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J H Webb Jun 2012
You've just been born
And soon you'll be buried
you barely have time to have a child
and get married

Mistakes they will happen
in the blink of an eye
leaving tricky situations
that will last 'til you die

But don't shudder
don't shake
don't fear your mistakes
each one is a gift
you will learn how to take

You will grow and recover
live to make still another
and laugh 'til your tears make you cry

The hard part is learning good-bye.
J H Webb Jun 2012
How I wish we didn't have to be here
How I wish this nightmare would end
How I wish I could see Andy walking
With his mother and holding her hand

How I wish all the love he inspired
That now lives in the tears we all cry
Had the strength and the power to raise him
To stand at his proud father's side  

How I wish I could say he's out playing
With some bugs he found on the street
And he'll be here soon, any minute now
Running fast on fast growing feet

How I wish I could find words to tell you
The sorrow I feel in my heart
How I wish there was some way to comfort
The lives that have been torn apart

How I wish that I had the power
To change that one tragic day
But none of us can that's for certain
No matter how hard we all pray

So all I can do is mourn with you
And help you however I can
To remember the love and the beauty
Contained in that one little man

To remind you how lucky we all were
To have had him in our lives for a while
To cherish each moment he gave us
And to hold in our hearts every smile

For now Andy lives on in our memories
And we should use those memories wise
To enjoy every moment of living
And to live like that innocent child
My great nephew, Andy, was killed in a car accident at the young and innocent age of 8. I was requested to give the eulogy and this is a poem I wrote on route to the funeral that I read as part of his eulogy.
J H Webb Jun 2018
12:25 AM 2018-06-28

I heard rumours that you didn't love me anymore
So I went out dancing with a chintzy little *****
It didn't make me feel better in anyway at all
I just can't get used to how you never call

My friends say that I should just put the past behind
Rumours are that you found yourself another guy
Rumours can **** you if you listen to them all
I just can't get used to how you never call

I'm sorry for being a man so incomplete
Never understood why you thought you had to leave
Never could  get over the heartbreak of it all
I just can't get used to how you never call

You're in a another province. You're in another state.
You're in another time zone. The hour's getting late.
I know that I should text you why do my fingers fall?
I just can't get used to how you never call

J. H. Webb
140 · Dec 2018
The Beginning
J H Webb Dec 2018
Soft, alive and wandering
The sound that hits the shore
Moves her world around in it
And beats a quiet roar

Worlds of bathing light she sees
Vibrating through the haze
The pressure and the feel of it
A comfort to be praised

Everywhere the shimmering sound
That is all she knows of life
Held within her mother's womb
So far and free from strife

Softly as a whisper will
It lands upon her eyes
Her mind feeds on sensations
As endless as the skies

James H. Webb
J H Webb Jul 2014
When a bond is made it can never be undone
That is why your heart is always on the run
But I'll always be in your mind in some way
And always a part of your each and every day

You think love is hollow but it's solid as a stone
It's as light as an angel and as heavy as a groan
It travels it's own path but it never strays
It's always a part of your each and every day

Don't complain or pretend you don't know what I mean
I know I'm still in your heart, just not in your dreams
I've became part of what you breathe and what you say
And I'll always be part of your each and everyday

You can run and take cover but it's no good to hide
Those memories that exist are too deep for pride
Mean words and cruel gestures won't keep it at bay
No, it will always be a part of your each and every day
129 · May 2020
The Front Line
J H Webb May 2020
Lying sick in a clean white bed
Staring out from behind a mask
"Are you the last person I'll ever see"
That's what their eyes seem to ask
And I can't answer those eyes truly
I can only hope and pray "No"
But I know I can't say for certain
Yet I can’t let my sadness show

It's a hard job, for sure, that I signed up for
But it’s something I never regret
And the few happy moments I share with them
Are the times I’ll never forget

Doesn't matter if their family's far away
Or waiting just outside in the hall
You know no one wants to be alone
When they're feeling so weak and small
So, I do my best to comfort them
In any way that I can find
But there’s so many others to care for
And these days there’s so little time

It's a hard job, for sure, that I signed up for
But it’s something I never regret
And the few happy moments I share with them
Are the times I’ll never forget

Oh, I'm not always brave and yes I cry
When their battle is lost and they're gone
But I don’t have the time to linger
So I make the bed and move on

James H. Webb
128 · Jun 2012
I'm Sorry
J H Webb Jun 2012
April 22, 1990*

I saw everything and yet I choose to turn away
I didn't mean to leave you though hurting in this way
Everything was as I planned but nothing was
as I wanted it to be - I'm sorry

The Speaker of the truth somehow is still a part of me
But with a pain so hard to bear it kills the honesty
I didn't think I deserved your love so I pushed you
far away from me - I'm sorry.

When I met you stars came out for all the world to see
I knew at once that you were meant to be a part of me
I didn't know though how to give or how to
let love simply be - I'm sorry.

Now your gone the stars attack the smallest tears in me
and rip away the fabric there, that covers where I bleed
They shine their light upon my pain for all the world
to see inside of me - I'm sorry.
127 · Dec 2019
J H Webb Dec 2019
12:47 AM 2019-12-07

She is so many colours
She is so many moods
She is so many flavours
Blended through and through
She's a taste you can't imagine
But it's one you can't resist
And if you turned the other way
You'd never know what you had missed

So you climb the Eiffel tower
Or Babel or Dubai
And you shout about the moment
True love came your way
About the soul that mated
With your own soul so well
That if there was a seam there
I swear no one could tell

And you feel it's something special
You' re holding in your heart
Not even God in heaven
Could pull you two apart
Yet you're afraid the slightest shiver
Could bring the whole thing down
You feel you don't deserve a love
So deep and so profound

She is so many colours
She is so many moods
She is so many flavours
Blended through and through
She's a taste you can't imagine
But it's one you can't resist
And if you turned the other way
You'd never know what you had missed

James H. Webb
124 · May 2020
J H Webb May 2020
As tense as any madness - that any war could bring
The unseen little soldiers - are gathered in the ring
Goliath swings and misses - and goes into overdrive
So many get infected and - too many don't survive

Up in your ivory tower - where you are the disease
There the greed within you - allows this one to breathe
Did you think it wouldn't reach you - did you think it wouldn't dare?
When you're screaming like the rest of us, we'll see if you don't care

They trusted you with power - that never comes for free
You never do the right things - I don't know how you sleep
Every precious moment you waste means more will die
And all you "ordain" to offer us - is contradicting lies

The world has changed around us - so we can't remain the same
The world has changed around us - and yes, we are to blame
The world has changed around us – and not just climate change
The world has changed around us - but the rich man gains again

We have to clean more “cleanly” we have to fly more less
We have to listen more to what people mean and not just guess
We have to join together or we won't make it out alive.
We have to open up our hearts and open up our eyes

You have to question everything. Put big truths to the test.
Before you wave your flags and banners and claim you are the best
You've fallen down the rabbit hole of believing what you choose
You need to choose believing only what is proved

James H. Webb
114 · Jun 2012
Why is it?
J H Webb Jun 2012
Why is it that so many women
don't seem to realize
That men who have a love of fear
Also have a fear of love
J H Webb Jan 2022
Locked in the labour
of love and loneliness
once forgotten and twice removed
you are the hinge of my nerves
at the edge of my breakdown

Unaware of your power
of touch and smile
you back away and close behind
something forgotten, tied to my heart
tears away and bleeds.

James H. Webb
98 · May 2019
Gone Before Your Time
J H Webb May 2019
May 27, 2019 9:44 PM

Sometimes when I'm awake at night
And thunder rocks the skies
I remember how you'd hold me
In your arms so I wouldn't cry
I remember how you told me
That you would never leave
And I was so young and foolish then
It was something that I believed

Now I wish that you could hear me
But you are so far gone
(Gone Before Your Time)
You're farther then my memories
Can remember or hold on

Sometimes I wonder how the years
Could have passed so quickly by
Without me realizing that
I would miss you all the time
The things that matter most in life
Are as simple as can be
The quiet walks when we would talk,
Your warmth, and your company

Now I wish that you were with me
But you are so far gone
(Gone Before Your Time)
You're farther then your memories
Will allow you to hold on

Sometimes when I'm awake at night
And thunder rocks the skies
I remember how you'd hold me
And it makes me want to cry
Gone Before Your Time
Gone Before Your Time

James H. Webb
96 · May 2020
A COVID Moment
J H Webb May 2020
1:44 AM 2020-05-06

Patience sat just around the corner
And like a cop it sat just out of sight
But time it flew by without any warning
The earliest morning had become the night

Now, there's things I don't remember
There are things I can't forget
There were times I was proud
There are times I regret
There's things I should have done
And there's things I should have said
Before the moment was gone
Or the feeling was dead

Old age was a mystery when I was young
I couldn't conceive of my life being done
Now youth is the whistle of a far away train
Full of mem'ries and moments that won't come again

And there's things I don't remember
There are things I can't forget
There were times I was proud
There are times I regret
There's things I should have done
and there's things I should have said
Before the moment was gone
or the feeling was dead

Now I sit all alone in my COVID corner
Two metres away from the touch of a hand
The tide rushes in and then back to the ocean
Relations are born and wash away in the sand

James H. Webb

— The End —