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2.2k · Jun 2013
Smudged Blackboard
J McDevitt Jun 2013
With miles to go before I sleep
and sounds around risen from the deep;
If I heard them, should I keep
the memories from haunting?

And as the grey rolls into black,
can you see the white hiding in the back?
The foundation that let’s us hold fast
and gives the hope to make it last.  

I see faces in the pages
jumbled between line spaces.
Hallucinations become engrained in
my vision while I listen

to the clack of chalk
spat from fingers
and thoughts
J McDevitt Jun 2013
Deep inside the heart collides
With the majesty that is the sun.
And polyps grow on feet below -
Where the grandeur is forced to shun.

Grey gritty gravel gets jammed
Between my toes,
And flies through a rolled up twenty
To stay wedged far in my nose.

If sinus’s are clogged like pours,
Scratched by a Cheetos finger,
The rocks get stuck and Id mocks
While the crush starts to linger;

Numbs the cavity where inside lives
A thousand hungry hippies
Sitting still until they see
A cloud up on a water lily.

So set out to feed their queen bee
Whom lives inside the skull
(And) demands, commands, yearns and pleads
To feel that numbing null.
J McDevitt Jan 2014
One last smoke before the snowstorm
Last fire before the rain
One last drink before we put it out,
before the others came.
One last kiss before you leave me
last night, dreaming still.
One last sleep left hoping
to remember you; I will.  
One last drive down your lone road,
last time seeing you on the stairs,
One last time left my heart still beating
about you standing there.
And one last time staring at the stars
wishing that I could see
just how one last smoke before the snowstorm
left you wanting me.
1.5k · Jun 2013
Alcoholic Masochism
J McDevitt Jun 2013
It’s been a while
since I’ve dipped
my toe
in the Devil’s Spring.

For last I did
it took a week to realize
I’d already dived,
headfirst, in.

How now to control
such endless lust,
which tempts both fiends
and godly men?

Can trust be laden
on the backs of those
who sit on shore
or wait in other glen?

Only night coming soon
will tell for sure;

The moon sheds light
upon what
real men tend
to be.
1.2k · Jul 2013
Best Untitled
J McDevitt Jul 2013
Symmetry to a note
that flies further than a fifth
soaring through aircraft cables
lined on doors of oak and thick.

Wine wastes our time
staining the vessels into energetic
and stinging feet into comfortable numbness.

It sighs but resides on the purple lips
of the woman across
and the butternutty smoothness of her
exquisite paired squash.
895 · Sep 2013
Untitled 4
J McDevitt Sep 2013
An unholy night,
these two know those nights well,
it’s raining God’s blood
‘to the cracked gates of hell.
The demons are out,
the lechers and fiends,
a good chance to rob, ****,
and listen for screams.
The Vicars head’s been cut off
on Joralemon street.
And such Neck-rophilia
seems just shy of obscene.
But that’s not why these two
are out on this night;
They want little kids
to make Angel’s delight.
You’ve never heard of it, have you?
It’s quite delicious in fact.
First they start off with the skin
from their ungrown, weak backs.
They’re peeling away
where their wings would soon grow,
but made too sore to fly
they fall down below!
And so catch them the wings,
shave them into a cheddar,
oh, but if it’s a girl,
make sure you be-head her.
Then break the legs like wishbones
and twist off the feet.
Make sure to save all that,
sssllurrrpp, succulent meat.
Last off’s the marrow
de la moelle épinière.
Get every last drop,
And let sit in stale air.
858 · Sep 2013
My cover is worn
J McDevitt Sep 2013
I am a scarecrow unlabeled
hiding in the corn.
And there are miles of sky
from under which
this land like water flows.
It is my blanket and my goal
for out their no one calls the shots.
But driving endlessly to find that end
seems a futile dream.
There is not a place within this world
where tall or short, black or white,
comes to mean nothing.
The wheels from my Chevy
have rotted off in search,
chassis sunken into the ground.
I know that brand name
caused a spark to tag a word to me,
But I am forced to be
this crippled soldier
in this world of certainty.
850 · Jul 2013
All Tied Up
J McDevitt Jul 2013
He enters. A stiff morning jowl
can be heard clicking.
And, in early grievance,
the second man’s clock speeds its ticking.
He lies lulling himself (lamenting)
while lockjaw bends down,
knees cracking.
Behind the fold that blinds the floored man
a “D” engrained from cigarette ads,
After smell of the first’s wafts over.
An emphysemic growl is left ringing
on the ground; tumultuous hacking
kicks in like the cops that reside down in Brixton.  
Wheeze, hack, and cough, and cough. And cough.
(Silence) bearing down from the **** erectus
leads Remington to the Clark of the floored man’s
pounding chest.
Rest, rest; he tries to protest, but the cavalry
can’t hear his signs of duress.
And now slitting wrists, from inside the veins;
the invisible smoker never could be restrained.
835 · Sep 2013
Lady Liberty
J McDevitt Sep 2013
Effulgent, she stands in the stands and demands
for her rights that were ripped from her calloused red hands
but calamity falls and hits down like a gavel
and the thread from her dress gets pulled and unraveled.
Her serpentine body, verdant til plucked
from the branches she clings to and prays for good luck.
The hyenas, voracious, yapping volubly
at her ankles while she tries and tries to scream, but
nothing comes out and she feels her bough become friable
she knows that these fiends wont be held liable
dropping contumacious only made her life worse
hit in the face he cursed and then hurt her
she burst in tears, ‘******!’
Hoping they’d stop, but they only went further
and nobody heard her.
No superman hiding til he’s plucky enough.
No Samaritan testing to see if he’s got the guts.
Now brittle she’s turned, but only physically;
She’s still adamant inside, strong mentally.
A couple months go by and one day she realizes
she’s not alone alive.
And forced to be together to survive,
she decides to take both of their lives.
I wish I could say
all those men were put away,
but they ran and ran for days.
Gone, and without a sound they stayed.
And now she’s
6 feet underground today.
827 · Feb 2015
J McDevitt Feb 2015
Radiator creaks like the aching hull of an ancient ship.
The sea pulled across and alongside its' mouth by drivers yearning sleep.
The grey provides the sea, but shows no interest, has no tell.
So the swell ebbs, flows, subsides - unsure until it goes.
There is but one view, if you can make it out through the mist, of other towers, masts stiff, breaking through the surf.
No one else seems to care to look, nor try to break the scene.
And ships stay still like rocky cliffs until they're worn away.
772 · Jul 2013
J McDevitt Jul 2013
Winds bellowed angry hymns
but braving choirs she stood,
In the monastery with windows broken
inside the monk’s dark hood.

The shattered blues, sunny golden,
colored glass lay hidden, choken.
Gasless cars lay indisposed,
stuck in quicksand; growing cold.

Blood ****** in blackest charcoal night
and empty tanks lie heavy in the heart.
761 · Sep 2013
Le Troisième Amant
J McDevitt Sep 2013
The sandy floor lies a foot below
where air and water meet.
And salty mist,
like an awkward first kiss,
lies hesitant, inbetween.

Slowly they touch,
and mix on collision,
to a drummer’s beat
and it’s rhythmic rhythm.
Faster, it goes,
As both move in waves.
And back in,
to mix again,
with the salty mist they crave.

I am the sea;
the endless, motionless,
living vastness
that surrounds and
740 · Jun 2013
Express Less
J McDevitt Jun 2013
You hate me with love,
And yet, and yet
It seems the heavy is the latter.
But how can I tell when you wear green
In a forest of pines.
The see-through skies,
confined by miners' windbag,
leads a thoroughbred
to a puddle
of muddy sand.
Do you, darling,
680 · Sep 2013
3 AM
J McDevitt Sep 2013
Freight rumbles by
While sweat drips down
And the crackle of a speaker
Still sounds;
Echoing through the tunnel.
A body turns, fidgets, moves
And itches with the heat.
The feet they tap
And dance with boredom
Wishing *** had a seat.
A woman leaning upon a beam
Aggravated by beads from pores
Moves to take a walk, it seems,
But soon she leans some more.
Too hot to move, til a breeze is felt
Coming down the rails
A beam of light, first one than two
And not freight, but silver and blue.
The cool air flows like whiskey at a funeral
Sour, but necessary, to make it through the ride;
And you sleep through stops instead of wondering who the hell had died.
Thumbnail clippings float down the car from conversations had:
Comfy chairs, squatter’s nation, opiates, and ***** mags.
Subtle "sorry"s linger in stale air from bumps that people make
While ******* suits, stiff as cadavers, snoot and snivel of mindless drivel
And look around in shame.
638 · Nov 2013
Siren's Warf
J McDevitt Nov 2013
There’s nothing like a G&T;
at 12:43 in the morning.
It seems strange to think
that one thinks
to see such a thing boring.
And yet I’m sure there’s a lot,
to be frank,
but that ship’s already sailed
and it too has sank.
Vincent claimed the wagon too small
so we stowed it away in the hull.
Now ***, bourbon, brandy…
scotch, beer and all
are sailing to Davey
at young Siren’s call.
But, prepared with these blocks
of cinder and dust,
crew heads down below
dragged by full frontal lust.
There’s nothing like a G&T;
at 12:45 in the morning.
It seems strange to think
that one thinks
to set off such a warning.
J McDevitt Jul 2013
Welcome to Marlboro Country
smokestacks leave a dreary,
grey encrusted sky.
Lead envelopes the haze
as silver lining to a cloud.
And all the tiny puppets
line up and take their turn,
flying high through the smog,
twirling and spinning
but land disheveled;
And get in line again.  

They watch from tall windows,
each a suit and a grin,
their malevolent faces
show thoughts from within.
Wealth over health over morals over
Greed even trumps their daughters’ last
519 · Sep 2013
J McDevitt Sep 2013
With miles to go before I sleep
and sounds around rise from the deep;
If I heard them should I keep
the memories from haunting?
And as the grey rolls into black
can you see white hiding in the back?
The foundation that lets us hold fast
and gives the hope to make it last.  
I see faces in the pages,
jumbled, between line spaces.
Hallucinations become engrained in
my vision
while I listen to the clack of chalk
spat from fingers,
and thoughts
491 · Jun 2013
J McDevitt Jun 2013
Plucking petals she pathologically pulls
While walking where nighttime once had skies filled
And drowns deep her sorrow unto her mind fixed
And picks up a rabbit whose neck she does twist.

Drains his blood which drips down her throat
And feels free from her fix for fear and woe.
So plants her a seed and prays silent for growth
Til seasons pass by and from ground flower shows;

Where she plucks all the petals and kills once again
To add to her list all the sins she has sinned.
479 · Sep 2013
J McDevitt Sep 2013
It’s funny how things come to be
(I dreamt daily of her swollen *******)
Yet drones lay heavy-hearted
on bills left to collect.  
Sure oil slicks slip down
through gates clogged with trash;
(her nervous laughs rang in my head)
Yet with end is where it lasts.
Tomorrow maybe I’ll drop by
and scrape the surface clean,
it seems better when you don’t see
(Yet I still meet her in my dreams).
476 · Feb 2014
J McDevitt Feb 2014
French love
stolen from cobbled
streets at night,
ground up
and stuck in grain.
Below wine, above glass,
and swallowed
It’s hard to forget
such great simplicity;
this wine holds my lips
which has more to say
than you and me.
At night I dream
of how the cork
would have smelled,
if only I’d had the strength
to pry it free.
413 · Feb 2015
J McDevitt Feb 2015
I can't sleep again
that neural itch.
A tangled web of thought-streams
running like passing bullet trains
only to
spring back
on the knots they've made
and sleep lays caught in the net like a fish;
Still floundering til at last it gives.
I wish I could smoke.
Something about watching it curl...
like an entity climbing upon itself as it grows.
A fading vine accelerated into visible motion,
its' only support itself.
I wish I could hold onto some things that way.
Nothing stains quite like years of smoke,
nothing seeps in quite as well.
But for support of hidden creatures at my feet
I'd surely curl the same,
but never stick since blown out
the window
again and again.
329 · Feb 2015
J McDevitt Feb 2015
Skipping over stars like they were stones,
bones wrought under flesh like iron.
One missed stepped would seem to be
one less opportunity desired.

— The End —