efforts I've left you in my past,
Where my only thoughts for you are of hope;
That one day you decide to get help,
That you shape your life up,
And that you find someone to take care of you
As you reciprocate their feelings.
And maybe one day you will see,
And begin to live like a human being.
485 · Jul 2010
So much for thinking...
Jack Turner Jul 2010
I thought I was long over you
And any thoughts of you and I
Were so far passed by
Until I saw your face
Framed in a photograph
And all my pretenses were shattered
The old Love, the old longing
Came running back
To strike vengeance on my start

Now my life is reeling
And I don't know what to believe
The fine line between fact
And all of my fiction
Has been removed, repealed
Plunging me back down
Into what appeared long lost
Still stuck foundering
Is found again

And I know what you said before
That once lost cannot be bound
Again, And yet for all the world
I see there still is what you once saw
And with time and a little effort
Could renew, make and mend
Bring back to life that full fire
Hearts once rent
Shall be seen whole again
484 · Nov 2010
Girl In Spanish
Jack Turner Nov 2010
The girl over there
Four desks away
Such pretty short hair
So tall with beauty
Would it be fair
If she noticed me?
484 · Jun 2010
Lightening My Day
Jack Turner Jun 2010
A sweet summer day
Come to meet me in winter,
A pleasant surprise
That I cherish and hold on to.

A golden ray of sunshine -
Mine to have and to hold -
Dropped right out of the sky
And into my heart, where you now have control.

A glorious sunrise and sunset swirled into one.
Bestowed upon me for reasons unknown.
The ornament of happiness,
Strong enough to me my soul glow.
483 · Aug 2011
Bitter From Sweet Chocolate
Jack Turner Aug 2011
Let me just say that
Thank god I'm over you
Because this just in
the list of exploits you did do
is only getting longer
minute by minute and
hour by hour
actions speak louder than words
they say take a photo it will last longer
but its so much more entertaining
when we've got video coverage
so that I can kick back and watch
as your whole life falls apart
I can just sit back and laugh
And realize that my life ain't so bad
That I really should go and thank you
For going and leaving me
Because otherwise I would be
Strapped tight to your sinking ship
And just another line in your silly poem
But since you did cut me free
I now have front row seats to the show
I don't know about Karma being a *****
But I sure know you were
Being away from you has proven to me that
God isn't it good to be free
God life is great to me
483 · Sep 2010
Jack Turner Sep 2010
recently I've had such problems with this
forgetful of things, class, and friends
wake up late, or not at all
and have such the feeling
that the bottom has dropped from my stomach
when recollection finally occurs

I feel like such a disgrace
like a waste of space on this earth
and there is no way to play it off
that doesn't leave you the dunce
oh I slept in, got sick, or forgot
no one will buy
and now you're off worse

I need to settle down
And reorganize, but
For some reason
I don't know what for
476 · Mar 2012
Look My Way
Jack Turner Mar 2012
Hey there, Young One,
You've got me upside down.
I look around
To find that all has changed,
And that how it used to be
Is all gone and blown away.

I look over your way
And you blush and hide your eyes.
That's just fine
If you're shy.

I look over your way
To see the way I look upon your face,
And you look back my way
As I smile and wave, touched by your grace.

My heart has been tied to yours
So tightly it wouldn't budge if I wanted it to.
I'm tugged this way and that in your wake
As I hop, skip, and jump and dance with you
Across the obstacles of everyday,
Praying that I'm suited to your tastes.
476 · Feb 2012
Admission of Fault
Jack Turner Feb 2012
The last time I got to see you,
And the last time I got to hold you, dear,
Neither of us could have predicted
The sour mess the future held in store.

Burnt up like life cut short.
Only a feeble, sick exhaustion left
After that inebriated interplay on the phone.
Though I had left, now I was gone.

The fault is mine,
And the love is gone,
But please remember me
From the times we held near.
476 · Oct 2013
Jack Turner Oct 2013
Sometimes you have to leave old things behind,
It comes past time to move on to other things.
We all find that we have grown stale within our own lines,
Sitting too comfy in the familiar surroundings of our daily lives.

It's time to move on to more volatile yet fertile pastures,
To test those bounds that we have set for ourselves,
To go and climb those mountains, to dive those seas,
To surf those waves, and maybe climb some trees.

As much as the enjoyment has been,
As much fun as we have seen,
How good things have been,
It's come time to move on.
It's come time to live those dreams.

Let's go test those bounds, and maybe,
Maybe we'll come back someday.
473 · Jul 2010
The Beauty In Me
Jack Turner Jul 2010
Once upon a time
It wasn't so long ago
I was sad
I was a wreck
I was a mess I confess
Love had me lost
And I had lost my way
Until the day My life stumbled across you
And I very nearly walked on by
But something made you stick
Made me decide to pull back
And into my life you came
And that's where I want you to stay

I won't be cliche
It wasn't love at first sight
But you've grown on me
In my arms you fit so tight
My lips to yours
God it feels so right
Come away with me
And I confess my love tonight

When I see you
I want to breathe you
I want to be everything and more with you
You're the best in me
Can I be the best in you
And you're the reason why
I see the beauty in every day
473 · Sep 2010
silently Executed symphony
Jack Turner Sep 2010
The pain in me
From everything I see
And everything I hear
To me it seems
That your time with me
Is drawing near
The end

All of your words
And all of those phrases
That you murmured and moaned
Into my ear as our bodies
Were well drawn near
Look to be coming to none

One day in the future
Now appears
That is all it will ever be
And that you will never
Want to be only with
472 · Sep 2010
Jack Turner Sep 2010
Dear God, I know I'm in love
With you, the girl who I know I can't love
The mere prospect of which tears my heart
To more pieces that all of DG could count
A billion, a trillion, more than could be by in a lifetime
And yet my heart bursts time and again
Even though Delta Gammas are fun and sweet
You're the best my heart beat gets
Beat in and beat out, between the impulses my heart gives out
I can't but help to see your face
Written across my thoughts and dreams
And hear your words echoing in my ears
Keeping my being stuck to you
Assuaging my fears that my mind had lost you and who
I am so wrongly devoted to
And here I am stuck writing
Drunk poems to you or whatever image you exude
Drinking to drink, and to help me tell the beauty of you
471 · Aug 2010
Better Than Me
Jack Turner Aug 2010
Ain't life good to me?
Don't you just wish
You could be me?
I've got a summer job.
I've got parents to support me.
I've got all the toys.
The bells and
Not to mention the whistles.
I know you just
Want to be me.
I live in that
Nice neighborhood.
I went to that
Prestigious high school.
I am in college
On my way to graduation.
My life
Is so much better than yours.
How could you not
Want to be me?
I know that's all
You want to be.
But you don't want
To be me.
You couldn't be
More happy
Just the way
You are.
You don't think
About me.
Or even you.
You are too happy
Being in love.
Which is something
That I can really
Only Envy.
What do you have
That I can't have
This same beauty
In my life?
Look, this is my pony.
But all I want
Is that little whistle
That makes you so
471 · Feb 2011
Meaningless Babble
Jack Turner Feb 2011
Words, words, words,
That's all they be,
And words, words, words,
That's all they see,
But those words, words, words,
Combined with the voice within me
Means so much more than you can see.

I speak and call to you
And everything comes from me,
But hard as I try to reach you,
I can't help as I'm falling free,
Spinning, diving, out of control.
The world divides around me
And I am left drowning.

Please God, oh please,
Don't desert on me.
470 · Mar 2012
A Perfect Little Thought
Jack Turner Mar 2012
I look at you and see your wedding day.
I hold your hand and know you always.
The look in your eyes tells me you feel the same.
The warmth of your body and smile brighten my life,
So I squeeze your hand a little tighter.
I glance back from our fingers to your face and life seems right.
This is how its supposed to be.
469 · Jul 2010
the hurt inside
Jack Turner Jul 2010
what you do to me

and what you make me feel

shows it plain to me

I dont want to live a day without you

for a day without you

is a day without rain

a day without shine

a day without food

and a day without water

a day without you

is not really a day at all

for a day without love

isnt worth living at all
Jack Turner Dec 2010
No, no you don't.
Read my poetry and you will see
That I do,
But that can never be again -
Thanks to you.
You have broken me in every way
I knew it could be.
We, we can never be,
But we never were, either.
You were too busy, wrapped up
In your own self-centered world
To see what we
Could be,
Could have been,
And what we will never be.

So no, no you aren't.
No, no you don't.

I, I miss you.
Because I, I really loved you.
And now I don't know why I ever wanted to be with
I'm left wondering why I tried
So hard, and for so long,
On something you let go
Because you needed some ****.
465 · Feb 2011
My Past Insanity
Jack Turner Feb 2011
Heaven above, my love
my heart, my world.
My love for you
and its strength for you
has power beyond words
that will never let go.
It will not shrivel and be gone
when the paper has devolved
back to its roots
when time out of mind
has worn it down to none.

The insanity
that seizes me
is fertilized by your past actions
and incubated in my head,
growing and growing
'til it can no longer be contained.
Then I burst out as crazy
to vent all my mind
to build anew
in that space left vacant.

As I feel by turns spurned
and then jealousy in return,
on and off that keeps
the wheels of this evil complex
That jealous want
to be with you
and to be all to you,
causes my downfall in your eyes.

And I am left with love
as I try to continue to be good
to you and your needs
at such a distance.
I love you
- it feels as my only function -
and its all I ever want to do.
oh how wrong I was
464 · Aug 2010
Leaving Pt.II
Jack Turner Aug 2010
The soul has departed the body
The mind has gone from the eye
And I think it might be here today
That I choose to die

Life is so short
God, its so sweet
And to live it without you
Stops my feet in the street

Love is our guidance
Love is our savior
We lay our trust in it
And it will govern our behavior

Every moment parted from you
Is my heart sentenced to years of hard labor
462 · Mar 2012
Good As I Am
Jack Turner Mar 2012
Don't try to change me,
Don't try to sway me,
Because this is who I am,
And if you do love this,
Then cool your heels or
You might have to move on
And onto the next version.

Let me be who I am,
Let me live what makes me happy,
And you can join and be,
You can be the best of me.

Or you can fight and scratch it,
Battle it with every tooth and nail,
And when its all boiled down,
You're left as a footnote,
As a line in a song.

You decide which you want:
That white picket fence,
The house with a two-car garage
(read: a bitter husband
living a life he doesn't love
because he followed the wife
he truly does),

Or do you want to be
With me as a man so happy
As he lives dollar to dollar,
One that couldn't be happier
Living a life full of love?

So live with me, or please do not,
Because if you try to change me,
I'll never be what you want.
461 · Sep 2010
What's In A Name
Jack Turner Sep 2010
His name.
I saw it coming.
And I made myself believe otherwise.

What could I expect?
When you let you best do it.
And finally I see through it.

His name.
I saw it on the line.
And I took the time to read between them.

How fake was that story?
You held it up and sold it.
Only after I bought it did I truly see it.

His name.
Emblazoned on hindsight.
I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Why does the mind race?
The heart has to do with it.
I wish I was over and done with it.
460 · Feb 2011
Free Singing
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I'm singing my heart out tonight,
And I'm writing out the poetry of my life.
Nothing else to me seems so pure,
And not a minute of anything other is worth my time,
Because with my voice and my words,
I believe that my message to you is said most clear.

So with those words I hear,
My voice begins to take to the sky,
And I leave you behind.
I have no need, no want to wave goodbye
To you my girl, who used to be my girl,
Because as you asked me all of those months ago not to,
It'd be a waste of my time.
And now, I begin to fight all of those lies,
And I've finally ripped free of all of those ties -
Ripped out all of your spines - free
From my body,
Free from my soul,
And most importantly, free
From my mind,
As I'm so high off of the ground,
Reveling in the perfect sound
Of being so free of the tourniquet that was you.
And I'm out of my mind
- So many thousands of feet off of the ground -
Away from your life,
And away from the sound.
There's so many feet  between me and
You, that tried to plant me firm in the ground.
I just thank God for everyday
The He's kept you away from me.
459 · Aug 2010
You, Me, and We
Jack Turner Aug 2010
The birds and the bees
Are all fine and dandy to me
But when I'm dying over you
Why can't you just see
When I say I love you
It means everything to me
456 · Nov 2010
Tidal Flow
Jack Turner Nov 2010
Holding in this
Ocean that are my emotions -
Without you my shore
To crash and break upon,
To loose this passion,
And to satisfy my yearning
For you my Love -

Is the tide
Not being able to rise
And fall,
As my hips to yours -
Our breathing in sync
With that within yours and my breast,
Hot and fast -
And I am spent
As I break at last.
453 · Nov 2010
Girl In Creative Writing
Jack Turner Nov 2010
Little Elf-like creature
You wandered into my life
Right out of a dream
Enchanting me
Like the race you resemble
Cast your spell
And bite with your Sting
Capturing my eye
Whether you want to or not
Now do with it
What you want to
Or not
453 · Jul 2010
I just might
Jack Turner Jul 2010
have to stand here
and watch as you leave me

being as good to you as
I can possibly be

and for reasons unknown to me
you treat me like something

that might not be
human or planetary

I try to understand for me
so I can be there for you

but it gets painfully tough
when you act like this girl

that I have never known
and run away to places

that make no sense
for you or me

please talk to me
and learn that I can be

everything you need
but we cant learn to see

without conversation
which to you might seem like confrontation

and that isnt what either of us want
so let me try

and give me a chance
thats all I ask

tell me what I can do
to help you move

in the right direction in life
because it isnt north

not that I see it that way
and I know you dont

so let me stay
and be in your life for a while

back to the way we had planned
even though all plans go awry

let me be
or let me be
452 · Feb 2011
Truth Be Told
Jack Turner Feb 2011
So here it is
Here it is finally
Someone not trying to **** me over
That confirms you ******.
****** me over.
I can't believe that I loved nor cared
For you and your pathetic existence.
Good die
Have fun in the next ******* life
451 · Nov 2010
Removal of Excess
Jack Turner Nov 2010
I cannot detach
These circumstance that ****
From that which I feel
Towards you who I love

Despite what you do
And how I feel
How you treat me
I cannot make the obvious cut

A simple small incision
Between you and my life
Surgically separating
The breath from my life

But never fear
For I can hold my breath
Long enough
To catch another somewhere out there
450 · Nov 2010
No Need Necessity
Jack Turner Nov 2010
This could be
One of the hardest choices
Of my life,
But I have to make you see
That I want to Be
With you,
But that is not a Need.
This is a decision
And not a Necessity
To have you in my life.

So on that note,
I begin to step away.
Your actions speaking with force
In opposition
To all the words your voice has spoken.
I'm tired and overdrawn
Trying to be your one.
Goodbye to you,
My love,
My baby,
And maybe one day you will see
That you want to be with me.
450 · Dec 2010
Things Not For Knowing
Jack Turner Dec 2010
I feel them, smell them,
The winds of change are blowing.

The tide, the sea air,
They reverse their course and are flowing.

Things between us are growing, changing, evolving,
For better or worse is not yet for our knowing.

In time we will see
Whether you were ever truly in love with me.
450 · Feb 2012
Wondering Aloud
Jack Turner Feb 2012
I'm taking time out
To sit and simply lie down,
Back on the ground watching clouds
Whisper by,
Heads held high
Thinking and wondering aloud -
If you miss me at all?
448 · Feb 2011
Such A Way I Need To Sing
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I've got to write the poetry
Because it expresses the best of me
... and the worst...
And every emotion in between.

I'm compelled to sing
Because it allows me to say,
In such a way,
All that I've ever wanted to say
So that you can't help but understand their meaning
Despite your feigned ignorance,
And the way that you ignore me,
And every ******* word I've said.
When I sing these words I've written for you,
You'll be listening so intently
You'd think your ears might bleed
As you are deafened by my lips' whispering.
447 · Sep 2010
No Idea and Not Sure
Jack Turner Sep 2010
Good night to good tomorrow.
Stand up straight and bend in sorrow.
When the villain becomes the hero.
Say goodbye to a good tomorrow.

Baby sleep tight.
Believe in a better tomorrow.
The hero of tonight
And the villain of tomorrow.

Love with all your might.
Even if might is not right.
Might for right is a beacon of light,
For which all should follow.

I it isn't this,
Then it's that.
And if it isn't that,
Then what?

Love leads us all in odd directions.
The best you can do is enjoy the journey.
442 · Jul 2010
Good Enough
Jack Turner Jul 2010
Its what I am to you
You say that I am your balance
You say that I keep you steady
My girl
I am everything you want
Except I'm not an ******* to you
You're down
And I'm down with you
Picking up the pieces
You're up
And the only thing soaring higher
Is me
But for some reason
There's always a reason
That you can't commit fully
To me
And I'm beginning to see
That I will never be
Good enough for you
441 · Sep 2010
You Burn
Jack Turner Sep 2010
Can I believe what you say?
Do I dare trust your words again?
The nearly healed wound,
wrenched open again by one so near.
The mind spins,
The stomach turns,
And though I believe the best thing to do is run,
My heart tells me to return.

Why can't I break away?
Do I try and tempt the pain?
I was nearly a whole person,
and you broke me up.
The pieces fall,
And escape beckons, And though I believe the best thing to do is run,
My hear tells me to return

Are you truly that powerful, or is my heart that stupid?
439 · Feb 2012
The Moment Of Realization
Jack Turner Feb 2012
I've met you twice,
It feels like I've been waiting my whole life.
I never knew what it was before,
But I now realize that I'm starved.
My life is empty of you,
Of you and your presence,
I hunger for your voice, your actions.

Now that I know, I can think of nothing else.
Its there in my sight, so obviously right.
How did I ever miss it before?
Its about time I let you know.
437 · Nov 2010
This is just the beginning
Jack Turner Nov 2010
Look at me
And try and understand
That I'm not just saying googbye,
I can't ******* stand you.

Get out of my life.
Get out.
And I don't even care if you say goodbye.
Just go.
Get away from me.

The lies and falsities
**** me, every time,
In a way you know
But never see.

I hate you.
I hate your hypocrisy.
Down to the way you
                                            ****** Me.
436 · Feb 2011
Status Updated, V.2
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I thought I saw you as a friend
But that seems a point you contend
I never thought it'd come to this
But it seems like something you won't miss
I'll try one more time
And then to my past you will be consigned
You don't want anything to do with me
So I won't try and salvage friendship for you
436 · Sep 2010
stop it
Jack Turner Sep 2010
who is this woman
and why is she speaking
slightly increasing my knowledge
but really giving names to the subconsciously known
she talks of things already used in my poems
all these stuffed inside my head
and all I have to do is go in
grab them for use by my pen
435 · Feb 2011
The Art of Me
Jack Turner Feb 2011
I can't help but feel the power of music
As it pulls my soul between me and you
Its poetry being pure as can be
And its singing that means so much to me
Either or and there's no other way
That can express the depths of me
The meanings that try and come from me
Encompassed within me
But all that you have done
Has come out and killed me
And here I am left singing of you
Singing my heart where I know all is kept true
And I see through all the lies
You spread through my mind and life

To sing is what truly sets me free
And the write poetry makes me me
Without either I wouldn't tell you
Precisely what I think of how you've hurt me.
433 · Feb 2012
Imperfect Is Perfectly Fine
Jack Turner Feb 2012
I'm up late,
                    once again,
With you,
                  the new girl,
Once more upon my mind.
I feel I'm lost,
                       I'm gone,
I can't seem to focus as
                                       I find myself gone to
              Those few fleeting moments with you.

Nothing is ever
I know that for fact,
               And it doesn't ever really have to be,
          Its those Imperfections
that make it
Every time
                    in my mind.
And that's all that I really need.

We do have our differences,
                                                We do,
And I do not deny that,
But even you said,
                                "We're all but the same person",
Its got to be some sort of building block,
                              Can we start from that?
Its the one thing I long to ask.
431 · Jun 2010
My Word To You
Jack Turner Jun 2010
Hold on closely and
               Don't let go
You need to love deeply
               Even if at times
                    You spiral out of control
If you get hurt
               That's better than never
                    Having ever loved at all
If you slip
               I'll be there to catch
                    you when you fall
Don't worry about me
               It wasn't my time
A few days late
               A few dollars short
Life goes on though
               And you've got to make it
                    Everything you can
Have the time
               You've only got one life
Live for the moment
               The memories last forever
                                                                                Regrets live longer
Don't think of me
I'll see you through it all
               and don't you fear
          When                                       all                                      seems lost
               With the world mounting against you
I'll be there
               to help you up
                    to share a smile
                         and set you right
For your ears alone
          This is my promise
          And this is my pledge
Now come into my arms
Where you feel
                    Just Right
So that I can be your protection
Against the night
427 · Jun 2010
Status Updated
Jack Turner Jun 2010
I am done, **** it.
I've been here before, and
I am back down that road now.
Let me say my piece
and go live in my Hell.
Take my piece
and wear it well.
Your time will come.
426 · Apr 2011
Moving The Mountain
Jack Turner Apr 2011
We are right on the verge,
We are on the cusp,
The dividing line between
What is you and I,
And what is us.
Our omnipotent energy,
Guided by power divine,
Stays our hand
As we are rolling
And preparing for some
Rocking of our own.
A devilish brew
Some few can handle,
And when we are done,
It's a new genre
Made up from our heart
And what is soulful.
424 · Apr 2011
Stick To The Rules
Jack Turner Apr 2011
Another step, another second,
And we go on with the show.
A chance, an opportunity,
And we strike off down the road,
Never turning back, never looking back.
These are the choices,
There's no room for regret,
Only looking onward, only looking up.
It's got to be, it's the only way to the top.
To be the best, I have to never stop.
423 · Aug 2010
The Time of Our Life
Jack Turner Aug 2010
The grass is so green
Right here where we walk
And the sky above is the blue
About which only we can talk
The playful hills roll
And the dipping valleys sprawl
The long trees in the wind blow
And the birds in the air call
Here in this blanket we lay as lovers
And we do it all
Someday in the future we will look back
And think how foolish and reckless we were
421 · Aug 2010
In Those First Moments
Jack Turner Aug 2010
My heart has gone
Right out of my chest
I can't help but feel
Down and depressed
It no longer beats
Beneath my left-side breast
But for all that's said and done
I know its for the best

My life seems over
My Love is gone
My heart is stabbed sober
Why do I seek to go on
Though I know the power of love
And we will prove just how strong
418 · Feb 2012
More Writer's Block
Jack Turner Feb 2012
I feel wheels moving
In my brain,
Spinning and rolling,
Never gaining traction
To put thoughts to paper.
Tension is static block
Of frantic attempts at thought.
I try
To no avail.
I can't get moving, no forward motion,
Drawing on emotion and experience,
Yet the page remains empty.
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