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JR Potts Jan 2014
There is a machine
it's hands driven by no singular man
nor collective of men but by the subconscious desires of whole societies,
possibly by all mankind.
It's will; perhaps passed on in our blood
but I suspect a more devious actor at play.
The augmented reality of language ****** upon us in our youth
with such tyrannical force it makes the rule of King Leopold
hardly a murmur in the heart of darkness.
It's reason as noble as it is useful. It aims to connect;
to help share the eloquent, heavenly images
that reside behind our eyes in our most sincere and naked moments.
Noble indeed are the intentions of language but they deceive,
make it hard for our pupils to see what needs to be seen
thus we live as Thoreau has said 'lives of quiet desperation'
blind to what our hearts cry for in the black of our deepest silence.
We deny them in the name of acceptance and comfort
for the fear of failure wear upon us like a heavy robe.
These words they echo such violent doubt
and in days past I had triumphed this lingering hesitation
with holy regard as if it embodied me with some super power.
What lunacy, what madness I endured;
twisted about by the contradictive nature of logos.
No more shall I wear this weight upon me,
cast off the coercive syntax and again like a child;
I think in images.
I may still write, even speak in fictitious representations
but I shall live my friends,
live to see these fiery reflections of light manifested into reality.
Live so that I am not remembered in words
but in the hearts of other men...
JR Potts Dec 2013
I need more sleep
but I need more you
how can I choose
when both are as real
as they are true,
if I must sleep
then I shall dream,
dream of you
JR Potts Dec 2013
I am not the man you marry.
Not at all!

I've never had a good job
I've never owned a nice car
and I don’t buy dinner.

Your mother will hate the way I dress
your father won’t trust me
and your girlfriends won’t ever be impressed
that you got me because

I am not the man you marry.
Not at all!

I drink too much
I smoke too many cigarettes
and I like to get high sometimes.

You’re right to think I’m crazy
you’re wrong to think I’ll ever stop being so
and if you ever thought you could change me
than you’re two cans short of a six pack because

I am not the man you marry.
Not at all!

I’ll make you nervous
I’ll make you uncertain about your beliefs
and I won’t ever apologize for being me.

You'll cry
you'll hurt
and you’ll try
to make it work because

I am the man you love
but I am not the man you marry.
Originally written: 06/10/13
JR Potts Dec 2013
There is an elephant in my head and a big one is he
he stamps his feet trampling my dreams into nothing but debris.
There is an elephant in my head, he is too strong you see
he leaves me no peace, no sleep, stomping on everything I can be.
There is an elephant in my head and I want to set him free
because deep down inside I know undoubtedly that elephant is me.
JR Potts Nov 2013
Yonderly forth does my mind travel
toward space unscathed by human eye,
vacantly naked my reflection unravels
distant are these thoughts of mine.
Untethered cognition free of man’s laws
his morals, his mission and even his flaws.
Thus I must burrow ever so deep
to find a single rigor of truth
I dig where other men sleep.

Oh wasted hearts
the first rule of living
is knowing: things fall apart.
What now is truth shall surely flee
as does the river's water escape to sea.
Clench not tightly to your current beliefs
they may not follow,
they cannot follow
where we intend to be.
Originally Written: 5/24/13
JR Potts Nov 2013
Everything is nothing and nothing, everything therefore neither can exist as absolutes. What you are now is but a moment and this moment shall pass. We as humans cling to these instances with exhausting desperation. We yearn for them to last eternally but it is only because we dream of the infinite that we hold so tightly to our experience. Like a slow poison we watch ourselves betray our former figments, the people we were suppose to be slip from our grip, descending forth into the people we are to become. My tone may suggest an attitude of anguish but this reality, my reality is not one of judgement. It is far removed from good and evil, it just is. Leaving only my brain to decipher its worth but outside of these illusions of measurement; I know something is happening, the who, what, where and why may escape me but I am convinced that something rather than nothing is occurring.
The experience of stimuli is the only revelation of mine I dare to brand with the label of truth.
Our certainty of the laws that govern today are but manifestations of our misunderstandings and will become subjects of satire tomorrow. If man is to live sanely he must not carry himself so seriously in regard to his follies of days past. He must laugh with the comedians, the jokers and the jesters.
For laughter is the medicine of the mind and the metaphorical heart.
Today you are you, yesterday you were someone else and tomorrow you will be a stranger to yourself.
What does that mean?
You are not who you think you are.
To some this is tragedy, to others a great relief.
JR Potts Nov 2013
Forthcome that which has no meaning
beyond the petty dreamings of a fool.
Trickled thoughts walk off mid-conversation
with strangers into the vanishing
managing to forget that I forgot them first
way before they wandered off
to inhabit the earth
but that's just me being hipster,
rather be in Pittsburgh
because New York,
too contemporary.
Very hedonistic with a lack of trajectory
or am I projecting to protect me
from an existential vasectomy.
I'm afraid I can't make it here
I think I drink too much beer
and Baby
I should have been more clear

I am scared
I am scared
I am scared of being a failure
and I don't even know
what the **** failure is
or what one even looks like
because every time I think I've met one
they've taught me something about my life
half the the high school teachers
across this country couldn't.

My home
has taken their lives,
my passion and my poisons
have made it hard to get by
and my parents
have worked and will mostly likely die
holding on to concept I now perceive as a lie
That's why I so badly wanna believe in nothing
but I keep falling head over heels
cartoon like slips on banana peels
Women; smart enough
to know a poet is a bad deal
but I still do it 3, 4 times a day
I let someone inside
and we'll make love
with words and thoughts
we'll tell each other what we dream of
and talk about the kinds of things
that can't be bought
cause those are the things that matter
at least to me.

But I guess
that's just me
being hipster
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