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Nov 2014 · 439
I am a member of the last chance club
I have been a member for quite some time now
I cannot make sense of what I have done
I am a member of the last chance club
I'll always regret the decisions I made
I'm forever the one who ruins great things
I'm forever the one who ruined the words "I'm sorry"
I am a member of the last chance club
what has been done
it cannot be undone
I am a member of the last chance club
Jul 2013 · 490
No one can comprehend the emotions left unsaid
that is until all of them are dead
But who knows?
maybe they'll get it
nah never mind they wont
for they are in a ship
no longer wanting to stay afloat
like i said
until they're dead
but who am i to decide when they're pointless lives come to an end
ugh if only they were all dead...
Jul 2013 · 433
Anger and Her
Anger pulses through the veins
No one but her can see the pain
Life in the valley of Rain
That is the meaning of her name
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
Kids can be cruel
Kids can be cruel
they say so
no thought
just slander names
kids can be cruel
words can bring me down
and they sure did
kids can be cruel
kids can be cruel
kids can be cruel
Mar 2013 · 3.1k
Good Morning
Good morning love
Good morning life
it has been so long
since i have had to begin
as i am now
time to start
time to finish
time time time
Mar 2013 · 907
Scars begin to fade
Scars begin to fade
as do the memories that caused them
scars begin to fade
and that's ok
I'm getting happy again
smiles returning
scars fading
laughter echoing
scars fading
kisses sharing
butterflies *living

— The End —