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Sep 2012 · 691
Jack Touchet Sep 2012
I guess that it's easy to say
That when winter skies turn grey,
It's time for a mite bit of cuddlin',
To keep those grey skies at bay.
Jack Touchet Sep 2012
My heart grows colder,
Though I'm warmer for it.
I feel lost in a small bubble,
Everything around seems to crumble and fall.
My only wish,
If nothing else,
Is for you to call.
To hear your voice,
It's like the feeling of a butterfly fluttering on your nose.
It's the feel of cold water as it falls down your throat to a longing gullet.
To feel the soft caress of your hand,
Is downy sweeping across my skin.
It's the tickle that doesn't make me jump,
It's the shiver that welcomes goosebumps.
If only,
If only,
I could simply feel your arms around me,
I would fall back-first into a pile of now broken leaves.
I once walked around our town for hours,
Trying to alleviate the thought that soon I would be gone.
It was then that I heard your voice,
That soft and delicate and loving voice.
It fluttered on my nose like a butterfly,
It brushed itself against my check,
And the sweet aroma of a single white flower growing in the yard outside my window swept gently into my nose,
Then I sneeze.
I will pick you this flower,
Once every day,
Since so many grow,
But so far apart.
If anyone has ever known how to fix this,
It was you.
Jul 2012 · 497
To Pass The Time
Jack Touchet Jul 2012
Within my heart
Lies a little start.
Such a small pump
Haphazardly dumps
A plethora of feeling
From a cardiac ceiling.
A breathless trance,
A love fueled dance,
I sit staring at you.
Your skin,
So lovely in hue,
Is radiant from within.
Whatever would I do
Were I taken from you?
Lie quietly on the grass
As visions quickly begin to pass
Through a broken mind
To pass the time.
Jul 2012 · 472
To Pass The Time
Jack Touchet Jul 2012
Within my heart
Lies a little start.
Such a small pump
Haphazardly dumps
A plethora of feeling
From a cardiac ceiling.
A breathless trance,
A love fueled dance,
I sit staring at you.
Your skin,
So lovely in hue,
Is radiant from within.
Whatever would I do
Were I taken from you?
Lie quietly on the grass
As visions quickly begin to pass
Through a broken mind
To pass the time.
Mar 2012 · 1.8k
Alpabetical Me
Jack Touchet Mar 2012
Such sweet songs
Fall from faces full
Of open
Hearts holding hands.
Generally great groups gather
Quixotic questions,
Ponder personal perceptions,
Emulating ever entranced emotions.
Love loses leaps, leaves
Broad bruises bypassing
Catastrophically closed creations.
What wonder, what wildly whimsical
Rejoice remains?
In individualistic idioms.
As all allowed anatomical
Differences deal dictations,
Juxtaposed jesters join
Monstrous masterminds
Trivially tinkering, tryingly,
Near non-subjective nothingness
Under unusual
Vectors. Vivisecting voracious,
Zeppelin-esque, zygotes,
Yodels yell,
"****! **** kindheartedness!"
Mar 2012 · 614
For A Tear
Jack Touchet Mar 2012
The air called after me,
Eyes unblinking, I answer
"For what purpose do you need me?
Of what service am I?"
Is it that I am blind and may not see?
Foresight now fills my mind.
Hindsight, though, is left far behind.
Lonesome, I set out now, divine
Is my cause so I stay in line.
But am I to continue?
Must I search for a new venue,
A different place to call my own?
It seems, for a year, or a tear, I am alone.
Mar 2012 · 586
Of Birds and Trees
Jack Touchet Mar 2012
A sound falls from the sky,
Such a sullen sordid tune.
It makes on ponder why
A sound falls. From the sky
A bird lets out a cry;
From its sorrow you are not immune.
A sound falls from the sky,
Such a sullen, sordid, tune.

I seek out this bird,
It sounds as if an infant.
I almost feel absurd
As I seek out this bird.
Yet, I barely speak a word;
Far too ashamed to break this instant,
I seek out this bird,
It sounds almost an infant.
Jack Touchet Mar 2012
The wind whistles in,
I hear the howl clear.
The air is thick with sin,
As the wind whistles in,
So, safely now begin
To cherish those held dear.
While the wind whistles in,
I hear the howl clear.

So now release me, please, from fear
Of the hollow, vacant, plight.
I hear a dawn grow near,
So now release me, please, from fear.
Heartlessness becoming dear,
I've now connection with the night,
So now release me, please, from fear
Of the hollow, vacant, plight!
Mar 2012 · 814
Sing Goodbye to Sorrow
Jack Touchet Mar 2012
I feel a tug on my sweater.
The air grows dark as I,
Full of despair,
Turn my head to find what
Being is at my coattail.

I feel a tug on my sweater,
I turn as the space ahead of me
Is occupied by essence of loving magnificent person.
I turn and see the beautiful world, as a
Being, is at my coattail.

I feel a tug on my sweater
And I question her as to what she came to
ask, and she speaks to me in song.
So lovely are the words uttered from
She who is at my coattail.

So lovely are the words uttered for
Me, a desperate shrew. A hollow shroud falls over
Vacant eyes dripping empty tears onto
A careless walkway. Her serenade sing a sort of
Happy suicide into the icy veins pumping
Soft slush into my heart.
Then suddenly

A chorus arises and I am renewed,
"Sing goodbye to sorrow,
Save pain for a time when you need smile.
For that pain, in it's essence,
Is only a memoir of hardship that will
Remind the hollowest of souls that
There is happiness."
That there is love.
That there is hope.
That there is wonder,
and wanderlust.
That there is reason.
Feb 2012 · 635
Jack Touchet Feb 2012
Fall softly by my side,
Ask me why I feel.
Sing the sound of your heart
And learn the value of mine that you steal.
The truth begs a sort of compliance,
The false brings a sort of discord.
The night brings a sort of silence,
But tonight I sing of reward.
I follow the sound through the end
To see a destination,
I find only a cave in the forest
That is filled with desolation.
Sing solace, sing cheer;
Sing worry and fear.
A song to allure the public,
You make yourself its puppet.
Feb 2012 · 400
Jack Touchet Feb 2012
Winter falls silently
On a town hidden in bliss.
As rain drops start falling
We recoil, slither, hiss.
The cold burns our warm skin
And we mutter to ourselves
Of how weather is awful
And we beg for the sun.
But the sun will never
Show its face;
It hides away behind clouds,
Oh it loves such a shroud.
Such a wave it sends
With its powerful chill
As the ice shoots as beams
Straight down to the earth,
Such wonder is cold,
So badly it hurts.
Feb 2012 · 637
A Sea Rages, Swells, Calms.
Jack Touchet Feb 2012
Oh hollow sound,
That chest thumping
Engine does Fire the
Soul, rousing its deep
Slumber amidst the cloud.
The sea boils over as
Insipid statements vacate
My hollow mouth
Drips venom from its limestone,
The stalagmites offer no wave break.
Why resist a tide if the boat
Sinks to the bottom of its own
Why persist hauling land to you
When it refuses to give?
Loose your minute, release the
Tied string from your hand.
The brain is a ruined, hollow, shell
That falters from its duty of
Give in, desist, relinquish.
Self is lost in my lack of
Helping you.
But I learn.
I improve and I try,
I form my self,
I reform myself.
Taking part in a grand dance of
My soul, I am again made for you.
I must be, I must act, I must help
For you.
I will help,
I will try
I will continue to improve.
I will be,
I will love,
All only for you.
Feb 2012 · 752
Ode to the Star By My Side
Jack Touchet Feb 2012
It had been ten days
Since I last saw rain.
The clouds above part
Like ripples in puddles.
A quick burst of shine
And I'm drenched again;
How might I leave?
Might the world bear
Down on me with
Roaring thunder if that
Oak door shuts behind me again?
Am I now alone?
Do I drift till I find more land?
Stay by me, shining star.
Oh, you lovely star
Who brightens my
Clouded mind and leaves
No print behind;
Oh, you beautiful star
Who lightens my
Loaded back and makes
All dreams true,
Would you stay with me?
Please, my sweet,
Do not ever leave,
Do not ever abandon,
What sorrow will ensue
If that flood gate should leave.
I may go,
But I could never part that shine
In your eyes.
I could never leave
A shadow on your soul,
So perfect.
So sweet,
Your perfume permeates
Through every hall of
My cavernous mind.
Do stay with me,
Oh wondrous star,
And keep me sane
For your company.
Feb 2012 · 1.0k
An Ode to a Rhyme Scheme
Jack Touchet Feb 2012
We want not words
Of rhyme nor reason,
We wish for verbs
Words of doing and done.
No time to be kept,
No analysis of style,
We simply want words
A page, call it poetry.
The story is there,
No difficulty in
Is it sin?
To take words from within?
To make in a form that may begin
Or end with endings that are akin?
Any fool might make a story
By breaking up lines in a paragraph,
But can they describe it in emotion?
The diction is gory,
Chopped up, sing epitaph,
A poem written in commotion.
A rhyme is no force than a song from a Lori,
Free verse may be fine for more than just a laugh
But the story is lost in an ocean.
A sea of chopped stanzas,
Direction with no form.
But the ship might still sail,
Any port in a storm.
Feb 2012 · 477
To An Ink
Jack Touchet Feb 2012
What loveliness there is to an ink,
Such that it may record our innermost
Thoughts however we choose to lay them
                                                                                                                 With love
Whether in print, or in cursive,
Without regard to a font
the medium will maintain what is written.
                                                                                                            Ringing out
Writing, the pouring out of
One's feelings is
by far
the second loveliest form of
                                                                                                          *You are first.
Feb 2012 · 517
Jack Touchet Feb 2012
I send my mind through
A whirlwind
A spiral.
The words pour out
Torrential, they cause a sort of
Fear that when the mind does steer
I might falter, might fall.
But I do not lose hope,
I do not give in,
I control.
I gather my skill,
Gather tools of my trade.
That wit may stay with me is
My only wish, so that I might be able
To fuel my mind with love.
With wonder, I feel
That I might
Gather hope.
Jan 2012 · 503
The Man on the Bus
Jack Touchet Jan 2012
I sat next to a man on the bus
Who wore a face so desperate,
He gave a short fuss
But then sat quietly for a bit.

I asked him his name
And he looked in my eyes,
He's limbs almost lame
His face filled with surprise.

"I come from no place,
No title's my own.
My heart strikes a pace
So fast, so alone."

It was at that he wept
The wet drops on the ground;
In those tears he had kept
A love both terrible and sound.

He left at his stop
Though he paused at the top,
"Thank you for your ear,
You've relinquished my fear.
So I bid you good day,
Thank you for your stay."
Jan 2012 · 786
My Steeple
Jack Touchet Jan 2012
My mind is ablaze
With that's around me,
It's almost a daze
To be so cherished you see.

I'm glad that my words
Do reach joyous ears,
Songs grander than birds
Could not push out my fears

As well as you friends.
So thank you all kindly,
My heart you do mend,
And you do help me to see

That these words can be enjoyed by people,
For me these words are one of my only steeples.
Jan 2012 · 710
The Words, A Mat.
Jack Touchet Jan 2012
A spider on the wall
Says to crawl,
To leave this place
An empty space
That fills the void
Of my disgrace.
But I turn my head,
The sound of dread
Floods my ears,
My worst of fears
Now realized.

I now know that
The words are a mat
To step on and desecrate,
So very similar this hate,
This bait.
The voice falls flat
On it's face.
"Second rate" is the term
That so quickly erased
Me. So now I squirm
To avoid that race,
So I may take my leave.
Jan 2012 · 515
Perfection, so sweet
Jack Touchet Jan 2012
Could we reach such sweet perfection?
One with no rejection?
A bond of pure acceptance,
A rush with no reluctance?
Have we reached such sweet perfection,
That our acceptance knows of no exception?
My love so sweetly do we talk
That I know no topic should make me balk.
Why yes we've reached such sound perfection
That even the birds songs are poor reflection
Of our lovely words that sing introspection
Of the heart, true loves resurrection.
Nov 2011 · 562
Jack Touchet Nov 2011
Feel the ground shake underneath,
Pulse as your mind moves with your feet.
Walk to the wall and begin to climb,
You will find it easier with time.

Talk at the grass that moves with the wind
And know it grabs the message you send.
Cast the seeds at your feet to move it with the sound,
Know your time is kind while you walk this ground.

Know your time is kind while you walk this ground,
Cast the seeds at your feet to move it with the sound
And know it grabs the message you send,
Talk at the grass that moves with the wind.
You'll find it easier with time.

Walk to the wall and begin to climb,
Pulse as your mind moves with your feet,
Feel the ground shake underneath.
Oct 2011 · 475
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
I tell you words of love...
I fill the air with cheer.
However this only happens,
Whenever you are near.
I ask not many things,
Very few in fact,
Only for your love,
A small amount be given back.
I tell you words of love,
I fill the air with cheer...
This only happens
Whenever you are near.
Oct 2011 · 413
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Words flow out
In violent torrents,
Shaking the very support
Beams of my soul.
I try my best
To make it right,
But still you wont let
Me say my mind.
Not everything
That people do
Is a hidden attack on
Who you are.

You're not the only
Afraid to lose,
Perhaps you should try wearing
Another's shoes,
Because I am terrified,
And worried to break,
So as not to make you leave,
And with you your heart take.
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Feelings of love enter
A heart filled with despair.
Words bounce within my center
Darkness now turning quite fair.

My days now filled with splendor,
I keep them not just to myself.
To love you is of valor,
Pulled down old feelings from shelfs.

Blow dust off a rusted heart,
With you my love had begun.
I believe we'd never part,
We, a loving web, have spun.
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
I fear that I'm losing my mind,
Though I thought everything was fine.
I for some reason lash out in anger,
Though I'd much rather it be in banter.
Why does my brain hate me so,
So much that it wont let me go?
Why can I not make a grin,
When I before smiled from chin to chin?
I suffer from long bursts of sorrow,
That often run off into tomorrow,
Backed but short runs of glee,
I wish it would just stay with me.
Oct 2011 · 406
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Rising from slumber,
Bears do not go looking for
Far colder places.
Oct 2011 · 1.5k
Icy Winds and Winter Months
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
The cool wind blows
Brisk in the back of my mind.
The icy breeze tickling,
A running down my spine,
Filling me with
Why I should resign.

Why I should resign
Filling me with
A running down my spine,
The icy breeze tickling
Brisk in the back of my mind,
The cool wind blows.
Oct 2011 · 880
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
In need of new pets
I take to adopting a
Metaphor for good.
Oct 2011 · 533
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Hands caress the
Softest of skin sending
Shivers down the nerves of my
Oct 2011 · 324
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
To write of pains I
Never feel would be silly,
Hold to truths of self
Oct 2011 · 494
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
The beast inside does grin,
I keep him from outside.
And though it burns of sin,
It's my own folly that I hide.

Stay far from the edge my friend,
You know not what's behind.
Step further and my soul you rend,
Do not peel back this rind.

The skin lay in front exposed,
It's all in front of you.
I keep what I have proposed,
You did what I said not to do.

Stay far from this unholy plight,
I call you away from so dark a light.
Oct 2011 · 1.1k
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Three young men make their way into a dried river bed, each searching for his own treasure. "Oh if I can only happen upon that which is rightfully mine by both blood and battle, I should become the greatest this nation has ever known. I will rule with a vengeful hammer, and strike down with nery a whim." The oldest holding a certain distaste for having to wait and then search, shouted at the top of his lungs.
  "Rightfully yours?" asked his younger brother, a kinder spirit than the former, "And to rule with a vengeful hammer? Dear brother, know you nothing of the world around us? You cannot simply strike and command obedience. You must acquire trust, and love, then loyalty."
  The last of the brothers, youngest of them all, had grown accustomed to their bickering. Today, as well as on others, his silence and their lack of focus paid off as he struck something squar and wooden with his toe, rimmed in gold that hardly shown in the light. He need only abandon them in the wood now.
Oct 2011 · 789
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
What chance that I
May happen upon such
Distant and tribulant blunders?
Oct 2011 · 1.1k
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Small creatures run
Down a newborn sidewalk's
Hometown, catch only a glimpse.
So cute
Oct 2011 · 608
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Sunny days bear thin,
Water falls from grey skies,
So now I ask why.
Oct 2011 · 686
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Flinging dirt on
Top of the resting place
Where quietly sit geniuses,
Oct 2011 · 952
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
I sit on the porch
With friends and fair weather near,
What lovely wonder
Oct 2011 · 523
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
We sit in the rain,
Though life may be tough.
I still feel the pain,
And life is the stuff

That makes every day
The same as before,
And spite though you may,
I'm still at the door.

But why we confront
What takes up our time,
I can't seem to affront,
I'm still on your dime.

I look to the sky,
And still question why.
Oct 2011 · 387
Why Lie
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
I don't know what there is to say
That things are not in the way,
But I will not lie,
Not before I will die,
Perhaps it was better to stay.
Oct 2011 · 346
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Faster pours the wine,
Though the words that pour out are mine.
My mind is the same
And my cup's not to blame,
For all of the these thoughts,
Are still mine to frame.
Oct 2011 · 417
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
To travel through time
Would be so divine,
If words we could grasp
And remove from our past.
Oct 2011 · 680
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
I look to the sky and
Feel life in a warm band,
Encompassed my arm
And showing no harm.

I fall from this warmth then
Find my own hearth when
Suddenly I do feel grey,
I've lost in my own little way.

But then there's a light,
It robs me of plight,
She fills me with joy,
I would tackle Troy.

For her I'd break down those walls,
And stand by and watch as they fall.
They'd crumble in spite
Of me taking delight
In being closer to the most beautiful of all.
Oct 2011 · 730
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
I fear that I'm going insane,
Some chemicals wrong in my brain,
Sure it is frightening,
It struck me as lightning,
To fix it my neck I would crane
Oct 2011 · 631
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Quickly now I board the train,
Making it's way from here to Spain,
I see brighter lights,
How lovely the sights,
Never again my life will be plain.
Oct 2011 · 717
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Frankly my dear,
When tides run high or near,
The easiest thing to do,
Is find some form of shelter with you.
Oct 2011 · 1.3k
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Marching in lines,
Spanning the entire world,
Ants carry their food along,
Strenuous as it seems,
So very effortless.
Oct 2011 · 1.9k
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Sometimes I,
When faced with confrontation,
Enjoy making my way to,
And only in times of sorrow or joy,
Frozen yogurt stores.
Oct 2011 · 462
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Right foot, then again
You follow with left foot rushed
Oct 2011 · 648
A2 B3 C4
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Few things hold true,
Among those what I'd do for you.
Fewer things may I see,
More beautiful than for you to be,
Content forever here with me.
My arms spread wide,
Such happiness inside,
For you I will abide,
Never a thing from you I hide.
Oct 2011 · 601
Jack Touchet Oct 2011
Friday heralds sense
Of being, carried cold wind
Through chilled skin or bone
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