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Sep 2016 · 659
I'm Not Sure About Anything
Jack Davies Sep 2016
I wake up,
as the sun is still in the sky,
and I'm not sure what time it is.

I stare at the clock,
but the numbers are not there,
and the radio spots gibberish.

I try to move my toes,
but my hands move instead,
and I can't get the hang of it.

So I roll onto my side,
stare out the window,
and think I'll try sing a bit.

But the words don't make a sound,
and I can't think where I am,
I'm not sure about anything.

I try to remember your name,
but I only remember pain,
and so I try to get rid of it.

So stare out at the sun,
sitting sweetly in the sky,
not thinking 'bout the other bits.

I close my eyes,
with the sun between my ears,
and I guess that I'm full of it.

I drift into sunshine sleep,
let my thoughts grow wild and free,
if only for a little bit.
(these are song lyrics)
Jul 2016 · 445
120 Minutes
Jack Davies Jul 2016
I woke up blurry eyed to the syncopated screaming of my Casio clock.
But I didn't mind,
because in 2 hours time
I'd see those pretty green eyes
and you'd finally know how much I've changed.
And to the beeping of my Casio clock
I remember the 4 page apology about being a Casio ****,
But I didn't mind,
Because in 1 hour and 59
minutes time
I'd no longer be searching to find a way to say what's on this paper I've signed and we can be friends.
I look in the mirror and I look like ****, to be honest my looks haven't changed a bit but I've bought these ******* expensive jeans,
the same ones that haven't been cleaned since I kneeled down in your ***** and cleaned
the bits
from your lips and stroked your hair whilst I waited for an ambulance to come.
But you wouldn't remember that.
And so today would be the first day of light you've seen reflect from my skin since you gently peeled me off like a used band aid.
But I didn't mind,
because in 1 hours and 29
Minutes time
You'd remember why you ever held my hand
Even if it takes ten years id work to become something worthy.
So with my unclean jeans on I spray some of that same genre of deodorant,
Clean my teeth freak out about forgetting a haircut and say **** it at least I found ten dollars for the train fare.
And with my **** hair I didn't care,
Because in 40 minutes id be there,
And breathe the same air
The burning stars we once shared,
And so I check the time,
And so lose my mind
As the train arrives in about 5,
And I watch it race away from me as I sprint through the rain in my special suede shoes.
And as I walk in cold boots
I realise, that I don't mind
Because in 29 minutes time
I'll be lost in the warmth of your eyes
So I jump on the next train
And the officer decided to pick my brain
And I have to get of the train,
In the rain,
To buy a ticked again,
Because I don't look 16.
But I don't mind because in 19
Minutes time,
I'll be with that one perfect kind.
So I squeeze the letter in my pocket as I finally jump off at Perth station.
Pulsing with anticipation,
I run without a pinch of patience
Through the rain under a storm,
And I'm finally here.
I look around.
I sit down.
And you're nowhere to be found.
Jul 2016 · 488
It's Warm In Here
Jack Davies Jul 2016
Listen to the wind,
Softly kissing your window.
Watch the warm glow,
Of an oak-mounted lamp.
There's poems on the walls,
Fan hangs from the ceiling,
Your hands smell like flowers,
Scratching sound of writing.
The howling of windy treetops,
Still hums from outside;
But it's warm in here,
And you will be ok.
Jul 2016 · 390
Jack Davies Jul 2016
we ran blindly
like lost children
into the warmth of each other's arms,

we grew lost
in the moonlight tangles
of hair and shivering fingertips,

but were we deaf ?
to the rain that began to scream ?
louder than those burning breaths ?

for alone now, we shiver.
no longer in love with goosebumps.
but cowering from this storm -

the whIRLWind of our souls.
Jack Davies Jun 2016
I keep your memory
In the ashes of a cold fireplace,
Next to which, I sit;
On the cool cabin floor;
Dreaming of spring shine.

Whilst the world outside,
Softly whispers melodies,
of snow sung winds;
Dancing through pine trees,
Like fireflies in the dark.

Yet I have still, a heart of flint,
That sparks in the moonlight,
Upon souls of silken steel;
Thawing these pine wood bones,
Damp with the windy winter.

But ****** be these winds,
Which claw colder than ice,
Upon Crimson cabin walls,
That shiver in the snow;
Tangled up in blue-stained starlight.

So here, I sit dreaming,
Of spring shine from the east,
Of a roaring fire inside my skin;
As the memory of this fireplace,
Melts into a child's laughter.
Something I'm working on, (just a draft)
Jun 2016 · 553
Songs of burning love
Jack Davies Jun 2016
If your fingertips
are feathers,
and my chest is
the sky,
and our hearts
beat wild,
as a dove learns
to fly;

Would you take away
my breath,
like a gunshot in
the evening,
whisper in
my ear,
soft words

Would we melt into
the twilight
night sky entwined
with feathers,
our cheeks burning
bright as
the most passionate
of weathers;

Would we flutter through
that linen,
singing songs of
burning love,
and into that
night sky,
fly as graceful
as a dove.
Jun 2016 · 394
Go forth, sleepy child
Jack Davies Jun 2016
Go forth, sleepy child,
Through those howling winds
That dance to the endless night;
Thumping thuds of a lions heart,
Pouncing down the hills.

Go forth, sleepy child,
Through the shattered glass rain
That soars through a smoke-stained sky;
Like ten thousand exploding stars
Still mourning for the sunset

Go, find thy bed of crimson joy,
Though the question may be cold,
And the darkness may be deafening,
As the spaces between words,
Stretch between galaxies.

Go forth, sleepy child,
Through the blinding night,
Those howling winds.
Go, find thy bed,
of Crimson joy,
And sleep,
My child,
Jun 2016 · 389
The Evening Sands
Jack Davies Jun 2016
Well if love's like an ember in the evening rain, and the stars in the sky are calling your name, I'll fare thee goodbye as you fly from my hands, and I'll melt like ash into the evening sands.

And if I see you a flight in the stars above, soaring through dreams my green eyed dove, I'll smile in the moonlight and throw up my hands, and melt like ash into the evening sands.

How many seas must my white dove sail, how many years my heart grow frail, 'fore she sleeps in the moonlit warmth of my hands, and we melt like ash into the evening sands.
These are song lyrics :)
May 2016 · 509
Jack Davies May 2016
goosebumped skin
     and a light blue zephyr
     to an autumn song

frozen flowers
     upon frosted windows
      from the cool kiss of winter

yawning green
     blooming from branches
        the first breath of spring

warm cheeks
     upon faces of endless colour
        under the summer sun
May 2016 · 372
Dancing Flames
Jack Davies May 2016
Glowing red,
Dancing flames
Inside my head.

I'm flying,
Into that sky,
Where ash will fall
And smoke will rise.
May 2016 · 481
Charcoal Thoughts
Jack Davies May 2016
Glowing embers
Trickle down my spine,
I've got charcoal fingers
And a molten mind.

Soul of smoke
Gone up in flames,
I've got charcoal thoughts;
Watch them burn away.
May 2016 · 691
Jack Davies May 2016
                                                               ­                               the
              If I                                                                       valleys of  
            were                                             between      our snowy souls.
         a builder,         but           bridges               we could meet in those
        I, no longer            build                       clouds,   as    high   as     those
    would hike these                               dreams, that we dare not discuss,
  ice eyed mountains                        upon    the    footsteps    of  ­   Giants.
If on iPhone - must be landscape or the layout messes up :)
May 2016 · 668
Purple Trees
Jack Davies May 2016
There are purple trees inside this head,
The roots grow down to my toes.
And the purples leaves (as my mother said)
are colours that no other knows.

For I was born in a heartless world of red,
As blue rained from the sky.
But my soul's a seed (as my mother said),
From which purple began to rise.

I am now a Forrest of red and blue,
and colours you cannot see.
And I may not be you, or you,
But I am most definitely me.

So tell me a lie / a label / a truth,
That is primary to believe.
But I am not a red and blue youth,
For I am full of purple trees.
(This poem's from a twenty minute typewriter challenge that I was lucky enough to be a part of!)
May 2016 · 545
Where The Flowers Grow
Jack Davies May 2016
Leave me by the forrest creek where the flowers grow, well I don't know where it leads but dear I' gotta go. But honey babe am I walking too fast? Not even my God will tell me if these flowers last.

I've been everywhere but here, I've been all around. Been where daisies disappear, my dear I've nearly drowned. So honey babe am I walking too fast? Not even my God will tell me if these flowers last.

I've seen the sun give birth to the sound of Spring, seen roses live and die, babe I've seen everything. But honey babe am I walking too fast? Not even my God will tell me if these flowers last.

I'm praying for the water to take me to an open spring, where darkness disappears and dear I'll hear you sing. But honey babe am I walking too fast? When not even my God will tell me if these flowers last.
These are song lyrics :)
Audio is here -
May 2016 · 984
Bedbugs and Butterflies
Jack Davies May 2016
I've shot a hundred rabbits
Made of a gun of dodgy habits
Saw the sky and couldn't grab it
Made a net and tried to catch it
But like a soaring eagle,
Beauty only wants to be free
So I'll just head on home,
Lay down in my bedroom and sleep

Bed bugs and butterflies
Been stuck inside my eyes
Can't seem to see just why
I haven't learnt to fly
Guess I've just learnt to sleep with
Little creatures blocking my view
Rain droplets drizzle down,
Whilst I still dream of you

I dream of rainy mornings,
Cool clouds and daylight dawning,
Sweet sounds of robins calling
Tip-taps of raindrops falling
I know it's somewhere out there
Like its been waiting for me
I see it in my window,
I see it in the trees
Bit of a strange one
These are song lyrics :)
May 2016 · 3.2k
A letter to my parents
Jack Davies May 2016
I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry mum,
For these things that I do wrong.
For every smile that I can't give,
This little life that I can't live.
If you could look, through my two eyes,
Then I pray that you'd see why,
The sun will rise when I'm gone.

And when time will pass, and love will fade,
And these little things will all wash away,
I'll call home.

But this ain't goodbye, I'm still your son,
It's just these feet, they plead to run.
Through that sand, 'cross that sea,
Somewhere far away from me.
Where I can sleep amongst the stars,
Open oceans, and empty cars.
Dreams of swimming, on my own.

And when time will pass, and love will fade,
And these pretty things will all wash away,
I'll call home.

For then I'll be, sincerely me,
For like the tide my soul is free.
Salty skin, sun dried hair,
Lungs to breath that morning air.
That eucalyptus in the sky,
As laughing birds begin to cry.
And sunlight sings inside my bones.

And when time will pass, and love will fade,
And these pretty things will all wash away,
I'll call home.
These are song lyrics :)
Audio is here -
May 2016 · 372
Three a.m.
Jack Davies May 2016
There must be something out there left for me, in a world of star strung buildings and charcoal trees; maybe it's been lost in the breeze? Well, the night's gone grey and time has refused to change, so I'm waiting on eternity to bring me age; whilst i strut and fret this hour upon the stage.

There must be somewhere out there left for me, where moonshine melts into valleys of golden green; but the hills have eyes and they're all watching me. So I've been waiting on ashen shrouds to clear that sky, for rolling waves of blue upon open eyes; maybe we're all waiting for that light?

Well I've wandered moonlit streets for a little while, slept in a blanket of stars that made me smile; but pretty faces seldom last a while.
These are song lyrics :)
The audio is here -
May 2016 · 802
Morning rain
Jack Davies May 2016
Whilst -
    The 3am rain
        Whispers poems
              Through the lips
                   Of a rusty awning,
                        My mind lays awake,


****** memory!

   That clings to dreams,
                      Like the frost,
                             upon my windowsill.
Whilst -
     the 3am rain,
             continues to cry;
                       It's so cold outside,
                                        It's so cold.
May 2016 · 2.2k
Jack Davies May 2016
When, she sings
And suddenly, daylight
Pours from her voice;
Like waterfalls

A rainforest
Inside my head
Dancing wildly, to
Songs of Spring

Even the fish
Leap in laughter
Blue birds circling
Inside my head
Apr 2016 · 361
Jack Davies Apr 2016
Endless hours.                                          
Dripping,       ­       
    Dripping -
                            as reverb hums
         lonely guitar strums
echoing through eyelids        
and ****** eardrums                               
  as a thought                              
still runs          
Apr 2016 · 548
Some Cold November Night
Jack Davies Apr 2016
Like flint                                            
                                     upon some
                                          cold              ­              
Your eyes                                    
of my soul -                        
But even the brightest                                
    of sparks,                                    
             will seldom                           
Feb 2016 · 752
One little thing
Jack Davies Feb 2016
If there is just one little thing
that you've made me realise,
It's that sometimes skin
can be warmer
than the sun,
That cheeks
can hold more fire
than a galaxy of stars,
And that when I grow up,
I want to be, an astronaught.
Feb 2016 · 764
Jack Davies Feb 2016
­                                         I dream
                                                           ­                         of falling
                                                                  in love,      
                                                I've been.      
  Yet when                          
                  I finally                                                          ­        
  find                                                          ­                  
some                                          ­                                                
body,                                                           ­                                                     

I,        ­                                                                 ­                           

                 push.                                                            ­


                                                         ­                                  *Away
an all too universal sentiment
(If reading on an iPhone, it needs to be landscape or the shape messes up!)
Feb 2016 · 350
Praying for silence
Jack Davies Feb 2016
I pray to a silent God,
To teach me his way,
To rid me of every little
Awkward thing I say.

For I am not a poet,
As I so often dream,
I'm just a little boy, who's
been taught how to scream.

So relieve me of this voice,
That broke my hearts wealth,
And let me sit here in silence
Let my soul speak for itself.
ironically, I'm pretty bad with words
Feb 2016 · 724
Jack Davies Feb 2016
Your voice,           still hums
Through the silent scent of candles,
Curling up like a blanket around my skin.
Warm sheets of orange linen,
Lingering with perfume,
And memories,
Of you.
Feb 2016 · 338
Little Life
Jack Davies Feb 2016
I live a little life,
In a brittle little room.
Where everyday I sleep,
Where every night I loom.
And, it's a nice place to hide,
From the little things I'm feeling.
I've taped flowers to the wall,
And a sky to the ceiling.
And every little thing,
I wish I could say.
Is in a little poem,
That perhaps
you'll read
Feb 2016 · 575
Dear Jayne
Jack Davies Feb 2016
You are but a shadow in the sunshine of my imagination,
And though I understand, that I was never intentional,
Surely accidents aren't erased by the burning of pictures.
And I still wonder how could my life have been small enough to squeeze into a plastic bag,
Handing it to me on my fathers empty doorstep like some goodwilled goodbye gift,
(But I guess mothers are always better at packing).
I do hope, however, that Ian's grip fade far away,
like the 1am echo of your tear soaked cheeks,
And that cold bruises will heal before a warmer man,
Someone whose hands will float gently onto yours,
Carried upon the last draught of winter,
This time, forever.
Maybe you'll have a fifth child - an only child,
One for whom I pray there's a shred of chance you'll learn to love.
But meanwhile, the little boy that you keep safe,
In the ashes of a cold fireplace,
Impolite dinner conversations,
Or the memories you'd rather forget,
Will be waiting, always waiting,
For a shadow, in his little world of sunshine.

— The End —