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J McDevitt Jul 2013
Winds bellowed angry hymns
but braving choirs she stood,
In the monastery with windows broken
inside the monk’s dark hood.

The shattered blues, sunny golden,
colored glass lay hidden, choken.
Gasless cars lay indisposed,
stuck in quicksand; growing cold.

Blood ****** in blackest charcoal night
and empty tanks lie heavy in the heart.
J McDevitt Jul 2013
Symmetry to a note
that flies further than a fifth
soaring through aircraft cables
lined on doors of oak and thick.

Wine wastes our time
staining the vessels into energetic
and stinging feet into comfortable numbness.

It sighs but resides on the purple lips
of the woman across
and the butternutty smoothness of her
exquisite paired squash.
J McDevitt Jul 2013
Welcome to Marlboro Country
smokestacks leave a dreary,
grey encrusted sky.
Lead envelopes the haze
as silver lining to a cloud.
And all the tiny puppets
line up and take their turn,
flying high through the smog,
twirling and spinning
but land disheveled;
And get in line again.  

They watch from tall windows,
each a suit and a grin,
their malevolent faces
show thoughts from within.
Wealth over health over morals over
Greed even trumps their daughters’ last
J McDevitt Jun 2013
You hate me with love,
And yet, and yet
It seems the heavy is the latter.
But how can I tell when you wear green
In a forest of pines.
The see-through skies,
confined by miners' windbag,
leads a thoroughbred
to a puddle
of muddy sand.
Do you, darling,
J McDevitt Jun 2013
Deep inside the heart collides
With the majesty that is the sun.
And polyps grow on feet below -
Where the grandeur is forced to shun.

Grey gritty gravel gets jammed
Between my toes,
And flies through a rolled up twenty
To stay wedged far in my nose.

If sinus’s are clogged like pours,
Scratched by a Cheetos finger,
The rocks get stuck and Id mocks
While the crush starts to linger;

Numbs the cavity where inside lives
A thousand hungry hippies
Sitting still until they see
A cloud up on a water lily.

So set out to feed their queen bee
Whom lives inside the skull
(And) demands, commands, yearns and pleads
To feel that numbing null.
J McDevitt Jun 2013
Plucking petals she pathologically pulls
While walking where nighttime once had skies filled
And drowns deep her sorrow unto her mind fixed
And picks up a rabbit whose neck she does twist.

Drains his blood which drips down her throat
And feels free from her fix for fear and woe.
So plants her a seed and prays silent for growth
Til seasons pass by and from ground flower shows;

Where she plucks all the petals and kills once again
To add to her list all the sins she has sinned.
J McDevitt Jun 2013
With miles to go before I sleep
and sounds around risen from the deep;
If I heard them, should I keep
the memories from haunting?

And as the grey rolls into black,
can you see the white hiding in the back?
The foundation that let’s us hold fast
and gives the hope to make it last.  

I see faces in the pages
jumbled between line spaces.
Hallucinations become engrained in
my vision while I listen

to the clack of chalk
spat from fingers
and thoughts
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